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Introduction to the final demo information logisticsdocument managementprocess modellingproduct modelling ToCEE Towards Concurrent Engineering Environment.

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2 Introduction to the final demo information logisticsdocument managementprocess modellingproduct modelling ToCEE Towards Concurrent Engineering Environment Introduction to the Demonstration

3 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 2 Demonstration is challenging 10 organizations 50 researchers and developers 3.5 years 40 man years 250.000 lines of code 200 megabytes of data 2.500.000 Euro Budget 5 hours to demonstrate

4 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 3 ToCEE is complex Includes topics deserving an ESPRIT project of their own: information logistics process and product modeling document management regulation processing conflict management … Holistic approach Holistic approach to computer integrated construction and concurrent engineering Synergetic effects of all this working together holistic approach !

5 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 4 The story is simple A redesign of a facility Happens all the time in the industry Fast response to client needs is important Opportunity to showcase ToCEE technologies

6 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 5 The facility: Hall 21, Munich Fair

7 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 6 Demo is broken into 5 acts Act 1: Owner wants a change Supporting simultaneous working Act 2: Engineers redesign Collaborative work Act 3: Conflicting solutions Conflict management Act 4: Can it be built? Construction simulation Act 5: Cost benefit analysis Whole life prediction

8 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 7 time Legend: Demonstration roadmap decision to redesign redesign by architect cost benefit analysis analysis of time implications setting up the process management process redesign by structural engineer redesign by foundation expert site preparation analysis simulation of construction activities Act 1 Act 2 Act 4 Act 5 redesign by HVAC engineer conflict resolution Act 3 workflow !

9 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 8 things you can see on screen Most of ToCEE is invisible underlying concepts things you don’t see but you can execute

10 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 9 ToCEE Platform The software client applications process wizzard PtM Browser SofiCAD PAULA CuFIMS SoFiPLUS SoFiSTiK E-mail document browser GWM web browser This is friendly windows software. Lots of good looking screens, menus, buttons …Visible! Visible! project data other data Product Models Process Models Documents Regu- lations This makes it work together: servers, APIs, brokers, adapters … Talk to other software, not to humans. Hidden in the background.Invisible! This makes it work together: servers, APIs, brokers, adapters … Talk to other software, not to humans. Hidden in the background.Invisible!

11 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 10 information logistic services adapter layer ToCEE Platform Application adapter (IL toolkit, ORB, concad) Internet adapter (WWW, Email) EXPRESS adapter (SPF, SDAI) client application layer server plug-in layer project data other data Regulation broker Document mgmt. server Process mgmt. server Product mgmt. server Conflict mgmt. server process wizzard PtM Browser SofiCAD PAULA CuFIMS SoFiPLUS SoFiSTiK E-mail document browser GWM web browser Product Models Process Models Documents Regu- lations Common Request Broker information container

12 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 11 Network infrastructure Multiple servers and clients, Internet Heterogeneous OS Win 3.1, 95, 98, NT, Unix Servers in Dresden information logistics process and product models Servers in Ljubljana regulations Servers in Munich document model Clients in Munich, Genoa, Athens, Helsinki, London Dresden London Helsinki Ljubljana Munich Genoa Athens

13 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 12 Demo organisation live demoslides narration auxiliary slides

14 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 13 Watch for key concepts  Holistic approach putting together different technologies and make them work together  Information container/chunk - glue concept for information information is treated equally, be it as big as a document or small as a product datum  Contractual Workflow - glue concept for people bringing people, their work and information together in a flexible yet legally proper way.

15 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 14 The results synergetic effects of product, process,document and regulation services working together faster flow of information quicker evolution of design alternatives ease of integration of existing CAD programs using toolkits, software components and information brokers

16 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 15 What is new since May 1998 further development in all areas, evolution of software, stability change and conflict management interoperability and tighter connection between various services further development and improved implementation of contractual issues

17 ToCEE - Final Demo - Slide 16 After the demo ToCEE CD-ROM ToCEE website

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