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1 Engineering Problem Solving with C++ An Object Based Approach Chapter 2 Simple C++ Programs.

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2 1 Engineering Problem Solving with C++ An Object Based Approach Chapter 2 Simple C++ Programs

3 2 First Program – volume of a box /************************************************************/ /* Program chapter1 */ /* */ /* This program computes the volume of a box */ /************************************************************/ #include using namespace std; int main() { // Declare and initialize objects double length( 20.75), width(11.5),height(9.5), volume; // Calculate volume. volume = length * width * height; // Print the volume. cout << “The volume is “ << volume << endl; // Exit program. return 0; } /************************************************************/

4 3 Program structure preprocessor directives int main() { declarations statements }

5 4 Comments Comments help people read programs, but are ignored by the compiler. In C++ there are two types of comments. –Line comments begin with // and continue for the rest of the line. –Delimited comments begin with /* and end with */

6 5 #include Preprocessor Command Copies source code into the program from the specified file. #include –Contains class information for input and output.

7 6 C++ Data Types KeywordExample of a constant booltrue char‘5’ int25 double25.0 string“hello” //must include

8 7 Naming entities in C++ Identifiers are used to name entities in C++. Rules for construction of identifiers –Start with a letter or underscore _ –Consist of letters digits and underscore –Can not be a reserved word. –Only first 31 characters used to distinguish it from other identifiers. –Case sensitive

9 8 Variable Declarations Declarations define memory locations, including type of data to be stored, identifer, and possibly an initial value. General Form: data_type identifier_list; Examples: double length( 20.75), width(11.5), volume; int numberOfFeetInYard(3);

10 9 Symbolic Constants Used to name values which do not change during the execution of the program. Are always initialized at declaration. Used wherever an expression is allowed. General Form: const data_type identifier = value;

11 10 Example 1 - initialization double sum = 0; sum 4 Example 2 int x; x=5;x Assignment Statements Used to assign a value to a variable General Form: identifier = expression; 0 5 a 4 Example 3 char ch; ch = ‘a’; ch

12 11 Assignment Statements - continued Example 3 int x, y, z; x=y=0; z=2;x y z 0 0 2 2 4 Example 4 y=z;y

13 12 Arithmetic Operators Addition+ Subtraction- Multiplication* Division/ Modulus% –Modulus returns remainder of division between two integers –Example 5%2 returns a value of 1

14 13 Integer Division Division between two integers results in an integer. The result is truncated, not rounded Example: 5/3 is equal to 1 3/6 is equal to 0

15 14 Priority of Operators 1.ParenthesesInner most first 2.Unary operatorsRight to left (+ -) 3.Binary operatorsLeft to right (* / %) 4.Binary operatorsLeft to right (+ -)

16 15 Self-test - Evaluate 7 + 3 * 5 – 2 4 + 7 / 3 8 % 3 * 6 (7 + 3) * 5 - 2

17 16 Overflow and Underflow Overflow –answer to large to store –Example: using 16 bits for integers –result = 32000 +532; Exponent overflow –answer’s exponent too large –Example: using float, with exponent range –38 to 38 –result = 3.25e28 * 1.0e15; Exponent underflow –answer’s exponent to small –Example: using float, with exponent range –38 to 38 –Result = 3.25e-28 *1.0e-15;

18 17 Increment and Decrement Operators Increment Operator ++ post incrementx++; pre increment++x; Decrement Operator - - post decrementx- -; pre decrement- -x; For examples assume k=5 prior to executing the statement. m= ++k;both m and k become 6 n = k- -;n becomes 5 and k becomes 4

19 18 Abbreviated Assignment Operator operatorexampleequivalent statement +=x+=2; x=x+2; -=x-=2;x=x-2; *=x*=y;x=x*y; /=x/=y;x=x/y; %=x%=y;x=x%y;

20 19

21 20 Simple I/O - cin 4 cin is an istream object streams input from standard input uses the >> (input operator) General Form: cin >> identifier >> identifier; Note: Data entered from the keyboard must be compatible with the data type of the variable.

22 21 Simple Output - cout cout –is an ostream object –streams output to standard output –uses the << (output) operator General Form: cout << expression << expression; Note: An expression is any C++ expression (string constant, identifier, formula or function call)

23 22 output 1,2, 4.5 cm _ //Example1 for input and output #include using namespace std; int main() { int i, j; double x; string units = “ cm”; cin >> i >> j; cin >> x; cout << “output \n”; cout << i << ‘,’ << j << ‘,’ << endl << x << units << endl; return 0; } // Input stream: 1,2,3,4

24 23 //Example 2 of input and output #include using namespace std; int main() { int i, j; double x, y; cin >> i >> j >> x >> y; cout << “First output “ << endl; cout << i << ',' << j << ',' << x << ',' << y << endl; cin >> x >> y >> i >> j; cout << “Second output” << endl; cout << i << ',' << j << ',' << x << ',' << y << endl; return 0; } //Input stream is: 1 2 3.4 5 2 3 3.4 7 First output 1,2,3.4,5 Second output 3,2,2,3 _

25 24 Manipulators and methods endl – places newline character in stream and flushes the buffer. setf() and unsetf() FlagMeaning ios:: showpointdisplay the decimal point ios::fixedfixed decimal notation ios::scientificscientific notation ios::rightright justification ios::leftleft justification 4 Manipulators in –setprecision(n) –setw(n)

26 25 Functions in abs(x)computes absolute value of x sqrt(x)computes square root of x, where x >=0 pow(x,y)computes x y ceil(x)nearest integer larger than x floor(x)nearest integer smaller than x exp(x)computes e x log(x)computes ln x, where x >0 log10(x)computes log 10 x, where x>0 sin(x)sine of x, where x is in radians cos(x)cosine of x, where x is in radians tan(x)tangent of x, where x is in radians

27 26 Characters and input >> discards leading whitespace get() method used to input whitespace characters Example: int x; char y; cin >> x >> y; cin >> x; cin.get(y);xy xy 45 c 39 b 45‘c’ 39‘\n ’

28 27 Wind-Tunnel Data Flight-Path Angle -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Coefficient of Lift -0.182 0.056 0.097 0.238 0.421 0.479 0.654 0.792 0.924 1.035 1.076 1.103 1.120 1.121 1.099 1.059

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