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UPR-R(river) P(rock) University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus October 4, 2011 CoDR.

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Presentation on theme: "UPR-R(river) P(rock) University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus October 4, 2011 CoDR."— Presentation transcript:

1 UPR-R(river) P(rock) University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus October 4, 2011 CoDR

2 Students: Desiree Rodriguez Ivan Rivera Pedro Barea Nicolle Medina Jose Castrillo Luis X. Rosario Roberto Lorenzi Nicolle Canales Andrea Lopez-Torres Henry X. Nieves Henry Laracuente Manuel Santos Naralia Marin Elmo Rodriguez Stefany Monroy Sira Segarra Janet Chan Gabriel Vazquez Marianne Marin Liza Chan Ye Beatriz Peraza Samalis Santini

3 Faculty Support: Vladimir Makarov Geraldo Morell Gladys Muñoz Benjamin Bolaño Oscar Resto Management Student Management: Team Leader: Desiree Rodriguez Secretary : Ivan Rivera Schedule Manager: Pedro Barea Technical Support: Orlando X. Nieves

4 Compare our results with RiverRock 2009 and 2010 findings. Measure selected gases in near-space conditions. Survey inorganic and organic aerosols in near-space conditions.

5 We intend to collect samples of particulate matter, with both organic and inorganic composition. In the organic fraction of the collected aerosols, we expect to find evidence that sustains the presence of amino acids and microorganisms in the atmosphere. The collection of samples will be assessed at different altitudes of the atmosphere.

6 CO2 is the fifth most abundant gas in the atmosphere, it has increased 35% in the last 300 years. Humans are responsible for its high increase in the atmosphere. Methane is a very strong greenhouse gas and its concentration has increased more than a 150%. It is released from landfills, gas, oil drillings and coal mines. Nitrous Oxide has increased at a rate of 0.2 to 0.3% per year.



9 Gas NameChemical FormulaPercent Volume NitrogenN2N2 78.08% OxygenO2O2 20.95% *WaterH2OH2O0 to 4% ArgonAr0.93% *Carbon DioxideCO 2 0.0360% NeonNe0.0018% HeliumHe0.0005% *MethaneCH 4 0.00017% HydrogenH2H2 0.00005% *Nitrous OxideN2ON2O0.00003% *OzoneO3O3 0.000004% Expected Gases found in the atmosphere

10 Measurement of gases We expect to measure several greenhouse gases that contribute to the global warming. As shown in the Miller/Urey experiment some of these gases may also be the building blocks of polypeptides.

11 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey Experiment This experiment simulated the conditions present during the Earth’s formation.

12 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey Experiment The experiment showed that conditions on the primitive atmosphere favored chemical reactions that synthesized organic compounds from inorganic precursors. In 2008, a revision of the Miller/Urey experiment showed that 22 different amino acids were synthesized instead of the 5 that were originally published.

13 In Flight Measurements NO x, NO 2, H 2 S, NH 3, and H 2 Gases Semiconductor gas sensor Collection of aerosols Polymer nano-scale filter (100 to 1000 nm), TEM Ultra Thin Holey Carbon Grids Betweens Filters and Adhesive Collector

14 According to the findings of RiverRock 2009, we expect to measure the following gases: NO 2, NO x, NH 3, H 2 S, and H 2. RiverRock 2010 findings are still in process. We also expect to find both organic and inorganic aerosols. Microorganisms may also be found as a part of the organic fraction of the collected aerosols. Polypeptides or amino acids could also be obtained as shown by the Miller/Urey experiment.

15 Collection and Detection Diagram AVR Controller and Data Storage Computer Controlled Flow Valves Microorganism and Aerosol Battery Filters Multiple Semiconductor Gas Sensors Gas Canister Sampler Bernoulli Gases Exhaust Port Ram Air Atmospheric Sampling Intake 200 nm 100 nm 1000 nm 450 nm 200 nm 100 nm 1000 nm 450 nm 200 nm 100 nm 1000 nm 450 nm Bleeder Computer Controlled Flow Line Full Flow Diaphragm Pressure Regulator

16 Synkera Technologies Inc. Gas sensorItem No.Measuring Range H2H2 70150 - 1000 ppm NH 3 705<25 – 10,000 ppm NO x 7060.5 – 10 ppm H2SH2S7141 – 100 ppm NO 2 7180 - >200 ppm



19 Ram Air IntakeBernoulli Exhaust


21 Structure





26 Pressure Regulator

27 Selonoid Valve

28 Tubing

29 Power 2x9V Supply Batteries G-Switch RBF (Wallops) 5V Regulator X / Y Accelerometer Z Accelerometer Temperature Sensor AVR Board AirCore Board Flash Memory 6 channel ADC Control Circuit (MOSFETS) AVR Microcontroller ADC Intake Solenoid Valves Bernoulli Exhaust At the rocket Intake Solenoid Valve Nano-Filters Sequential Controlled Valves Exhaust Solenoid Valve Data Airflow Power Interface RAM Air Intake from Outside of the Rocket Gas Semiconductor Sensor 5 Gas Semiconductor Sensor 3 Gas Semiconductor Sensor 1 2x9 V Supply Gas Semiconductor Sensor 2 Gas Semiconductor Sensor 4 Gas Semiconductor Sensor 6

30 System Schematic


32 Mission Time Line Overview Table Altitude (KM)Time (s)Action 00Semiconductor Sensors start acquiring data 00Open Bleeder 4041Close Bleeder 4041Open Battery 1 6567Close Battery 1 6567Open Bleeder (flushing gas line for 2 sec) 69Close Bleeder 69Open Battery 2 95 Close Battery 2 95 Open Bleeder (flushing gas line for 2 sec) 97Close Bleeder 97Open Battery 3 119.5188Apogee 95340Close Battery 3 340Open Bleeder 18500Semiconductor Sensors stop acquiring data 500Close Bleeder Mission Time Line Overview Table

33 Battery 3 Filter Valves close Bleeder Valve Open Battery 2 Filter Valves close Bleeder Valve Open for 2 sec. Battery 3 Filter Valves Open Battery 1 Filter Valves close Bleeder Valve Open for 2 sec. Battery 2 Filter Valves Open Bleeder Valve Close and Battery 1 Filter Valves Open Rocket Lunch G-Switch Activated Open Bleeder Valve Semiconductor Sensor Start Analyzing Bleeder Valve Close and Semiconductor Sensor Stop Analyzing

34 Miller, Stanley L. (May 1953). "Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions". Science 117: 528. Thomas, Gary E. (1987) “Trace Constituents in the Mesosphere” Physica Scrypta T18: 281-288 Philbrick,Charles R. ; Faucher,Gerard A. ; Wlodyka,Raymond A. (December 1971). “Neutral Composition Measurements of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere” National Technical Information ServiceNational Technical Information Service Nicholson, W, Munakata, N, Horneck, G, Melosh,H, and Setlow, P, (2000). “Resistance of Bacillus Endospores to Extreme Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Environments” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, p. 548-572. Satyanarayana, T.; Raghukumar, C.; Shivaji, S. (July 2005). "Extremophilic microbes: Diversity and perspectives". Current Science 89 (1): 78–90.Extremophilic microbes: Diversity and perspectives MacDonald, Alexander and et al. (Fall 2009). “N 2 O: Not One of the Usual Suspects”. Earth System Research Laboratory Quarterly Journal. 1:12 Ravishankara, A R, Daniel J, Portmann R. W. (October2, 2009). “Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O): The Dominant Ozone-Depleting Substance Emitted in the 21st Century”. Science Magazine, Vol. 326. no. 5949, pp. 123 - 125

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