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RATEX POS*Liberty Maintaining Backup Registers RATEX Business Solutions, Inc. RATEX Users’ Conference Minneapolis ’03.

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Presentation on theme: "RATEX POS*Liberty Maintaining Backup Registers RATEX Business Solutions, Inc. RATEX Users’ Conference Minneapolis ’03."— Presentation transcript:

1 RATEX POS*Liberty Maintaining Backup Registers RATEX Business Solutions, Inc. RATEX Users’ Conference Minneapolis ’03

2 Topics to be Discussed: Hardware Setup and Configuration Online vs. Offline Register Settings & Functions The Upkeep of the Data Files Procedures of Polling & Merging Data New & Additional Features of the PC Register & POS*Liberty software

3 Hardware Setup & Configuration NEW! RegSetup documentation Available at:

4 Hardware Setup & Configuration Technical Notes Important PC Configuration Settings: Access to the CPU to send & retrieve data: C:\Windows\ftps.ini IPFilter=;( It is the ( that limits access to only the IP provided in this parameter. Connecting to the host: C:\K95\K95cus~1.ini telnet Utilizing quit as the last line entry eliminates K95 prompt at logoff or disconnect Network Settings for TCP/IP: PC Specific IP Address, Subnet Mask & Gateway

5 Online vs. Offline Register: Settings & Functions POS-PM-02 Register Maintenance Parameter Port Number: Online: WHO result vs. Offline: Always port 1 Terminal Type: Online: VT100 vs. Offline: AT386 Display Bar Type: Online: UTCPD1100XLB vs. Offline: UTCPD1100XL Receipt Printer Type: Online: VT100_AXIOHM7156 vs. Offline: AT386_AXIOHM7156

6 Important Offline Notes: POS-01: Open the Day should occur daily in offline mode to update the data files downloaded from the host the previous day POS-04: The Close the Day is not necessary unless the PC Register was used in Offline mode that day. The PC Register will continue to accumulate sales data for multiple days. Be sure to continue to Open and Close the Day accordingly.

7 Important Offline Notes: Kermit & PcVerse sessions cannot run simultaneously. Data that should be going to the receipt printer in the offline session will instead display across register screen. Files from the host cannot be downloaded to the PC Register when the register is in use in offline mode. Be sure to update RUSH registers that have been out of circulation with the ‘latest and greatest’ data.

8 The Upkeep of the PLU File POS-05-04 Start Full PLU Download This process creates a product record in the POS.PLU.FILE file for every CO.SXRF item Record format located in the General Parameters POS-PM-06 PLU Attribute Map. It is important that both host and PC maps match. Upon completion, error report is generated POS.PLU.FILE is updated and downloaded nightly automatically or via POS-05-06 menu

9 The Upkeep of the Data Files POS-04 Close of Day Automatically sends all files to every PC Register POS-05-06 PC Cash Register Maintenance 01 Files to Download 02 PCs to Download To 03 Download Selected Files (from 01) to Selected PCs (from 02) OR 04 Download All Files to All PCs

10 ED POS.TF FTP.SEND-12982-65543 0001: PC Cash Register download beginning at 18:12:23 on 07/17/03 0002: **** Move data files 0003: Cleaning up temporary files … 0034: File "NEW.CO.BP" has been cleared. … 0085: Copying /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.FEES to /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.TRAN/SEND/POS.FEES 0086: Converting /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.TRAN/SEND/POS.FEES 0087: POS.FEES successfully copied and converted. 0088: Copying /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.EMF to /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.TRAN/SEND/POS.EMF 0089: Converting /ratex/prodlive/702/POS/POS.TRAN/SEND/POS.EMF 0090: POS.EMF successfully copied and converted. 0091: ***** Transfer data files 0092: Downloading files to 123.456.165.151 0093: 3}403}123.456.165.151}90.1374}}}}File transfer OK 0094: Downloading files to 123.456.165.154 0095: 3}402}123.456.165.154}90.1229}}}}File transfer OK … 0098: 123.456.172.233 not responding. PC Cash register skipped. … 0140: Completed at 18:39:40 on 07/17/03

11 Procedures of Polling & Merging Data POS-05-01 Merge Data from Backup System  Used only when sales data is to be retrieved from PC Register(s) and merged with host data  The closing process, POS-04 Close of Day, must be completed on the offline register prior to polling the data from the PC CPU to the host  Register cannot be in use in offline mode when polling process occurs as this locks access to the files

12 Procedures of Polling & Merging Data POS-05-01 Merge Data from Backup System  Verifies connectivity of PC register to the network  Retrieves and clears the Sales Transactions (POS.VST.UPLOAD), Bankcard Transactions (POS.BCR.UPLOAD) and Electronic Journal records (POS.EJF.UPLOAD) on the PC Register  Validates the last date the register was polled and verifies the processing date to avoid duplication  Merges the polled data records into the appropriate.UPLOAD files with host data

13 Additional Features: Suspend & Resume Utilize the Suspend transaction modifier (POS-PM-12-5 as \SS) Recall ID number printed on receipt Register totals, merchandise stock-on-hand and sales dollars are unaffected Implement Resume transaction type (POS-PM-4 as RS) Resume transaction can be recalled at any store any register combination; modifications to the resumed transaction are permitted

14 Additional Features: Return Validation Enabled via General Parameters (POS-PM-06) Enter original sales transaction data: Transaction, Store, Register, Drawer & Date Cashier is informed and prompted: Original transaction does not exist Product being returned does not exist on original transaction Item being returned has previously been returned Ability to implement a security level to Override the validation

15 Additional Features: Online Inventory Updating  Real-time posting of inventory updates to General Merchandise, Trade and Text  Phantom process runs in background  Establish Start and Stop times and Transaction Types to process (POS-PM- 22)

16 Additional Features: Creating Key Maps POS-PM-08 Keyboard Mapping Templates Choose the appropriate function – multiple keystrokes required – and an available key Set InUse & EndInput to ‘Y’ Place the exact keystrokes the cashier would use in the Map to Key Sequence field Use ‘^013’ as the key when selecting transactions, modifiers and updating input Update and test the key within register mode

17 Additional Features: Buyback Station The PC Register can also be used as a Buyback station with ability to scan, print receipts, utilize the customer pole display and provide a secure cash drawer BUY-01-05 Buying Stations Parameter Settings: Terminal Type: VT100 Local Printer: Y Printer Type: AXIOHM7156 Display Bar: UTCPD1100XL Cash Drawer: 1

18 New Features: Customer Loyalty Club Create a Transaction Modifier (POS-PM-12-05 as BC) Establish Loyalty Club parameters (POS-PM-11-07) Applicable items defined at Class/Department Once desired number of items is purchased, discount given as: Average Amount Flat Dollar Amount Lowest Retail Price Percentage of the Total Dollar Value Ability to debit earnings to Gift Card

19 POS*Liberty New Features GIFT CARDS User Session presented by: Janet Rampenthal Monday 2:30-3:30

20 POS*Liberty 7.6 Software Upgrade for the PC Registers 7.6 POS*Liberty software for the PC Registers is available in a zip format, contact support about obtaining the file Upgrade each PC Register Process: ‘get’ pc-cash761.exe from server onto PC CPU, unzip the files & restore POS parameters on each unit Time: 5-10 minutes for each PC Register Installation Instructions - see attachment

21 But wait, I have a question… Documentation via CD or Online Knowledgebase Search at OR 1-800-41RATEX

22 RATEX Business Solutions, Inc. Have a Great Day!

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