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IACC-ITS Joint Meeting June 1 st, 2001 College of Business (COB)

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Presentation on theme: "IACC-ITS Joint Meeting June 1 st, 2001 College of Business (COB)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IACC-ITS Joint Meeting June 1 st, 2001 College of Business (COB)

2 College of Business Computer Lab

3 Annual Open lab users: 79,000

4 One - open lab, two - open lab/classrooms



7 Eleven – Computer Equipped Classrooms

8 SUN MicroSystems Teaching Lab

9 Sun MicroSystems Incubator Project Lab

10 MIS Lab

11 1.ITS Report Card 2000/2001 COB

12 2000/2001 ITS Report Card Support from ITS has increased as our faculty have taken advantage of services offered Our internal ITS operations have worked well with University ITS Need still exists to upgrade our classroom/open labs

13 2. College Requirements 2001/2002 COB

14 Needs for Teaching Support Refresh / upgrade hardware and software. Better equipment in the classrooms to support delivery of lectures.

15 Teaching Support (continued) The ability to display, simultaneously, information from >1 source (e.g. video and PowerPoint). Upgrading resources & support for use of the Web for course content & course communication Support to help faculty migrate content to the Web

16 Teaching Support (continued) Provide students with Internet classroom access several days during the quarter. Create a web-oriented environment for students and faculty consisting of separate student and faculty servers with backup and security.

17 Needs to Support Students Refresh / upgrade the hardware in the labs Upgrade the software in the labs

18 Dell 166Mhz with 32MB Memory

19 HP 90Mhz with 64MB Memory

20 Twenty-two Hard Drives replaced this year

21 Letters disappearing from keys

22 Research Needs Faculty support for their own machines (e.g. backup facility, software problems). offer (as a substitute for a competitive salary) the support needed to remain productive in research. Reinstatement of Compustat, continued access to AMSPEC, and the acquisition of other databases that support research. (While many journals, government agencies, trade associations, etc. are now on the Web, the best sources are still the fee-based information services.)

23 3. Other Special Initiatives COB

24 Related to the three categories of needs ( previously listed ) The COB Information Technology group is understaffed. Wireless and Mobile Computing initiatives MBA classroom Potential HP Grant for classroom deployment of HP hardware.

25 4. Future Issues COB

26 Future Issues Mobile computing - A plan for the increasing use of laptop and wireless computing by faculty and students The need for faculty support to migrate course content to the Web Overall computing support Obsolescence replacement of obsolete computers in the labs and classrooms

27 Thank you!

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