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W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar-wide Background monitoring  Motivation  institutionalize...  through a weekly report to PEP-II/BBR meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar-wide Background monitoring  Motivation  institutionalize...  through a weekly report to PEP-II/BBR meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar-wide Background monitoring  Motivation  institutionalize...  through a weekly report to PEP-II/BBR meeting (Fri at 13:30)  in the context of Run Coordination  regular review/analysis in MDI meeting  feedback to BBR ops meeting  spread the background expertise  What quantities do we want to monitor?  per subdetector  in BaBar globally  during physics data taking  injection quality (incl. trickle) W. Kozanecki is this useful? is this the right way to do it? a proposal !

2 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Per subdetector: SVT  Integrated dose  total dose, compared to budget  mid-plane  non-mid plane  source?  injection  stored beams  Number of radiation aborts  injection  inhibits  aborts  stored beam aborts  fast aborts - & their shape, if interesting  slow aborts  manual dumps after timer warning  sympathetic aborts - & their cause whenever possible  Instantaneous dose rate / occupancy

3 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004  DCH (stable beams)  total current  absolute  normalized to 2002 parametrization  # of trips? of spike warnings?  occupancy (from fast monitoring)?  EMC  all (stable beams + injection) (FCT:TR_23)  stable beams: other?  integrated dose ??  “The DIRC is fine”  IFR: tbd Per subdetector: DCH, EMC, DIRC, IFR

4 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 In BaBar, globally  Over the last week (or month...), during data taking  how much time was lost to backgrounds  when? (breakdown of the RC’s “xx minutes”)  why?  how was it fixed?  dead time history  any interesting observations ? any (parasitic) background experiments?  Injection quality monitoring  SVT  EMC (injection + trickle)  DCH (trickle)

5 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Injection quality monitoring: SVT SVT injection quality monitors  dose(W) /  I -  dose(E) /  I + [mrad/mA] integrating while (i) injection flag set (ii) current(s) increasing reset to 0 at the begining of each injection cycle BaBar nameMCC name SVT:BW:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:BWBGIQ SVT:FW:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:FWBGIQ SVT:BE:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:BEBGIQ SVT:FE:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:FEBGIQ B. Petersen / D. Kotturi

6 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Injection quality monitoring: EMC, DCH  Averaged over an injection request / stable beams cycle FCT:INJTPPH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTPCH EMC triggers per HER current increase FCT:INJTPCH EMC triggers per HER current increase FCT:INJTPCL EMC triggers per LER current increase FCT:INJTPCL EMC triggers per LER current increase  Instantaneous FCT:INJTRCTL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse (*) FCT:INJTRCTL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse (*) FCT:INJTRCT2 DCH triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT2 DCH triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCTH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCTH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT1 DCH triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT1 DCH triggers per HER injection pulse (*) This is also what appears on the fast monitoring histograms (vs. time since injection, or as a Fourier transform) (*) This is also what appears on the fast monitoring histograms (vs. time since injection, or as a Fourier transform) M. Weaver

7 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar background history in the SCP

8 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar injection-quality history: SVT BW (HER injection) ? BE (LER injection)

9 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar injection-quality history: EMC, DCH ?

10 W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Trickle quality history ?

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