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Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems UC Berkeley: Chess Vanderbilt University: ISIS University of Memphis: MSI NSF Model-Based Design DSML.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems UC Berkeley: Chess Vanderbilt University: ISIS University of Memphis: MSI NSF Model-Based Design DSML."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems UC Berkeley: Chess Vanderbilt University: ISIS University of Memphis: MSI NSF Model-Based Design DSML Composition Model Synthesis and Model Transformation Janos Sztipanovits and Gabor Karsai November 14,2002

2 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 2 Middleware Services and OS Component Libraries Middleware OS Framework Libraries Platform QoSORB OS Scheduling Fault Tolerance CORBA IDL QoS API POSIX API Replication API Library Components Library Components Library Components Library Components Model-Based Design and Composition Auto-Generated Code Model-based Generators Generator Technology Domain-Independent Models (models of computations: SDF, FSM, CSP, …) User Interface Decision Support Control Sensor System Domain-Specific Models DS Model Libraries/ Patterns DI Model Libraries/ Patterns Domain- Specific Modeling Technology Tools Application

3 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 3 Platforms (There are many…) Hardware CPU, MEM, I/O Operating System QoS Middleware Application Hardware CPU, MEM, I/O Operating System QoS Middleware Application Control Algorithm QoS parameters Measured vars. Control vars. Application OS Strong isolation between SW and HW by Active Control TTP Bus Servo Controller Servo Controller CNI Control Data Processor BG TTP Controller CNI Control Data Processor BG TTP Controller Servo Controller Servo Controller CNI Control Data Processor BG TTP Controller CNI Control Data Processor BG TTP Controller Time-Triggered Architecture (distributed, hard real-time, safe) QoS Middleware (such as CORBA) Integration framework, composition mechanisms, components

4 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 4 Challenges in Model-Based Design Implementation Space Mapping Application Space Gen./ Synth. DSMLDSML Application Models DSMLDSML Implement. Models P i-1 PiPi P i+1 Composition of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) Model Synthesis Model Transformation DesignModel-Based Design Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems

5 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 5 Specification of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSML) Concrete Syntax C Abstract Syntax A Semantic Domain S Semantics parses to Concepts Relations Well formed-ness rules Mathematical abstraction for specifying the meaning of models Notation for representing models L = MCMC MSMS

6 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 6 Concrete Syntax and Abstract Syntax Notation for representing models: E.g.: Block Diagram Concrete Syntax C Abstract Syntax A Semantic Domain S Semantics parses to MCMC MSMS Mathematical abstraction for specifying the meaning of models But What About S? Signal Flow Language (SF) Concepts, Relations Well formed-ness rules: Self.InputPorts()  forAll(ip  ip.src()  forAll(x1,x2  x1=x2)) UML-CD/OCL

7 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 7 Semantics via Meta-Modeling Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Meta-modeling language with well-defined semantics Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Represented by Meta-model Semantics DSML Meta-model Structural Semantics DSML: StateFlow DOMAIN-MODEL META-MODEL Meta-Model of StateFlow using uml/OCL as meta modeling language.

8 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 8 Semantics via Translation Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantics parses to Semantic Domain translator DSML Semantics Modeling language with well-defined semantics Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) translator Behavioral Semantics A SF Hierarchical Signal Flow (HSF) Lee, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

9 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 9 Consistency! DSML Composition Semantic domain impact! Composed Behavioral Semantics: HYBRID SYSTEM Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to A L1 L 1 ||L 2 Concrete Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Structural Semantics Abstract Syntax translation HSF + SDF+Cont.Dyn A L2 Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Concrete Syntax Semantic Domain Semantics parses to Abstract Syntax translation FSM CSP

10 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 10 Simple Support for Compositional Meta-Modeling Composition Operators Metamodel composition with GME

11 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 11 Research Agenda on Domain Specific Modeling Languages  Precise, compositional meta-modeling  Multiple aspect modeling in the compositional meta-modeling framework  Practical issues: – Examples, meta-model libraries – Meta-programmable tools – Link to UML-2

12 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 12 Model Synthesis and Transformations Model Synthesis Model Transformation Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems Matlab Code-Gen. if (inactiveInterval != -1) { int thisInterval = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAccessed) / 1000; if (thisInterval > inactiveInterval) { invalidate(); ServerSessionManager ssm = ServerSessionManager.getManager(); ssm.removeSession(this); } private long lastAccessedTime = creationTime; /** * Return the last time the client sent a request associated with this * session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 * GMT. Actions that your application takes, such as getting or setting * a value associated with the session, do not affect the access time. */ public long getLastAccessedTime() { return (this.lastAccessedTime); } this.lastAccessedTime = time; /** * Update the accessed time information for this session. This method * should be called by the context when a request comes in for a particular * session, even if the application does not reference it. */ public void access() { this.lastAccessedTime = this.thisAccessedTime; this.thisAccessedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.isNew=false; } lastAccessedTime = 0L; lastAccessedTime = ((Long) stream.readObject()).longValue(); maxInactiveInterval = ((Integer) stream.readObject()).intValue(); isNew = ((Boolean) stream.readObject()).booleanValue(); Matlab Code-Gen. Domain-Specific Modeling Languages Generator Model-Based Generator Technology - Modeling of generators - Generating generators - Provably correct generators - Embeddable generators Configuration Specification Analysis Tool Code P i-1 PiPi P i+1

13 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 13 Meta-generators: Model Transformations in Tool Integration Approach (Karsai): Meta- models for source and target models plus transformations, then generating the transformer Transformer Domain-specific model Target model Meta- model for source Meta- model for target Meta- model for transform GEN Roles transformations play in model-based design: Refining a design into an implementation Code generation PIM -> PSM mapping Support for model interchange for tool integration

14 NSF Meta- Programmable Model Builder (GME) GEN Generator Specification G: A SF →A SDF Instance of A SDF Meta-model-2 l SF  L SF HSF Domain model l SDF  L SDF SDF Executable model SDF Platform A SF Meta-model-1 instance of Transformer Meta-generators: Model Transformations in Component Integration

15 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 15 Constraint-Based Model Synthesis

16 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 16 Generative modeling: Extensions to Meta-Modeling Languages Iterative (“for”) and conditional (“if”)constructs in models can greatly enhance expressiveness while reducing complexity. Input design: with “for” loop What it means: Transformer Replicate the middle of pipeline “Order” times! Order = 3

17 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 17 Other Uses of Transforms on Models: Design Patterns Design patterns capture prototypical solutions to a design problem. As such, they are parametric and reusable. Design pattern (as a transform) Input design Design with pattern applied Transformer

18 Sztipanovits/Karsai NSF 18 Research Agenda on Model Transformations  Languages and tools for meta generators  Model synthesis using explicit design patterns  Model synthesis using constraint-based design-space exploration  Generative modeling extensions to languages  Embeddable generators

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