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Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Mark Mitchell Mentor Graphics Landfills, iPhones, and the Web And HPEC Software….

2 Landfills

3 Slide-3 MITRE AFRL MIT Lincoln Laboratory NSSN AEGIS Rivet Joint Standard Missile Predator Global Hawk U-2 JSTARS MSAT-Air P-3/APS-137 F-16 MK-48 Torpedo Issues with Current HPEC Development Inadequacy of Software Practices & Standards Today – Embedded Software Is: Not portable Not scalable Difficult to develop Expensive to maintain Today – Embedded Software Is: Not portable Not scalable Difficult to develop Expensive to maintain System Development/Acquisition Stages 4 Years Program Milestones System Tech. Development System Field Demonstration Engineering/ manufacturing Development Insertion to Military Asset Signal Processor Evolution 1st gen. 2nd gen. 3rd gen. 4th gen. 5th gen. 6th gen. High Performance Embedded Computing pervasive through DoD applications –Airborne Radar Insertion program 85% software rewrite for each hardware platform –Missile common processor Processor board costs < $100k Software development costs > $100M –Torpedo upgrade Two software re-writes required after changes in hardware design

4 Slide-4 MITRE AFRL MIT Lincoln Laboratory Quantitative Goals & Impact Performance (1.5x) Portability (3x) Productivity (3x) HPEC Software Initiative Demonstrate Develop Prototype Object Oriented Open Standards Interoperable & Scalable Portability: reduction in lines-of-code to change port/scale to new system Productivity: reduction in overall lines-of- code Performance:computation and communication benchmarks Program Goals Develop and integrate software technologies for embedded parallel systems to address portability, productivity, and performance Engage acquisition community to promote technology insertion Deliver quantifiable benefits Program Goals Develop and integrate software technologies for embedded parallel systems to address portability, productivity, and performance Engage acquisition community to promote technology insertion Deliver quantifiable benefits The Three P’s

5 The Three R’s – Nice Version Less Code Shared Code Repurposed Code

6 HPEC Software AppsRadar SDR VideoBLAS LAPACK FFTW VSIPL VSIPL++ SAL Math APIs Frameworks

7 Programming With Frameworks Web Server from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler httpd = HTTPServer( (“localhost”, “8080”), BaseHTTPRequestHandler ) httpd.serve_forever() L-Band Radar ?

8 HPEC Software AppsRadar SDR VideoBLAS LAPACK FFTW VSIPL VSIPL++ MatlabAppsSDR Radar VideoBLAS LAPACK FFTW VSIPL VSIPL++ Matlab Waste-O-Meter™ Math APIs Frameworks Reusable Low-Grade Waste Superfund Site HPEC Software Landfill

9 Three R’s – Nasty Version

10 iPhones … and Android Phones … and lots of other stuff.

11 What To Do All Of These Have in Common? UNIX!

12 UNIX History

13 UNIX API: Common Vocabulary FunctionalitySystem Calls I/O open, read, write, close Memory sbrk, mmap Processes fork, exec, signal, kill, wait Communication pipe, socket, mkfifo API at the Right Level of Abstraction

14 The Web

15 Cheaper, Better Software Machine Independence Content vs. Presentation Open Standards Open Source Mass Adoption Web Success HTML SOAP Apache WebKit HTML / CSS X86 / SPARC Windows / OS X Everyone, Everywhere

16 Inspiration for HPEC Software

17 Cheaper, Better Software Machine Independence Content vs. Presentation Open Standards Open Source Mass Adoption HPEC VSIPL++ MPI Frameworks Needed! Al gorithms / Data Layout ARM / X86 / CUDA / FPGA Medical, Networking, Etc. Medical, Networking, Etc.

18 Thank You!

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