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Capstone CDR Group: AquaLung Mir Minhaz Ali Wilfredo Oteromatos

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone CDR Group: AquaLung Mir Minhaz Ali Wilfredo Oteromatos"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone CDR Group: AquaLung Mir Minhaz Ali Wilfredo Oteromatos
Greg Newcomb Robin Elliott

2 Presentation Overview
Freddy CCD Parallel Interface CCD Serial Interface Functional Block Diagram Analog to Digital FPGA Connection Minhaz Hardware Overview Bill of Materials Fiber and Camera Assembly CCD and Connection Greg USB Interface Easy USB Chip Connection Device Driver to handle USB Driver to GUI Robin Software Functionality Software Flowchart AquaImage Program Launch and Menu Time Chart Milestone Tasks

3 Complete Hardware Overview

4 Bill of Materials (BOM)
1 meter long optical fiber with built in camera Ti CCD Sensor (TC237B) Hi speed clock driver for CCD (EL7202C) Octal buffer for CCD serial driver ( 74ACT240NS) Spartan 3 FPGA with 1M-byte of Fast Asynchronous USB Chip (FT245BM) USB Cable and connector 8bits ADC(AD7825) EPROM (93LC46B-I/P) Clock (12.5 MHz) (CSTLS6M00G53Z-B0) Crystal Resonator (6MHz) Variable output voltage regulator (PTN7800) Other hardware, Capacitor and resistor.

5 Optical Fiber and Camera
7000 pieces of fiber inside creating full color image. 0.5mm diameter glass fiber imaging bundle enables scope to bend around . Very inexpensive(120$) for 1M long fiber with camera 2 Xeon light bulbs to illuminate the image. 1M long Optical Fiber Camera Tip Eye Piece

6 Charge Couple Device (CCD)
0.34M Pixels Per Field 658(H) x 469(v) Active Elements Multimode readout capability Progressive Scan Duel Line readout Image Area line Summing Low Dark Current 7.4µm x 7.4µm pixel size 12.5 MHz Clock

7 Module 1: CCD Four Functional Blocks: Image sensing area
image storage area serial register gate low noise signal processing amplifier block The storage area and serial gate are used to transfer charge line by line from storage area into serial register After transfer the pixel are clocked out and sensed by charged detection node.

8 Module 2: CCD Parallel interface
Drivers: EL7202C (non-inverting) Image Area Gate (IAG) Storage Area Gate (SAG) - Input: CLK(12.5MHz) Output: Logic signals to control Image and Storage Areas. Purpose: Activates the Image Area and Opens the Storage Area. CCD Driver

9 Module 3 : CCD Serial Driver
Progressive Scan Mode Two register available for high speed data transfer Drives the Serial Register Gate (SRG) 12.5Mhz clk. Signal. 74ACT240 Octal buffer Allows data to be pulled from the serial registers. Input: CLK (12.5MHz) Output: Driving signal. Octal Buffer

10 Functional Block Diagram
Parallel Driver Serial Driver

11 Analog to Digital Converter
AD 7825 2Msps 420nS conversion time PWR Dissipation 36mW Input: 2 AC signals from CCD out1 and 2. Output: 8 Bits Parallel to FPGA. Purpose: Conversion from CCD analog output to FPGA A-2 header.

12 Module 4 : Spartan III FPGA
FPGA: Spartan III Inputs: Data from ADC End of Conversion (EOC) signal from ADC. Outputs: 8 bits data to USB interface Control signals to: ADC USB (interface) CCD Function: Data timing issues resolutions and sampling.

13 Module 5 : USB Interface

14 Easy USB chip FIFO Interface between FPGA and USB cable
Bidirectional Transfer data rate 1M byte/sec Entire USB protocol handled on-chip Simple to interface with FPGA USB 2.0 Compatible Cheap $$$ EEPROM optional (93LC46B) Default setting or program with EEPROM 6 MHz Timing Chip required (CSTLS6M00GS32-B0) With 8x clock multiplier, works at 48 MHz

15 Easy USB - FT245BM Clock EEPROM Interface Control
Single Chip USB <=> parallel FIFO bi-directional data transfer Clock EEPROM Interface Check TXE# Low Control

16 Easy USB - FT245BM Clock Input EEPROM Interface
Single Chip USB <=> parallel FIFO bi-directional data transfer Clock Input 8 pin digital signal from FPGA (D0-D7) EEPROM Interface Write when TXE# Low Control

17 Easy USB - FT245BM Clock Input EEPROM Interface Output Control
Single Chip USB <=> parallel FIFO bi-directional data transfer Clock Input 8 pin digital signal from FPGA (D0-D7) EEPROM Interface Sending over USB cable Output 2 pin signal to USB Cable (USBDP & USBDM) TXE# is Raised Control

18 Easy USB - FT245BM Single Chip USB <=> parallel FIFO bi-directional data transfer

19 Physical Connection to USB pins
To PC From FPGA Type A/B USB cable Pin FPGA Signal Name 1 +5 V VBUS 2 USBDM Data Minus 3 USBDP Data Plus 4 GND

20 USB Cable USB 2.0 (“Full Speed”)
Uses NRZI (Non Return to Zero Invert) encoding Not our problem!

21 Device Driver to Handle USB
Provided by FTDI free Version for Windows XP Will allow for plug & play

22 Driver to GUI Handoff Notice Interrupt Open File 1

23 Driver to GUI Handoff Save 1st picture

24 Driver to GUI Handoff Notice File 1 is Full Open File 1
Picture 1 saved Close File 1

25 Driver to GUI Handoff Read Data from File 1 Save next picture

26 Driver to GUI Handoff Finish Getting Data Close File 1
Save next picture Send image to monitor

27 Driver to GUI Handoff Open File 2 Get Data Save next picture

28 Software Functionality
Pick Up Event Launch Program Display “Moving” Image Y Option Buttons Zoom Color Contrast Pause/Unpause Auto Save OpenSaved Image Data? N Pick Up Event Exit Program Display Still Image Or None at all

29 Software Flow Chart Display “Moving” Image N ? Y Y N Y ? Data From
Valid Mouse Event Display “Moving” Image Patient name & ID Zoom/Contrast toggle Zoom Level (if zoomed) N ? Determine Event Launch Program initialize software look for device driver ? Image Update Ready Y Y N Y ? Device Driver Found ? Data From Driver Auto Save Image Name, ID, date, time Y Y ? Moving Image Zoom Toggle Turn off Color Contrast N Color Contrast Toggle Turn off Zoom Display Driver Error N N Unpause the Image Display No Signal Pause Current Image Open Saved Image ? Open Saved Image Y ? Determine Event Display Still Image Patient name & ID Zoom/Contrast toggle Zoom Level (if zoomed) ? Valid Mouse Event Y N N Exit Program Close all files Exit Confirm

30 About AquaImage This is the “About” box seen in all Windows applications.

31 Program Launch Screen seen at start-up.
Circled items are customized features.

32 Menu Bar Menu features included in AquaImage.

33 Time Chart

34 Milestone Tasks Milestone 1 Milestone 2 GUI Complete
Device Driver Implemented/Not Tested Prototyping and Modular Testing Milestone 2 Static Interface Working Prototyping and Testing Complete PCB In House

35 Questions ??

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