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METO 621 Lesson 24. The Troposphere In the Stratosphere we had high energy photons so that oxygen atoms and ozone dominated the chemistry. In the troposphere.

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Presentation on theme: "METO 621 Lesson 24. The Troposphere In the Stratosphere we had high energy photons so that oxygen atoms and ozone dominated the chemistry. In the troposphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 METO 621 Lesson 24

2 The Troposphere In the Stratosphere we had high energy photons so that oxygen atoms and ozone dominated the chemistry. In the troposphere we have lower energy photons, and the chemistry is dominated by the OH and NO 3 radicals. OH is generated photochemically (i.e. only during the day), NO 3 is rapidly photolyzed during the day, so it can only survive at night. NO 3 is generally less reactive then OH, its peak concentration is higher. OH provides an efficient scavenging mechanism for both natural and anthropogenic trace constituents

3 Dry and Wet Deposition Dry deposition – removal of gases and particles by a direct transfer from the atmosphere to the surface. Wet deposition – removal of gases and particles carried to the surface in water – rain, snow, fog etc. Dry deposition is known for SO 2, O 3, CO 2, and SO 3. Wet deposition of gaseous species requires that they be water soluble. Terms used are rainout, or washout. Acid rain is an example of the rainout of sulfurous and nitric acids, produced in polluted atmospheres.

4 Oxidation and Transformation Let us assume that no methane has been oxidized. Then OH is produced by the following reactions O 3 + h  → O*( 1 D) + O 2 ( 1  g ) O*( 1 D) + H 2 O → OH + OH It should be noted that the O*( 1 D) does not stay around for long, and is quenched to the ground state. The ground state then quickly combines with molecular oxygen to reform ozone. The OH formed reacts mainly with CO and CH4 OH + CO → H + CO 2 OH + CH 4 → CH 3 + H 2 O

5 Oxidation and Transformation These compounds then react with molecular oxygen H + O 2 + M → HO 2 + M CH 3 + O 2 + M → CH 3 O 2 + M If the concentration of NO is very low then further reactions convert the peroxy radicals to water vapor and carbon dioxide. However if the nitrogen oxides are present then we get HO 2 + NO → OH + NO 2 CH 3 O 2 + NO → CH 3 O + NO 2 This then followed by NO 2 + h  → NO + O O + O 2 + M  → O 3 + M

6 Oxidation and Transformation Analogous reactions can be written for the higher hydrocarbons, e.g. C 8 H 18 – octane. If we assign the formula RH to these hydrocarbons then we get RH + OH → R + H 2 O R + O 2 + M → RO 2 + M RO 2 + NO → RO + NO 2 This is the basis of photochemical smog. The photolysis of the resultant NO 2 is the only known way of producing ozone in the troposphere. The RO is further reduced to aldehydes and other organic compounds by OH, all of which can eventually produce ozone.

7 Ozone vs NO x for NHMC=0.6 ppmc

8 SMOG NEEDS Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides Strong sunlight to start reactions Warm temperatures to maintain reactions – the higher the temperature the faster the rate. Peak ozone will be close to peak temperature – afternoon

9 Overall scheme for air pollution

10 Dispersion of acid rain

11 Natural levels of Acidity in Rain Carbon dioxide dissolves in the rain drop CO 2 (g) + H 2 O(aq) ↔ H 2 CO 3 (aq) Henry’s Law states that [H 2 CO 3 ] = K H P(CO 2 ) K H = 3.4E-2 M ATM -1 In the liquid some of the H 2 CO 3 ionizes H 2 CO 3 (aq) ↔ H + (aq) + HCO 3 - (aq) This reaction has an equilibrium constant of 4.2E-7 M -3 For the overall reaction CO 2 (g) + H 2 O(aq) ↔ H + (aq) + HCO 3 (aq) The equilibrium constant Kc is 1.43E-8 M 2.ATM -1

12 Natural levels of Acidity in Rain in a liquid [H + ] = [HCO 3 - ] hence [H + ] 2 = K c P[CO 2 ] given that CO2 has a mixing ratio of 320 ppm we get [H + ] = 2.14E-6 and a pH of 5.67


14 pH of precipitation over the US

15 Acid rain Acid rain over the Eastern States is the highest – most of the sulfur containing coal occurs in this region Shaded areas in the figure show where granite is found. If the soil/rocks are carbonates (chalk, limestone) then the acid rain can be neutralized, and does not change the pH of the streams and lakes If the soil/rocks are granite then acid rain is not neutralized, and can also leach out the heavy metals. Thus the pH of the lakes and streams can be lowered, and the heavy metal concentration raised.

16 Standards Ozone: 1-hour 125 ppbv*, 8-hour 85 ppbv –The 8-hour standard is much more stringent, and encompasses many areas where transport is the only issue (e.g Shenandoah National Park) PM 2.5 : daily 65  g/m 3, yearly 15  g/m 3 –Most areas will have trouble only with the annual standard Visibility: a 60+ year glide path back to “natural conditions” *parts per billion by volume



19 A Typical Day in a Pollution Episode A common severe pollution weather pattern occurs when high pressure is centered just west of the Mid Atlantic region. Circulation around the high pressure center moves pollution from points west into the mid-Atlantic. H

20 Fort Meade profile 6/19/2001

21 After Sunset If the weather remains the same, the temperature inversion forms again after dark. Ozone concentrations above the inversion remain at a constant, relatively, high level. Ozone trapped under the inversion reacts with other pollutants, and the surface; the ozone concentration diminishes. Ozone concentration remaining constant Ozone concentration diminishing Temperature Inversion Temperature Altitude

22 Daily Ozone Cycle SunriseSunset Time of day Ozone Concentration Ozone production follows a daily cycle with maximum concentrations typically observed in the late afternoon. This cycle is a signature of the dynamic processes of atmospheric air pollution

23 Comparison of ozone data at Fort Meade for August 2 and 8 2002

24 Overplot of 2 and 8 Aug 2002 and the difference between the two days

25 Difference 2 Aug minus 8 Aug*1.2

26 Comparison of Aug 2 and 8, 2002 Ozone data for August 8 is typical for local pollution on a clear warm day. The NO x and VOC are emitted early in the morning and the ozone amount slowly increases as the temperature increases. The peak production is at about 3-4 in the afternoon when the temperature at the ground is a maximum. The back trajectory shows fast upper level winds, which start at a high altitude and then subside to boundary levels at Baltimore. Small probability of upper air being polluted.

27 Comparison of Aug 2 and 8, 2002 On the 2nd of August the back trajectories show that the air is moving slowly at the boundary layer, and the probability of this air being polluted is high. The nocturnal inversion typically breaks down at about 10-11 in the morning. Hence the peak in ozone at this time must come from downward transport. The overall shape of the ozone data on Aug 2 is a combination of locally produced ozone peaking at about 3 pm and a downward movement of ozone from above at about 10.00 am. This ozone above the boundary layer is yesterday’s ozone The winds above the boundary layer are usually high. Hence the ozone has been transported some distance

28 Westerly transport is often present when the highest ozone is observed in the mid-Atlantic. 24 hr. Back-trajectories on days of 1-hr. ozone exceedances from 1997 through 2002, Baltimore area

29 Aircraft measurements of ozone

30 Aircraft measurements of Sulfur Dioxide

31 All three modes of transport are important when the highest pollution values are observed in the mid-Atlantic. Large scale ~ 800 km (~70-100 ppbv) (Much of the Eastern US) Medium scale ~ 200- 800 km (Carolinas to New England Region) Small scale ~ 100 km (N. Virginia to Baltimore, Research Triangle to NC/VA border) Modes of Transport

32 Effects of the August 15, 2003 Blackout on Air Quality Compared with Aug 4, 2002 Coming soon to GRL Selinsgrove, PA

33 Effects of the 2003 Blackout on Air Quality CEM data indicate reductions of 60-80% L. Marufu, B. Taubman, B. Doddridge et al.

34 Effects of the 2003 Blackout on Air Quality

35 In summary It isn’t all transport… It isn’t all local… It isn’t all power plants… It isn’t all automobiles… The problem will not be solved by addressing any one of these problems individually. ALL of these will have to show significant reductions for us to breathe clean air.

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