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Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 1 The International Linear Collider Brian Foster Oxford The Global Design Effort European GDE ILC Spain Gandia 4/12/05 ILC parameters Current status of the crucial design elements & BCD status Summary & outlook - immediate & beyond
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 2 ILC Parameters E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 3 The ILC schematic Superconducting RF Main Linac
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 4 GDE –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.) B. Barish is Director, assisted by 3 regional directors: BF (Europe); F. Takasaki (Asia); G. Dugan (Americas)
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 5 Snowmass 670 Scientists attended two week workshop at Snowmass
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 6 GDE – Staffing Chris Adolphsen, SLAC Jean-Luc Baldy, CERN Philip Bambade, LAL, Orsay Barry Barish, Caltech Wilhelm Bialowons, DESY Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway Jim Brau, University of Oregon Karsten Buesser, DESY Elizabeth Clements, Fermilab Michael Danilov, ITEP Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN, Gerald Dugan, Cornell University Atsushi Enomoto, KEK Brian Foster, Oxford University Warren Funk, JLAB Jie Gao, IHEP Terry Garvey, LAL-IN2P3 Hitoshi Hayano, KEK Tom Himel, SLAC Bob Kephart, Fermilab Eun San Kim, Pohang Acc Lab Hyoung Suk Kim, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF Vic Kuchler, Fermilab Lutz Lilje, DESY Tom Markiewicz, SLAC David Miller, Univ College of London Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab Youhei Morita, KEK Olivier Napoly, CEA-Saclay Hasan Padamsee, Cornell University Carlo Pagani, DESY Nan Phinney, SLAC Dieter Proch, DESY Pantaleo Raimondi, INFN Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC Francois Richard, LAL-IN2P3 Perrine Royole-Degieux, GDE/LAL Kenji Saito, KEK Daniel Schulte, CERN Tetsuo Shidara, KEK Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute Fumihiko Takasaki, KEK Laurent Jean Tavian, CERN Nobu Toge, KEK Nick Walker, DESY Andy Wolski, LBL Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku Univ Kaoru Yokoya, KEK 49 members Americas 16 Europe 21 Asia 12
GDE Plan & Schedule 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt LHC Physics
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 8 Baseline Concept
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 9 BCD overview Currently the ILC BCD looks like this: BCD Executive - B. Barish, G. Dugan, BF, F. Takasaki, T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, K.Yokoya - has had regular meetings for past three months to prepare the proposed BCD.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 10 Snowmass Baseline AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 2005 Snowmass WW/GG summaries Response to list of 40+ decisions All documented ‘recommendations available on ILC Website (request community feedback) Review by BCD EC BCD EC publishes ‘strawman’ BCD Public Review Frascati GDE meeting BCD Executive Committee: Barish Dugan, Foster, Takasaki Raubenheimer, Yokoya, Walker
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 11 “Strawman” BCD The “strawman” BCD has now been released and can be found at: Parameters for 2*10 34 : min nom max Bunch charge N1 22x10^10 Number of bunchesn b 133028205640 Linac bunch intervalt b 154308461ns Bunch length z 150300 500 m Vertical emittance y IP beta (500GeV) x 102121mm y IP beta (1TeV) x 103030mm y
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 12 BCD & AC cavities SC cavities & associated stuff is cost driver.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 13 BCD & AC cavities What knobs do we have to turn? Relative Cost Gradient MV/m C. Adolphsen (SLAC)
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 14 BCD & AC cavities
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 15 BCD & AC cavities Single cell status
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 16 BCD & AC cavities Single cell status
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 17 BCD & AC cavities 9-cell cavities
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 18 BCD & AC cavities “Strawman” BCD
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 19 Cavity Fabrication Work in progress
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 20 Klystron Fabrication Several suppliers for BCD:
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 21 Damping rings Area in which technology has really advanced
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 22 Damping rings Three candidates emerged from Snowmass:
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 23 Damping rings Pulser development at KEK ATF BCD has 2*6km e +, 6 km e - ; dogbone backup.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 24 How many tunnels? TESLA had 1 - warm design had 2: BCD - 2 tunnels following earth’s curvature
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 25 Roughly in rising/falling order of preference for acc./det. people, (iIR: instrumented IR, nIR: non-instrumented IR) –2 iIRs/ 2 detectors –1 iIR/ 2 detectors (push-pull) + 1 nIR –1 iIR/ 2 detectors (push-pull) –1 iIR/ 1 detector (push-pull capability) –1 iIR/ 1 detector + 1 nIR –1 iIR/ 1 detector How many IRs? If no $ problem, answer clear - 2IPs, 2 det. BCD - 2 IPs shifted.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 26 Test facilities TTF exists at DESY, SMTF (FNAL), STF (KEK): Stimulate SC industry in the regions - collaborate on SC technology
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 27 Test facilities ATF @ KEK has been a great success. Time for further improvement:
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 28 Test facilities Extend ATF to give FF prototype - squeeze down to 35 nm and stabilise to 2 nm.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 29 ILC Communications Launch of New ILC Website @ Snowmass “One Stop Shopping” –electronic data management system (EDMS), news, calendar of events, education and communication
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 30
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 31 European GDE European GDE met in Oxford on 25/10/05. Discussed obviously regional issues: - how to get more resources from inside Europe, in particular the EU; - regional outreach - Europe has particular difficulties & challenges here. The European GDE does NOT discuss the technical issues of the BCD or take up European positions on them - these are matters for the full GDE.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 32 European GDE Two meetings in CERN to explore in particular the similarity between LHC and ILC cryogenics and to utilise CERN expertise, particularly in civil engineering. Very encouraged by the great interest on the ground in CERN in the project, the very constructive and positive meetings we have had and the growing involvement of CERN staff in the ILC.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 33 European GDE JINR/Dubna have written to B. Barish putting forward Dubna as a possible site for the ILC. This would give Europe 3 candidate sites. I will have discussions with A. Sissakian on this at Frascati meeting next week.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 34 Future meetings The Frascati meeting December 7 - 9 will follow the TTC meeting and will begin with a plenary session in which the status of the BCD will be described and the remaining issues that need to be settled in Frascati will be highlighted. The aim is to leave the plenary presentation on Friday evening with an essentially complete BCD that can be documented by the end of this year or very early in 2006.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 35 Next steps Need to put new structures & people in place for next step to RDR. This is already under discussion in Executive and will be outlined at Frascati. Coordinators, new GDE members already designated/being discussed. RDR will take forward the BCD, refine the design and in particular gather industrialisation data in order to form the basis for reliable cost estimate with the RDR.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 36 Next steps The RDR will be produced using a matrix structure of “area systems” and “technical systems” to account for the structure of the project. There will be 3 new boards: Change Control Board; Global R&D Board; Design & Cost Board.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 37 Next steps Possible matrix structure This structure and names to fill it under discussion and further @ Frascati.
Brian Foster - ILC Spain@Gandia 38 Summary The GDE is functioning well. The Baseline Design for the ILC is pretty much complete. Lots of real work is going on as well as the necessary organisation. Frascati will be an important meeting to finalise the BCD and kick-start us into the next RDR phase, which is already taking shape. The ILC is gathering momentum!!!
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