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Chapter 9 Security
Topics Introduction Security channel Access control
Threats, mechanisms, cryptography Security channel Authentication, integrity, confidentiality Access control Firewall, secure mobile code Security management Examples Kerberos, E-commerce
What Do We Need to Protect?
Data Information we keep on computers (product design, financial records, personnel data) Resources Unauthorized use of computer time & space Reputation Misrepresentation, forgery, negative publicity
Fundamental Security Objectives
Confidentiality - Protection from unauthorized persons Integrity - consistency of data; no unauthorized creation, alteration or destruction Availability - ensuring access to legitimate users Access control - ensuring appropriate use by authorized users
Security Threats Interception Interruption Modification Fabrication
Unauthorized access to a service or data Eavesdropping Interruption Unavailable of service or data Denial of service attack Modification Unauthorized changing of data Fabrication Adding data or activity normally not exist. Security policy
Examples: Threat Eavesdropping Denial of service replay Client Server
Request Response replay Eavesdropping Attacker Server Denial of service
Example: Security Policy
Chinese Wall Model: widely used in financial world Group datasets into “conflict of interest classes” Subjects are allowed to access to at most one dataset belonging to each such conflict of interest class Subject s can access company c’s data only if a) s has already accessed c’s data or b) s has not yet accessed any of c’s competitors’ data s can write to c’s data only if s can not read any other company’s sensitive data Mandatory security policy for UK Stock Exchange.
Security Mechanisms Encryption Authentication Authorization Auditing
Transform data to achieve confidentiality and integrity Authentication Verify the identify of user Authorization Check the permission Auditing Trace the accesses, used for analysis
Cryptography Intruders and eavesdroppers in communication.
Classifications Symmetric cryptography: shared Key
P=DK(EK(P)) DES Asymmetric cryptography: a pair of keys P=DKD(EKE(P)) RAS Hash function: one way function, not reversible h=H(m) MD5
Notations Notation Description KA, B Secret key shared by A and B
Public key of A Private key of A
DES The principle of DES Outline of one encryption round
64-bit data block The principle of DES Outline of one encryption round
Key Generation
Attacking DES Cryptanalysis Brute-force
Relies on nature of the encryption algorithm and additional knowledge of the general types of plain texts (frequencies of letters etc.) Some samples of plain- and cipher texts Brute-force Test every possible key on some cipher text until readable result be done in advance if key is not changed
Brute-force Key Search
Key size (bits) Key space size Mean time required at 1 key test/msec 32 232 = 4.3 x 109 35.8 minutes 56 (DES) 256 = 7.2 x 1016 1,142 years 128 2128 = 3.4 x 1038 5.4 x 1024 = 300 billion big bangs 168 2168 = 3.7 x 1050 5.9 x 1036 big bangs Don’t get impressed easily: DES can now be cracked in hours!
Triple DES
Public-Key Cryptosystems
Encryption Decryption Plaintext P Ciphertext C P DK-(.) E K+ (.) Public key K+ Private key K- Encryption Decryption Plaintext P Ciphertext C P DK+(.) E K- (.) Private key K- Public key K+
Idea Questions: * =? = ?*? Idea: Use easy algorithm for encryption. Use difficult algorithm for decryption A user picks a public key/private key pair publish the public key private key not published
RSA: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman
Foundation: no known method that can efficiently find the prime factors of large numbers. In RSA, private and public keys are constructed from very large prime numbers (consisting of hundreds of decimal digits) Four steps to construct the keys: Choose two very large prime numbers, p and q Compute n = p x q and z = (p – 1) x (q – 1) Choose a number d that is relatively prime to z Compute the number e such that e x d = 1 mod z
How It Works? How it works? Higher cost of computation. Problems:
Encryption: C = Pe mod n Decryption: P = Cd mod n K+ = (e, n), K- = (d, n) The intruder needs to factor n into p and q to crack the code. Higher cost of computation. Problems: 1) Is the number of primes infinite? Yes! 2) Are they scarce? Yes! 4% of the first 25 billion numbers. And the percentage drops as the numbers get bigger. Implication: it is tricky to propose a new prime number. E.g., is 687,532,127 a prime?
Example (1) To find a key pair e, d:
1. Choose two large prime numbers, P and Q (each greater than 10100), and form: n = P x Q Z = (P–1) x (Q–1) 2. For d choose any number that is relatively prime with Z (that is, such that d has no common factors with Z). We illustrate the computations involved using small integer values for P and Q: P = 13, Q = 17 –> n = 221, Z = 192 d = 5 3. To find e solve the equation: e x d = 1 mod Z That is, e x d is the smallest element divisible by d in the series Z+1, 2Z+1, 3Z+1, ... . e x d = 1 mod = 1, 193, 385, ... 385 is divisible by d e = 385/5 = 77
Example (2) To encrypt text using the RSA method, the plaintext is divided into equal blocks of length k bits where 2k < n (that is, such that the numerical value of a block is always less than n; in practical applications, k is usually in the range 512 to 1024). k = 7, since 27 = 128 The function for encrypting a single block of plaintext M is: E'(e, n, M) = Me mod n for a message M, the ciphertext is M77 mod 221 The function for decrypting a block of encrypted text c to produce the original plaintext block is: D'(d, n, c) = cd mod n Rivest, Shamir and Adelman proved that E' and D' are mutual inverses (that is, E'(D'(x)) = D'(E'(x)) = x) for all values of P in the range 0 ≤ P ≤ n.
Secret Message
Signature Remark: Goal of a signature is to guarantee, that the receiver is sure that the received message is from the sender. However, anyone with Gerd’s public key of Gerd can also read.
Message Digest Cryptographic checksum One-way function Relevance
Just as a regular checksum protects the receiver from accidental changes to the message , a cryptographic checksum protects the receiver from malicious changes. One-way function Given a cryptographic checksum for a msg, it is virtually impossible to figure out what msg produced that checksum; it is not computationally feasible to find two msg that hash to the same cryptographic checksum. Relevance If you are given a checksum for a message & you are able to compute exactly the same checksum for that message, then it is highly likely this message produced the checksum you were given.
Hash Function: MD5 For each round, four functions are applied. And each function has 16 iterations.
MD5: Iterations
Requirements Received msg: m MD5(m) Compare MD5(m)
Weak collision resistance: given m and h, difficult to find m’ such that h=H(m’) Strong collision resistance: given h, difficult to find m and m’ such that H(m)=H(m’).
Tamper Proof Using K+ and K− Received msg: m K− { MD5(m) }
K+ K− { MD5(m)} Compare MD5(m)
Secure Channels Main model of DS: client-server How to secure a DS?
Servers may be distributed and replicated How to secure a DS? Establish secure communication between client/server Authentication of communicating partners Ensuring message integrity and confidentiality Establish authorization How to be sure on the server side, that a client is allowed to get the requested service? Access control Two principles: Set-up phase precedes message exchange Session keys to ensure message integrity
Setup Phase Suppose Alice and Bob want to communicate with each other, Alice at machine M1 and Bob at machine M2: 1. Alice is setting up a communication channel, a) Either by sending a message directly to Bob or b) by sending a corresponding message to a trusted third party, helping to set up this channel 2. Once the channel has been set up, both sides know for sure, that they can exchange messages
Authentication on Shared Key
Reflection Attack Consequence: use different challenges for initiator and responder
Scalability of Session Keys
Suppose we have N hosts each sharing a secret key with each of the other N-1 hosts DS has (N-1)*N/2 secret session keys and each host has manage (N-1) session keys For large N #session keys will be a problem Instead you can install a trusted key distribution center KDC on one of the nodes of the DS
Authentication: Key Distribution Center
Improvement Ticket Using a ticket and letting Alice set up a connection to Bob.
Needham-Schroeder Authentication Protocol
In early distributed systems ( ) it was difficult to protect the servers E.g. against masquerading attacks on a file server because there was no mechanism for authenticating the origins of requests public-key cryptography was not yet available or practical computers too slow for trap-door calculations RSA algorithm not available until 1978 Needham and Schroeder therefore developed an authentication and key-distribution protocol for use in a local network An early example of the care required to design a safe security protocol Introduced several design ideas including the use of nonces.
Illustration nonce Q1: Why include B in message 2?
Nonce: a random number used only once. The purpose is to uniquely relate two messages to each other. Q1: Why include B in message 2? Q2: How about if a chuck knows an old key KA,B?
Enhancement Protection against malicious reuse of a previously generated session key in the Needham-Schroeder protocol.
Authentication Using Public-Key Cryptography
Mutual authentication in a public-key cryptosystem. Q: how to exchange public keys?
Message Integrity & Confidentiality
Digital Signature Goals:
To authenticate stored document files as well as messages To protect against forgery To prevent the signer from repudiating a signed document (denying their responsibility) Encryption of a document in a secret key constitutes a signature impossible for others to perform without knowledge of the key strong authentication of document strong protection against forgery weak against repudiation (signer could claim key was compromised)
Illustration Digital signing a message using public-key cryptography.
Digital Signature (2) Digitally signing a message using a message digest.
Certificate Authority (CA)
Verify the owner of a public key Maintain the (owner, public_key) by a certificate authority CA are organized in a hierarchy. For each merchant, it issues a certificate. The names of CA are widely known, e.g. Verisign. Chain of trust Certified by a higher-level CA: the central authority: IPRA
CA Hierarchy IPRA= Internet Policy Registration Authority (root)
PCA= policy certification authority User CA PCA1 PCA2 IPRA PCA3 CA = certification authority
Certificate Authorities in X.509
Signature Algorithm ID
X.509 Certificate Format CA Digital Signature Subject Unique ID Issuer Unique ID Subject Public Key Info Subject X.500 Name Validity Period Issuer (CA) X.500 Name Signature Algorithm ID Serial Number Version Algorithm ID Public Key Value
SSL Handshake (PK_alg, encr_alg, MD) Optional K-C { R }
SSL Record Protocol Message digest Application data Fragment/combine
abcdefghi abc def ghi Record protocol units Fragment/combine Compressed units Compress MAC Hash Encrypted Encrypt Message digest TCP packet Transmit
Confidential Group Communication
Goal: secure channels between each pair of nodes Share one key? Share a key between each pair of nodes? Each node has its own private key but all the nodes share a public key.
Access Control
General Issues in Access Control
General model of controlling access to objects.
Access Control Access control Matrix Access Control List Capabilities.
Protection Domains The hierarchical organization of protection domains as groups of users.
Firewalls Common implementations of a firewall, e.g. a packet-filtering router or an application gateway
Firewall Solutions Definition - hardware &/or software components that restrict access between a restricted network & the Internet or between networks Logically - a separator, restricter, analyzer Rarely a single object Restricts people to entering at a controlled point Prevents attackers from getting close to other defenses (host controls) Restricts people to leaving at a controlled point
Firewall Capabilities
Focus security decisions - single point to leverage control Enforce security policy -minimize exceptions Log Internet activity - analysis Limit exposure - separate sensitive areas of one network from another or outside world
Firewall Limitations Can’t protect against malicious insiders
connections that don’t go through it new threats viruses scans for source & destination addresses & port numbers, not details of data
Types of Firewalls Simple traffic logging systems
audit log file of files accessed (HTTPD) site usage/demand hours/links/browsers used IP Packet Screening Routers (packet filtering gateway) not only looks at ‘can’ it route, but ‘should’ it selectively routes or blocks packets based on rules based on protocols, destination (port 80), known source IP addresses
Types of Firewalls (cont.)
Hardened Firewall Host (hardware) Halts unauthorized users Concentrates security, hides internal system names, centralizes & simplifies net management Proxy Server (software) Deals with external server requests on behalf of internal clients May limit certain HTTP methods (CGI or Java applets)
Filtering Router Mail server (port=25) Filtering router Internet
Intranet Check the source and destination address. Make decisions based on security policies.
Filtering Router and Bastion Host
Firewall Architectures Dual-homed host (two network interfaces) One communicates externally, one internally No direct communication internal to external hosts Real Server Proxy Client/Internal Host Proxy Server Dual-homed Host Internet
Advantages All accesses can be logged
Reduce the number of Internet connections by making it a caching proxy Does not reveal the names and addresses of actual clients inside But: slow down page downloading by an order of magnitude.
Other Variations Multiple Bastion Hosts
Performance, redundancy, need to separate data & servers Usenet, SMNP/DNS, FTP/WWW Merge Interior & Exterior Routers Sufficient capability to specify inbound & outbound filters Usually on the perimeter network Merge Bastion Host & Exterior Router Use Multiple Exterior Routers Multiple connections to Internet or Internet + other sites Multiple Perimeter Nets Redundancy, privacy
Futures Third-generation Firewalls
combined features of packet filtering & proxy systems Client & server apps with native support for proxied environments Dynamic packet filtering Packet rules modified “on the fly” in response to triggers Underlying Internet protocol undergoing revisions - IPv6
Not Recommended Merging Bastion Host & Interior Router
Breach of host leaves access to internal net Using Multiple Interior Routers Routing software could decide fastest way to another internal system is via the perimeter net Difficult to keep multiple interior routers configured correctly Most important & complex set of packet filters May need to use multiples to resolve performance bottlenecks or separate internal networks
Private Network
Virtual Private Network
Internet Intranet B Intranet A Tunneling Router RA Router RB RB Data Station 200 Station 100 encrypted
Memory-Resident Virus
Runs whenever certain interrupts occur.
Encrypted virus To conceal signature.
Worms: Illustration Low address Program UNIX Address Space Statically
allocated data Stack High address
Procedure Call E.g., finger aabbcc aa bb cc Buffer area allocated
by called fingerd (512 bytes) [PC] ret Return address para2 para1 Stack High address
Buffer Overflow E.g., finger aabb…zz 0100 aa bb cc … Malicious program
(binary) [PC] 0100 Return address para2 para1 Stack
Security Management
Key Establishment The principle of Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Key Distribution (1) Secret-key distribution
Key Distribution (2) Public-key distribution: Certificate
Secure Group Management
Securely admitting a new group member P.
Authorization Management
Capabilities A capability in Amoeba. 48 bits 24 bits 8 bits
Server port Object Rights Check A capability in Amoeba.
Capabilities Generation
Generation of a restricted capability from an owner capability.
Delegation Transfer the access rights on files, resources, etc.
Suppose Alice wants to delegate rights to Bob If Alice knows everyone, broadcast the certificate Otherwise, construct a certificate saying “The bearer of this certificate has rights R.” Problems? Using proxy, a token that allows its owner to operate with the rights granted in the token.
The General Structure of A Proxy
Delegating And Exercising Rights
Example: Kerberos (1) Authentication in Kerberos.
Example: Kerberos (2) Setting up a secure channel in Kerberos.
Electronic Payment Systems (1)
Payment systems based on direct payment between customer and merchant. Paying in cash. Using a check. Using a credit card.
Electronic Payment Systems (2)
Payment systems based on money transfer between banks. Payment by money order. Payment through debit order.
Privacy Issue Using cash Using credit card Online
Digital Money Suppose Alice wants to pay $12 to Bob
Contact her bank and request withdrawal $12 Bank hands out digital money (each note is signed) Each note carries a unique serial number Hand over the notes to Bob Bob contact the bank if the money has been used. Problem: privacy issue. Solution: blind signature
E-cash The principle of anonymous electronic cash using blind signatures.
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