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1 Question-Answering via the Web: the AskMSR System Note: these viewgraphs were originally developed by Professor Nick Kushmerick, University College Dublin,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Question-Answering via the Web: the AskMSR System Note: these viewgraphs were originally developed by Professor Nick Kushmerick, University College Dublin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Question-Answering via the Web: the AskMSR System Note: these viewgraphs were originally developed by Professor Nick Kushmerick, University College Dublin, Ireland. These copies are intended only for use for review in ICS 278.

2 2 Question-Answering Users want answers, not documents Databases Information Retrieval Information Extraction Question Answering Intelligent Personal Electronic Librarian Active research over the past few years, coordinated by US government “TREC” competitions Recent intense interest from security services (“What is Bin Laden’s bank account number?”)

3 3 Question-Answering on the Web Web = a potentially enormous “data set” for data mining –e.g., >8 billion Web pages indexed by Google Example: AskMSR Web question answering system –“answer mining” Users pose relatively simple questions –E.g., “who killed Abraham Lincoln”? Simple parsing used to reformulate as a “template answer” Search engine results used to find answers (redundancy helps) System is surprisingly accurate (on simple questions) Key contributor to system success is massive data (rather than better algorithms) –References: Dumais et al, 2002: Web question answering: is more always better? In Proceedings of SIGIR'02

4 4 AskMSR Web Question Answering: Is More Always Better? –Dumas, Bank, Brill, Lin, Ng (Microsoft, MIT, Berkeley) Q: “Where is the Louvre located?” Want “Paris” or “France” or “75058 Paris Cedex 01” or a map Don’t just want URLs Lecture 5 Adapted from: COMP-4016 ~ Computer Science Department ~ University College Dublin ~ ~ © Nicholas Kushmerick 2002

5 5 “Traditional” approach (Straw man?) Traditional deep natural-language processing approach –Full parse of documents and question –Rich knowledge of vocabulary, cause/effect, common sense, enables sophisticated semantic analysis E.g., in principle this answers the “who killed Lincoln?” question: The non-Canadian, non-Mexican president of a North American country whose initials are AL and who was killed by John Wilkes booth died ten revolutions of the earth around the sun after 1855.

6 6 AskMSR: Shallow approach Just ignore those documents, and look for ones like this instead:

7 7 AskMSR: Details 1 2 3 4 5

8 8 Step 1: Rewrite queries Intuition: The user’s question is often syntactically quite close to sentences that contain the answer –Where is the Louvre Museum located? –The Louvre Museum is located in Paris –Who created the character of Scrooge? –Charles Dickens created the character of Scrooge.

9 9 Query rewriting Classify question into seven categories –Who is/was/are/were…? –When is/did/will/are/were …? –Where is/are/were …? a. Category-specific transformation rules eg “For Where questions, move ‘is’ to all possible locations” “Where is the Louvre Museum located”  “is the Louvre Museum located”  “the is Louvre Museum located”  “the Louvre is Museum located”  “the Louvre Museum is located”  “the Louvre Museum located is” (Paper does not give full details!) b. Expected answer “Datatype” (eg, Date, Person, Location, …) When was the French Revolution?  DATE Hand-crafted classification/rewrite/datatype rules (Could they be automatically learned?) Nonsense, but who cares? It’s only a few more queries to Google.

10 10 Query Rewriting - weights One wrinkle: Some query rewrites are more reliable than others +“the Louvre Museum is located” Where is the Louvre Museum located? Weight 5 if we get a match, it’s probably right +Louvre +Museum +located Weight 1 Lots of non-answers could come back too

11 11 Step 2: Query search engine Throw all rewrites to a Web-wide search engine Retrieve top N answers (100?) For speed, rely just on search engine’s “snippets”, not the full text of the actual document

12 12 Step 3: Mining N-Grams Unigram, bigram, trigram, … N-gram: list of N adjacent terms in a sequence Eg, “Web Question Answering: Is More Always Better” –Unigrams: Web, Question, Answering, Is, More, Always, Better –Bigrams: Web Question, Question Answering, Answering Is, Is More, More Always, Always Better –Trigrams: Web Question Answering, Question Answering Is, Answering Is More, Is More Always, More Always Betters

13 13 Mining N-Grams Simple: Enumerate all N-grams (N=1,2,3 say) in all retrieved snippets Use hash table and other fancy footwork to make this efficient Weight of an n-gram: occurrence count, each weighted by “reliability” (weight) of rewrite that fetched the document Example: “Who created the character of Scrooge?” –Dickens - 117 –Christmas Carol - 78 –Charles Dickens - 75 –Disney - 72 –Carl Banks - 54 –A Christmas - 41 –Christmas Carol - 45 –Uncle - 31

14 14 Step 4: Filtering N-Grams Each question type is associated with one or more “data-type filters” = regular expression When… Where… What … Who … Boost score of n-grams that do match regexp Lower score of n-grams that don’t match regexp Details omitted from paper…. Date Location Person

15 15 Step 5: Tiling the Answers Dickens Charles Dickens Mr Charles Scores 20 15 10 merged, discard old n-grams Mr Charles Dickens Score 45 N-Grams tile highest-scoring n-gram N-Grams Repeat, until no more overlap

16 16 Experiments Used the TREC-9 standard query data set Standard performance metric: MRR –Systems give “top 5 answers” –Score = 1/R, where R is rank of first right answer –1: 1; 2: 0.5; 3: 0.33; 4: 0.25; 5: 0.2; 6+: 0

17 17 Results [summary] Standard TREC contest test-bed: ~1M documents; 900 questions E.g., “who is president of Bolivia” E.g., “what is the exchange rate between England and the US” Technique doesn’t do too well (though would have placed in top 9 of ~30 participants!) –MRR = 0.262 (ie, right answered ranked about #4-#5) –Why? Because it relies on the enormity of the Web! Using the Web as a whole, not just TREC’s 1M documents… MRR = 0.42 (ie, on average, right answer is ranked about #2-#3)

18 18 Example Question: what is the longest word in the English language? –Answer = pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (!) –Answered returned by AskMSR: 1: “1909 letters long” 2: the correct answer above 3: “screeched” (longest 1-syllable word in English)

19 19 Open Issues In many scenarios (eg, monitoring Bin Laden’s email) we only have a small set of documents! Works best/only for “Trivial Pursuit”-style fact- based questions Limited/brittle repertoire of –question categories –answer data types/filters –query rewriting rules

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