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Commonalities & Differences In Project Management Around the World

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1 Commonalities & Differences In Project Management Around the World
ISGI-Groupe ESC Lille: 3rd International Workshop August 25-29, 2003 Commonalities & Differences In Project Management Around the World A Survey of Project Categories and Life Cycles Russell D. Archibald & Vladimir Voropaev Archibald & Voropaev

2 Purpose of This Survey To encourage global agreement on:
Definition of basic project categories & sub-categories in common use for essentially all types of projects Identification & definition of life cycles in use for each project category To identify differences in these areas so that these can be understood and minimized

3 Presentation Outline A Global Vision: PM Practices
Systematic Model of Project Management Proposed Project Categories/Sub-Categories Life Cycles for Various Categories Survey Questionnaire and Conduct Next Steps

4 1. A Vision of Global Project Management Practices
Widely used set of concepts, methods, systems and tools High degree of uniformity and understanding across economic, cultural & political boundaries Enabling broad collaboration with minimum conflict Interchangeable managers & specialists

5 2. Systematic Model of Project Management
The following figure is from Voropaev et al, “Systematic Model of Project Management,” presented at the 17th IPMA World Congress 2003 in Moscow


7 This Survey Focuses On:
Managed Objects: Projects and Programs Life cycle phases of projects

8 Projects: Are the common denominator for all aspects of project management Exist in many sizes & types Produce many different products & results

9 Required Analytical Framework
Systematic grouping into defined categories and sub-categories Many possible classification schemes Most practical scheme reflects the products of the projects at the first levels of classification

10 3. Proposed Major Categories of Projects
Aerospace/Defense Business & Organizational Change Projects Communication Systems Projects Event Projects Facilities Projects Information Systems International Development Media & Entertainment Product/Service Development Research & Dev.

11 Other Major Categories May Be Required
See Table 1 in the paper Survey will determine how practical and complete these recommended categories are Further breakdown is obviously required A few examples follow

12 Examples Project Categories:
Each having similar life cycle phases and a unique project management process Examples 1. Aerospace/Defense Projects 1.1 Defense systems 1.2 Space 1.3 Military operations New weapon system; major system upgrade. Satellite development/launch; space station mod. Task force invasion 2. Business & Organization Change Projects 2.1 Acquisition/Merger 2.2 Management process improvement 2.3 New business venture 2.4 Organization re-structuring 2.5 Legal proceeding Acquire and integrate competing company. Major improvement in project management. Form and launch new company. Consolidate divisions and downsize company. Major litigation case. 3. Communication Systems Projects 3.1 Network communications systems 3.2 Switching communications systems Microwave communications network. 3rd generation wireless communication system. 4. Event Projects 4.1 International events 4.2 National events 2004 Summer Olympics; 2006 World Cup Match. 2005 U. S. Super Bowl; 2004 Political Conventions. 5. Facilities Projects 5.1 Facility decommissioning 5.2 Facility demolition 5.3 Facility maintenance and modification 5.4 Facility design/procurement/construction Civil Energy Environmental High rise Industrial Commercial Residential Ships Closure of nuclear power station. Demolition of high rise building. Process plant maintenance turnaround. Conversion of plant for new products/markets. Flood control dam; highway interchange. New gas-fired power generation plant; pipeline. Chemical waste cleanup. 40 story office building. New manufacturing plant. New shopping center; office building. New housing sub-division. New tanker, container, or passenger ship 6. Information Systems (Software) Projects New project management information system. (Information system hardware is considered to be in the product development category.) 7. International Development Projects 7.1 Agriculture/rural development 7.2 Education 7.3 Health 7.4 Nutrition 7.5 Population 7.6 Small-scale enterprise 7.7 Infrastructure: energy (oil, gas, coal, power generation and distribution), industrial, telecommunications, transportation, urbanization, water supply and sewage, irrigation) People and process intensive projects in developing countries funded by The World Bank, regional development banks, US AID, UNIDO, other UN, and government agencies; and Capital/civil works intensive projects— often somewhat different from 5. Facility Projects as they may include, as part of the project, creating an organizational entity to operate and maintain the facility, and lending agencies impose their project life cycle and reporting requirements. 8. Media & Entertainment Projects 8.1 Motion picture 8.2 TV segment 8.2 Live play or music event New motion picture (film or digital). New TV episode. New opera premiere. 9. Product and Service Development Projects 9.1 Information technology hardware 9.2 Industrial product/process 9.3 Consumer product/process 9.4 Pharmaceutical product/process 9.5 Service (financial, other) New desk-top computer. New earth-moving machine. New automobile, new food product. New cholesterol-lowering drug. New life insurance/annuity offering. 10. Research and Development Projects 10.1 Environmental 10.2 Industrial 10.3 Economic development 10.4 Medical 10.5 Scientific Measure changes in the ozone layer. How to reduce pollutant emission. Determine best crop for sub-Sahara Africa. Test new treatment for breast cancer. Determine the possibility of life on Mars. 11. Other Categories?

13 Sub-Categories Are Required
One example: Business & Organization Change Projects: Acquisition/merger Management process improvement New business venture Organization re-structuring Legal proceeding Other: ?

14 Example: Category 5. Facilities Projects
Subcategories: Facility decommissioning Facility demolition Facility maintenance & modification Facility design/procure/construct 1.Civil 2.Energy 3.Environmental 4.Industrial 5.Commercial 6.Residential 7.Ships 8.Other: Other: ?

15 Categories Are Not Mutually Exclusive
Programs and large projects usually involve more than one category or sub-category These projects are placed in their predominate category Must “Mega” projects be treated separately? Probably: yes

16 Classifying Within Categories & Sub-Categories
Project size Project complexity External or internal customer Degree of customer involvement Levels of risk Other:

17 Classifying Within Categories (Cont’d)
Major & minor projects Mega projects: not categorizable Stand-alone versus create supporting infrastructure Standard versus transitional Other: ?

18 Commonalities & Differences: A Framework for Analysis
Define appropriate project categories and sub-categories Identify life cycles within each of these Identify PM practices & tools in use by life cycle phase within various regions or countries

19 4. Life Cycles: Searching for Common Processes
Life cycle definition enables: All involved persons to understand the processes to be used Capture of best experience Assignment of responsibilities Repetition of success Important starting point in our search for common processes

20 Generic Life Cycle Phases
General agreement on four generic life cycle phases: Concept Definition Execution Closeout However these are too broad for our purposes

21 Designing Life Cycles: Phases and Decision Points
Three basic design parameters: Number and definitions of phases/sub-phases Whether sequential or overlapping, once-through or re-cycling, predictive or adaptive Number and placement of decision points (approvals, go/kill, go/hold, go back)

22 Basic Life Cycle Model Types
Predictive Most common Generic, waterfall, other Adaptive/heuristic Incremental build Short-term cycles Evolutionary

23 Life Cycle Models Differ by Category
Different project categories (and sub-categories) often require very different life cycle designs Incomplete literature search produced list shown in Table 2 of our paper

24 Examples of Predictive Life Cycles
Generic/Standard: Concept, definition, execution, closeout Waterfall: Generic with overlapping, more detailed phases Cyclical (when number is known) Spiral

25 Examples of Adaptive Life Cycle Models
Adaptive Software Development/ASD: Component based, iterative time-boxed cycles, risk-driven, change tolerant Extreme Programming/XP: Programming in pairs, teams include managers & users, each team codes & tests, fluid cost & schedule SCRUM: Iterative 30 day sprints, short daily meetings (scrums), several small teams Source: Desaulniers & Anderson 2002

26 Extreme Programming/XP
“A cooperative style of software development promises to deliver better applications — on time and on budget.” PC Magazine, Feb. 25, 2003 p. 68 For helpful links, see “Extreme Programming Resources” at

27 NASA “Process Based Mission Assurance Program Life Cycle”
Program Management Concept Development Acquisition Hardware Design Software Design Manufacturing Pre-Operations Integration & Test Operations

28 Information Systems Life Cycle Examples
Desaulniers & Anderson 2002: Predictive (waterfall, prototyping, rapid application development/RAD, incremental build) Adaptive (ASD, XP, SCRUM) Whitten 1995: Code and fix, waterfall, incremental, interative

29 Product & Service Development Life Cycle Examples
Cooper & Kleinschmidt 1993: Stage-Gate Process Model Thamhain 2000: Phase-Gate Model Murphy 1989: Pharmaceutical Model

30 Stage-Gate Model

31 5. Global Survey: Project Categories & Sub-Categories
Purpose: To determine: If such a concept is used & if so how common it is around the world Whether the recommended categories are used or useful What additions or changes are needed What are the common practices in further classification within sub-categories

32 Global Survey: Project Life Cycles Within Categories
Purpose: To determine for each category/sub-category within each country: Which of the listed life cycles are in use Whether other life cycles are used, & if so their names and references How the life cycle models are used and the benefits they produce

33 Conducting the Survey The questionnaire is available on-line at Completed questionnaires are to be completed on-line prior to November 1st, 2003

34 Project Categories Survey
Enter These Codes for Each Item in Table 1: U – Universally accepted and used W – Widely accepted and used A – Accepted and used by some R – Rarely accepted and used N – Never accepted or used ALT – Alternative term used as noted

35 Project Categories Survey (Cont’d)
Questions: Useful to have an agreed list of project categories? Why? What other classification systems are in use? What subordinate classifications are used?

36 Project Life Cycle Survey Codes – Each Category
SEQ – Sequential WF – Waterfall Model PAR – Parallel CYC – Cyclical Spir – Spiral INCR - Incremental ITER – Iterative ADAP – Adaptive GATE – Stage-Gate CFIX – Code and fix Spec – Special (describe)

37 Project Life Cycle Survey - Other Information
Number of life cycle phases Number of decision points Additional comments ….for each project category listed in Table 2 plus any that have been added by the respondent

38 Project Life Cycle Survey
Questions: Useful to have an agreed list of project life cycle types? Why? List any other life cycle models or type that you know are in use, with descriptions or references. Any other comments or suggestions

39 Promoting the Survey ISGI Workshop participants are invited to respond — and encourage their colleagues to do the same The survey is being publicized through appropriate PM associations around the world — primarily using the Internet and Web

40 Inducements To Complete the Survey
Respondents will receive a complete copy of the survey report Their names will be listed in the report (if desired) They will have the satisfaction of having contributed to the advancement of the project management profession

41 6. Next Steps Survey conduct: June — October
Compilation of results and preparation of the survey report: Sept.— December Release of final report: December 31, 2003 Presentation of results at the 18th IPMA World Congress in Budapest June 2004

42 Download this paper & complete the on-line survey questionnaire at:
The site, paper & questionnaire are available in English & Spanish

43 Volunteers Welcome! We would like to have a survey leader within each country to promote the widest possible participation Please contact us: Russ Archibald: Vladimir Voropaev:

44 Your Feedback Is Requested!
ISGI-Groupe ESC Lille: 3rd International Workshop August 25-29, 2003 Your Feedback Is Requested! Thank you for listening Please complete the on-line survey questionnaire prior to November 1st Please give us your comments or suggestions on the survey Is this worth all the effort? Archibald & Voropaev

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