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Texture Detrital (Clastic Texture) vs. Chemical (Crystalline Texture)

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Presentation on theme: "Texture Detrital (Clastic Texture) vs. Chemical (Crystalline Texture)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Texture Detrital (Clastic Texture) vs. Chemical (Crystalline Texture)

2 Chemical Rock Texture Crystalline Texture Coarse Fine

3 Detrital Rock Texture Clastic Texture Grain Size Grain Sorting
Grain Rounding Grain Shape Sediment Maturity

4 Grain Size Gravel 2mm Sand 1/16 mm Mud - Silt 1/256 mm Mud - Clay

5 Detrital Rock Names (Based Primarily on Grain Size)
Gravel -Sized: Conglomerate Sand Sized: Sandstone Mud-Sized: Mudstone Siltstone Shale

6 Grain Size Interpretation
Gravel Sand Silt Clay High Energy Low Energy River, Beach River, Beach, Desert Delta, Shallow Ocean Deep Ocean, Lake, Swamp

7 Sorting

8 Sorting Interpretation: Poorly Sorted Well Sorted Transport Agent
Gravity and Glaciers (and Rivers) Water and Wind

9 Clast Supported Conglomerate (River Deposits)

10 Matrix Supported Conglomerate (Glacial/Landslide Deposits)
2.2 Gyr Conglomerate “Modern” Glacial Sediments

11 Interpretation: Distance of Transport
Short Far

12 Surface of Saturn’s Moon - Titan

13 Rounding & Shape Spherical Oblong

14 Gravel Sized Detrital Rocks (Subdivided Based on Grain Roundness)
Conglomerate Breccia

15 Maturity Immature Mature Well Sorted Poorly Sorted Well Rounded
All Quartz Immature Poorly Sorted Angular grains Mixed Composition

16 Sandstones (Subdivided based on maturity)
Quartz Sandstone Arkose (Sandstone) Lithic Sandstone Sandstones (Subdivided based on maturity) Greywacke

17 Sandstones Under a Scope

18 Diagenesis: Lithification
Sediment Rock

19 Cementation Typical Cement: Calcite Quartz

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