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What is it? Web based information service which provides access to a comprehensive range of statistics about the Thames Gateway and its communities Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? Web based information service which provides access to a comprehensive range of statistics about the Thames Gateway and its communities Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is it? Web based information service which provides access to a comprehensive range of statistics about the Thames Gateway and its communities Collaboration of three sub-regional partnerships Hosted at TGLP

3 A Brief History Scoping study conducted Oct-Dec 2004 Phase 1 - Prototype delivered - Jan 05 Phase 2 - Addition of 2 analytic tools – Jun 05 Phase 3 – Addition of remaining TG areas – Jan 06 Launch by Yvette Cooper, July 2006 Phase 4 – Enhanced functionality Mar 07

4 Funding TGLP/CLG (TG Delivery Unit) via ‘Action for Excellence’ – Software development University of East London (via Higher Education Innovation Fund) – Staff secondment as project manager

5 Content Contains 1500+ indicators at borough, ward and SOA level of the TG 7 live, interactive tools for data analysis Includes document library with over 200 policy and research papers organised thematically and spatially

6 Indicators Organised hierarchically into 3 main categories: Economy Environment Society  Each of these is further subdivided

7 Economy Data Sources Economic Performance ASHE, ABI Industrial Structure IDBR Businesses ABI Labour Market APS Skills & Qualifications DCSF, LSC, HESA

8 Environment Data Sources Housing CLG Commercial & Valuation Ag, Industrial Property Audit Comm Transport & Comm DVLA, AA Services & Amenities CPA Natural Environment Env Agency

9 Society Data Sources Demographics Census Prosperity & Wealth SPI Deprivation & Inequality IMD Health NHS, ONS Crime Home Office Sport & Physical Activity Sport Eng

10 Current Uses Provided evidence base for East London SREDIP, TG Essex EDS & the TG Tri-RDA EDIP Underpinned TGLP contribution to the TG Interim Plan Contributed to LTG Skills Audit Been used to inform project bids


12 The most deprived wards in the Thames Gateway are concentrated in East London boroughs

13 Significant differences in level 4 qualified residents across the Thames Gateway

14 Widespread variation in unemployment across the Thames Gateway. Unemployment in Tower Hamlets is more double the national unemployment rate.

15 Although inner London boroughs overall tend to feature higher incidence of crime, vehicle crimes are also high in Thurrock and Dartford

16 Life expectancy in Inner London boroughs on average, 2-3 years less than TG boroughs


18 Clear relationship between concentration of deprivation and life expectancy. The greater the deprivation, the lower the life expectancy


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