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John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Bio-fuels Production Biomass Ethanol Canola Biodiesel.

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Presentation on theme: "John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Bio-fuels Production Biomass Ethanol Canola Biodiesel."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Bio-fuels Production Biomass Ethanol Canola Biodiesel

2 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Cellulosic Ethanol Production Ethanol Lignin Cellulosic Feedstock 1 st Pretreatment (convert hemi-cellulose into xylose and reduce size and open up structure of cellulose) Fermentation of xylose and other simple sugars from hemi- cellulose 2 nd Pretreatment (convert cellulose into Glucose) Simultaneous saccharification & fermentation Glucose fermentation Distillation to recover ethanol Fuel for heat and electricity

3 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Ethanol Saccharify Liquify& Cook Grain Grind Fermentation DistillationDehydration Centrification Evaporation Dryer DistillersSolubles Distillers Grains w/Solubles Dried Distillers Grains Enzymes Saccharify Liquify& Cook Grain Grind Fermentation DistillationDehydration Centrification Evaporation Dryer DistillersSolubles Denaturing CO 2 Beer WholeStillage ThinStillage 190 Proof Syrup Wet Grains 200 Proof Grain Ethanol Production Dry Milling Process

4 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Biodiesel Production Process

5 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Biodiesel Fuel Characteristics Biodiesel B100 Biodiesel B20 Diesel #2 BTU/gal130,000138,000140,000 Cetane Number555048 Viscosity5.73.33.0 $ Value (BTU content) $2.79/gal$2.96/gal$3.00/gal

6 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Ethanol Fuel Characteristics $3.00/gal $2.90/gal$2.16/gal$2.02/galEquitable Value (BTU) 87-9392 98 100Octane Number 125,000120,90090,00084,400BTU’s/Gal GasolineGasohol 10 % Ethanol– 90 % Gasoline E85 85 % Ethanol– 15 % Gasoline Ethanol E100 $3.00/gal $2.90/gal$2.16/gal$2.02/galEquitable Value (BTU) 87-93Octane Number 125,000120,90090,00084,400BTU’s/Gal GasolineGasohol 10 % Ethanol– 90 % Gasoline E85 85 % Ethanol– 15 % Gasoline Ethanol E100

7 John Nowatzki - Ag & Biosystems Engineering, NDSU (9-2006) Bio-fuel Information SwitchgrassCornWoodGrain StrawSoybeansSunflowersCanola Yield/Acre5 Tons115 bu 1 10 Tons2 Tons32 bu 1 (1920 lb/ac) 1360 lb/ac 1 1375 lb/ac 1 Ethanol80 gal/ton 400 gal/ac 2.7 gal/bu 310 gal/ac 80 gal/ton 2 800 gal/ac 75 gal/ton 3 150 gal/ac Biodiesel1.48 gal/bu 4.73 gal/ac 6 gal/cwt 82 gal/ac 5.9 gal/cwt 81 gal/ac Processing Cost/gallon $1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) $1.10 (Current USDA Estimate) $1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) $1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) $.50 (Current USDA Estimate) $.50 (Current USDA Estimate) $.50 (Current USDA Estimate) 1. 10-year average ND yields, ND Agricultural Statistics Service. 2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Bioethanol Multi-Year Technical Plan, Preliminary Draft (Golden, CO, July 1999). 3. Iogen Corporation, Ottowa, CA

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