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Web-based Learning 網上學習 Learning from the Internet: Information to knowledge through inquiry.

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1 Web-based Learning 網上學習 Learning from the Internet: Information to knowledge through inquiry

2 Why Web-based Learning?  Internet is a great source of information Information finding skill  Authentic Information/Situation arouse motivation  Easy communication/collaboration flexibility  Not traditional Learning shifted as a result of technology towards how to develop knowledge from information. How?

3 Aims of Web-based Learning  Abilities like searching, evaluating, integrating, summarizing,  Communicating and collaborative learning  Problem-solving abilities  Life-long learning The development of study skills throughout life  Paradigm-shift From teacher-directed to student-led, inquiry- based learning

4 Web-based Learning How?  Web resources = web-based learning?  Information = knowledge?  So what? What should teachers do with the Internet and the Web? Theory and Practice on Integrating the Web for Learning Working

5 Interactive Web sites  Achieve the aims of web-based learning? How?  Or just deliver of information plus supplements with interactive games/quizzes, or Web-based CAI For example,

6 The WebQuest(ions)  An inquiry-oriented activity Teachers choose Web resources for students to use Built around pre-selected resources Can involve group work Support analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information Adapted from the articles by Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University “ Some Thoughts about WebQuests ” ( ) and “ Building Blocks of a WebQuest ” ( )

7 The WebQuest Model  Introduction sets the stage and provides some background information. An instructional set that stimulates prior knowledge and prepares students for new learning.  Task or Problems The challenge or conflict to be addressed in the WebQuest activities

8 The WebQuest Model …  Process (including Information sources) students go through in accomplishing the task Collaborative teams are formed Specific guided activities information needed to complete the task  Web-based  Print or video resources (in libraries) WebQuest allows students focusing on using information instead of finding information

9 The WebQuest Model …  Evaluation Open-ended for products created by students as a result of their problem solving.  Conclusion The closure to the quest Reminds the learners about what they've learned  Teacher ’ s page information to help other teachers to implement the Webquest, including: target learners, curriculum contents, notes for teaching the unit, and, in some cases, examples of student work References and citations

10 Types of WebQuests  Short term Instructional goal is knowledge acquisition Designed to be completed in one to three periods  Long term Instructional goal is extending and refining knowledge Designed to take over one week

11 FOCUS:Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest  Find great sites  Orchestrate learners and resources Ensure trouble-free group work by creating a cooperative learning environment  Challenge learners to think Dodge, B. (2001). FOCUS: Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest. Learning & Leading with Technology, 28(8).

12 FOCUS:Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest  Use the Medium Access to multimedia resources such as video or audio Take advantage of the unique features the Internet contains  Scaffold high expectations Make it easy for students to succeed by providing guides that help them acquire, transform, and present knowledge.

13 Student-created WebQuest  WebQuest becomes a learning tool  It demonstrates students ’ knowledge gained  It focuses students on their information needs and their own products they are to achieve (ownership)

14 Developing vs doing a WebQuest  Define a problem  Develop questions  Search for and evaluate resources  Design a site with an audience in mind  Work on a team for project creation  Synthesize information  Apply logical thinking  Consider and accept multiple possible solutions  Respond to a problem  Respond to questions  Evaluate information within pre-selected resources  Navigate within a site  Work on a team for problem solution  Synthesize information  Apply logical thinking  Arrive at a possible solution to the problem Jonassen, D. H., Howland, J., Moore, J. & Marra, R. M. (2002). Learning to solve problems with technology: A constructivist perspective. New York: Prentice Hall. p.48

15 Learning resources  WebQuest Workshop WebQuest Workshop  WebQuest Collections WebQuest Collections  WebQuest Templates WebQuest Templates  WebQuest Taskonomy WebQuest Taskonomy  CUHK learning community CUHK learning community

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