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1 ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe Kick-Off meeting 20-21 May 2010, BOKU Vienna CASEE: Possibilities for EU funding of Educational Projects ? Philippe Ruffio - EACEA Brussels
2 Various objectives and ambitions: -To promote and support EU internal policies in the field of education -To support EU external policies The EU offers a great diversity of funding possibilities and programmes in the field of Education
3 The EU has no direct competence in the field of Education. Direct responsibility lies in the hands of MS. EU acts as a catalyser / facilitator (« soft power ») -formulates recommendations and policy action lines -promotes Policy Dialogue among MS -encourages exchange of experience and good practice -financially supports new projects and initiatives 1 - Promoting and supporting EU internal policies such as: - Lisbon Agenda, Knowledge Society, Life Long Learning - HE Modernisation Agenda and Bologna Process
4 2 - Supporting EU external policies, in particular: - External dimension of internal policies in Education: disseminate worldwide EU concepts, tools, approaches and achievements (ex: voluntary convergence with Bologna process) - EU accession policy - Neighbourhood policy - Development policies
5 No opportunistic approach but rather a targeted approach based upon well defined ambitions / strategies / projects. Select the appropriate tool(s) / programme (s) depending on the needs and charateristics of these ambitions / strategies / projects 6 basic criteria for selecting EU tools and programmes: -Target countries (beneficiaries ?): EU / Third countries -Type of beneficiaries: individuals, institutions -Level of education concerned: HE or other types of education (adult, vocational, etc.) -Educational and scientific fields concerned: targeted vs multipurpose programmes + priorities -Objectives: mobility / cooperation / capacity building (transfer) -Type of funding mechanism: actual level of funding, % of funding, real costs / lump sums, etc. How to deal with this diversity of funding possibilities?
6 -Erasmus (LLP) -Erasmus Mundus -Jean Monnet (LLP) -Tempus -Others: -Grundvig (LLP) -Leonardo da Vinci (LLP) Which possibilities in the current context for CASEE? A brief focus on:
7 Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities–Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinciErasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activitiesJean Monnet Action; European Institutions; Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinci Vocational education and training Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Comenius School education Erasmus 2007-2013
8 31 eligible countries in Europe: EU27 + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey Promoting cooperation between European Higher Education Institutions Since 2010, possibility to receive funding for third country partners
9 Encourage trans-national higher education cooperation in strategically important fields: Creating innovative European BA/MA/PhD courses and continuing education: Curriculum Development Contributing to the reform of HE systems with regard to Bologna objectives: Modernisation of Higher Education Promoting Cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises Promoting the virtual dimension in Higher Education: Virtual Campuses Erasmus Multilateral projects
10 ACADEMIC Networks (min 31 LLP countries)* promote innovation in a specific discipline, set of disciplines or a multidisciplinary area ACADEMIC Networks (min 31 LLP countries)* promote innovation in a specific discipline, set of disciplines or a multidisciplinary area STRUCTURAL Networks (min 5 LLP countries) improve and modernise a specific aspect of higher education organisation, management, governance or funding STRUCTURAL Networks (min 5 LLP countries) improve and modernise a specific aspect of higher education organisation, management, governance or funding * The n° of participants/countries can be lower than 31 only in duly justified cases. Erasmus Networks
11 ERASMUS MUNDUS II (2009-2013) Cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education for: the enhancement of quality in European higher education; the promotion of the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world; the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with Third Countries as well as for the development of Third Countries in the field of higher education.
12 Action 1 Joint Programmes - Joint Master and Doctoral Programmes - Implemented by EU and non EU universities - Scholarships for non EU and EU students for the entire duration of the joint study programme Action 3 Promotion of European Higher Education - Attractiveness Projects - Studies - Information activities of EM National structures Action 2 Partnerhips (Ex-External Cooperation Window) - Partnerships projects with non-European HE institutions - Scholarships for EU and non EU students - On all levels of education - In a variety of disciplines ERASMUS MUNDUS II (2009-2013)
13 Composition of Action 1 consortia: - European universities from at least 3 different countries - Consortia may also include universities from other parts of the world Composition of Action 2 partnerships: - At least 5 European HEIs from at least 3 EU countries - At least 1 HEI from each country in geographic lot - Maximum size partnership: 20 partners ERASMUS MUNDUS II (2009-2013)
14 Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities–Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinciErasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activitiesJean Monnet Action; European Institutions; Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinci Vocational education and training Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme
15 A programme devoted to teaching, research and reflection on European integration studies, all over the world Jean Monnet Programme 62 countries throughout the world 740 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula 3,500 projects in the field of European integration studies more than 1,500 professors 250,000 students every year
16 European Integration studies involve the study of the origins and evolution of the European Communities and the European Union in all its aspects. European integration studies cover the analysis of both the internal and external dimension of European integration, including the European Union's role in the dialogue between peoples and cultures. Comparative studies concerning national practices are not regarded as European integration studies. Two different types of action for Jean Monnet Action (Key Activity 1): 1. TEACHING ACTIVITIES - Modules - Jean Monnet Chairs - Centres of Excellence 2. ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES - Associations of Professors and Researchers - Information and Research Activities - Multilateral Research Groups Jean Monnet Programme
17 Teaching activities Jean Monnet Chair: teaching post with a specialization in European integration studies for a minimum of 90 hours per academic year. "Ad personam" Jean Monnet Chair: former Jean Monnet Chair holders with evidence of high-level international teaching and publication record and/or professor with a distinguished background as former practitioner in the field of European integration. Centre of Excellence: multi-disciplinary structure pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more universities. European Module: short programme of European integration study, minimum 40 teaching hours per academic year, may be multi-disciplinary Jean Monnet Programme
18 Academic and Research activities Associations of professors and researchers specializing in European integration: associations whose explicit purpose is to contribute to the study of the European integration process and whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in this domain. Information and research activities relating to European integration: aims to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge about the European integration process through conferences and seminars. Multilateral research groups: research partnership leading to an integrated academic network with a joint research plan and multi-disciplinary synergies in the field of EU studies. Jean Monnet Programme
19 Modernising HE through capacity building To support the modernisation of Higher Education in the target countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia (28 countries). To establish an area of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the partner countries. To favour convergence with the European Area for Higher Education (Lisbon and Bologna). Tempus IV (2008 – 2013)
20 3 types of actions: - Joint Projects: implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society. - Structural Measures: implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in Partner Countries. - Accompanying Measures: dissemination and information activities (conferences, studies, exchange of good practices, National Tempus Offices, High Education Reform Experts, etc.) Tempus IV (2008 – 2013)
21 National projects: (targeting 1 single partner country) Multi-country projects: (targeting more than 1 partner country) minimum of 6 HE institutions minimum of 7 HE institutions 3 from the involved Partner country 2 from each involved Partner country (minimum 2 PC) 3 from 3 different EU countries. 3 from 3 different EU countries Tempus IV (2008 – 2013)
22 Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities–Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinciErasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activitiesJean Monnet Action; European Institutions; Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinci Vocational education and training Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Comenius School education Leonardo Da Vinci 2007 - 2013
23 Objectives: Community programme for cooperation in vocational education and training Quality and innovation in VET systems, institutions and practices Attractiveness of VET and mobility for employers, individuals and working trainees Leonardo Da Vinci 2007 - 2013
24 Leonardo da Vinci 2007-2013 Multilateral projects on development of innovation Projects where institutions/organisations from different European countries work together to develop brand new solutions for identified needs (“invents the wheel”) Thematic Networks Facilitate cooperation between VET actors, enterprises, economic sectors, social partners and training organisations. Bring together and disseminate expertise. Identify trends and skills requirements Multilateral projects on transfer of innovation Projects where institutions/organisations from different European countries work together to exploit existing but new results and practices (“does not reinvent the wheel”) Partnerships Small-scale cooperation projects: local project, mobility, cooperation between teachers/trainers, etc. Mobility Grants to enable mobility of persons in initial VT, people on the labour market, professionals in VET Decentralised – with National AgenciesCentralised – with the Executive Agency + Accompanying measures
25 Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities–Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinciErasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activitiesJean Monnet Action; European Institutions; Transversal Programme 4 key activities–Policy Cooperation; Languages; ICT; Disseminationand exploitation of results (valorisation) Grundtvig Adult education LeonardodaVinci Vocational education and training Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Comenius School education Comenius School education Gruntvig 2007 - 2013
26 Objectives: To help provide adults with pathways to improving their knowledge and competences To respond to the educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe Gruntvig 2007 - 2013
27 Grundtvig 2007-2013 Multilateral cooperation projects Projects where institutions/organisations from different European countries work together to develop and transfer innovation in adult education Networks Develop adult education in a specific discipline, subject or management area through identifying, improving and disseminating best practice and innovation Learning partnerships Small-scale cooperation projects involving adult education institutions from at least three European countries In-service training grants Grants to enable educational staff working with adults to undertake training activities in a country other than the one in which they work Decentralised – with National AgenciesCentralised – with the Executive Agency + Accompanying measures
28 Next calls for proposals: Autumn 2010 More information on the EACEA website: More information
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