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2009-10 Educational Services Division Proposed Restructuring Plan Board of Education Meeting July 7, 2009 Lodi Unified School District.

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Presentation on theme: "2009-10 Educational Services Division Proposed Restructuring Plan Board of Education Meeting July 7, 2009 Lodi Unified School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009-10 Educational Services Division Proposed Restructuring Plan Board of Education Meeting July 7, 2009 Lodi Unified School District

2 Lodi Unified School District Table of Contents i DESCRIPTION PAGE # A. What’s the Purpose of This Plan?1 B. Mandated Responsibilities 2 C. Accountability: Assessments & Requirements 3 - 4 D. How are Program Administrator Positions Funded?5 E. The Bottom Line6 F. Organization Charts Before & After7 - 8 G. Recommendation 9 I. Appendix 10 - 15

3 Lodi Unified School District What’s the Purpose of This Plan? The District’s current budgetary crisis provided us a unique opportunity to implement administrative reductions at the central office without changing our direction to strategically and systemically improve student performance and eliminate the achievement gap. Therefore, the Educational Services Division is proposing to restructure the Curriculum and Instruction Department to:  Streamline direct services provided to the school sites to further sharpen our focus in achieving the goals outlined in the District Program Improvement Plan  Monitor the implementation and support of a Pre-K-12/Adult standards- based curriculum for all students  Provide an articulated instructional delivery system  Promote a collective responsibility of the entire District instructional staff to address the educational needs of all children at each grade level 1

4 Lodi Unified School District Mandated Responsibilities Coordination and delivery of mandated Pre-K- 12/Adult core and elective curriculum Categorical compliance Services for English Language Students William’s Act Promotion/Retention Beginning Teacher Support Assessment (BTSA) Professional Development Assessments 2

5 Lodi Unified School District Accountability: Assessments Program Improvement – Corrective Action Mandated Assessments National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) State Assessment System California Standards Tests (CST) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) California Modified Assessment (CMA) Standards Based Test in Spanish (STS) California English Language Development Test (CELDT) California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Required K-8 District Assessment Subjects – Program Improvement English Language Arts Mathematics 3

6 Lodi Unified School District Accountability: Requirements Federal Accountability Title I Adequate Year Progress (AYP) Program Improvement – Corrective Actions Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) State Accountability Academic Performance Index (API) 4

7 Lodi Unified School District How are Program Administrator Positions Funded? Categorical The program administrators are fully funded with Categorical Resources Resources allocated for this purpose. Categorical guidelines provide up to 15% of their allocation to be used for administrative purposes to perform the following mandated tasks : Coordinate program activities and monitor implementation Adhere to compliance regulations and reporting requirements Prepare required documents and collect data to secure funding Collect and analyze disaggregated student achievement data results Ensure that the allocated funds are being used for its intended purpose and establish accountability procedures Communicate with the school community on how the funds are being distributed and used to improve teaching and learning Perform other administrative tasks necessary for the successful implementation of the programs 5

8 Lodi Unified School District The Bottom Line The current and proposed District instructional staffing allocation is responsive to our fiscal realities while continuing to focus on our mission to significantly improve student achievement. Our support services to the school sites will be realigned to: Maximize our ability to systemically and effectively support schools Streamline our operation and allocation of resources Achieve the District Program Improvement goals outlined in our Local Educational Agency Plan Adhere to State and Federal compliance requirements Preserve financial resources to further meet student needs To accomplish these tasks, a request is being made to hire two program administrators in the Curriculum and Instruction Department to assist with accomplishing some of the tasks that were performed previously by six curriculum coordinators and their respective administrative secretaries. 6

9 Lodi Unified School District Curriculum & Instruction 2008-09 School Year 7 Administrative Director Curriculum & Instruction 1.0 FTE Curriculum Coordinator Instructional Media Services 1.0 FTE Curriculum Coordinator Teacher Support 1.0 FTE Curriculum Coordinator Professional Development/ Instructional Coaches 1.0 FTE Curriculum Coordinator Multilingual/World Language 1.0 FTE Curriculum Coordinator GATE/English/Language Arts 1.0 FTE Principal Academic Interventions & Supplemental Instruction Pgm. 1.0 FTE Director Educational Support Services 1.0 FTE Director School Readiness & Preschool Services.85 FTE Assistant Director School Readiness & Preschool Services.50 FTE Curriculum Coordinator Math/Science Instructional Technology 1.0 FTE Assistant Director School Readiness & Preschool Services 1.0 FTE

10 Lodi Unified School District Proposed C & I Department 2009-10 School Year 8 Administrative Director Curriculum & Instruction 1.0 FTE Program Administrator 1.0 FTE Program Administrator 1.0 FTE Principal Academic Interventions & Supplemental Instruction Pgm. 1.0 FTE Director Educational Support Services 1.0 FTE Director School Readiness & Preschool Services.85 FTE Assistant Director School Readiness & Preschool Services.50 FTE Assistant Director School Readiness & Preschool Services 1.0 FTE Coordination of District Program Improvement Curriculum & Textbook Adoptions District-wide Professional Development State & Federal Compliance Requirements

11 Lodi Unified School DistrictRecommendation ii

12 Lodi Unified School DistrictRecommendation Staff recommends the Board of Education approve the new organization structure reflecting the reduced overall staffing This plan will include: Two Program Administrators The allocation of existing categorical resources to fund this structure Redefined duties and responsibilities as reflected in this report The plan will maximize the District’s limited resources to systemically and effectively support schools The plan, at the same time, will generate/maintain categorical resources and monitor legal compliance 9

13 Lodi Unified School District THE END iii

14 Appendix 10

15 Lodi Unified School District 11 2009-10 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES DIVISION RESTRUCTURING PLAN ASSIGNMENT OF ADDITIONAL MAJOR CURRICULUM & PREVENTION RESPONSIBILIITES ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENT SERVICES COMMUNITY RELATIONS ASSESSMENT, RESEARCH, & EVALUATION To Be Determined  GATE Program & Advisory Committee  Prep Coordination-Music & PE  Curriculum Articulation Meetings - VAPA - 5-12 Instrumental Music  Shared between Elementary Education and Secondary Education - Administrative Coaches  Course Catalogs & College Planning Guides  Course Numbers  UC & NCAA Approvals  Career Technical Education Curriculum Coordination  Graduation Task Force Committee  Shared between Elementary Education and Secondary Education - Administrative Coaches  SETPD Grant  Response to Intervention Psychological Services & Student Support  7-12 Counseling  Red Ribbon Week  Prevention Student Trainings  School Resource Officers  CHK Survey for 2008-09  Office of Civil Rights Reports  District Equity Leadership Team  Title IV budget and required activities, e.g., DATE meetings, Friday Night Live  Wellness Program, including Prevention curriculum trainings  Standards Based Report Cards  Promotion & Retention  PSAT Testing  AP Testing  R30 (Language Census Report)  SNOR (Student National Origin Report)  EL Assessment Primary Language Identification Documentation  Parent Surveys  BTSA  New Teacher Induction  Summer Camp - New Tchr. & Admin. Orientation

16 Lodi Unified School District 12 2009-10 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES DIVISION RESTRUCTURING PLAN ASSIGNMENT OF ADDITIONAL MAJOR CURRICULUM & PREVENTION RESPONSIBILIITES CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION PROGRAM ADMINISTRATORS EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION PROGRAMS GRANT WRITER  Instructional Media Center Coordination - Williams Act - Library Media Centers - Textbook ordering  Professional Development  Benchmark Assessments and Pacing Guides  Core Replacements  Instructional Technology Collaboration  District Instructional Coaches  Committees - Curriculum Council - District Leadership Team  Curriculum Articulation Meetings Social Science  Provides ongoing support to assigned Program Improvement schools  Assists with the implementation of assigned curricular and educational programs  Promotes Pre-K-12/Adult curriculum articulation  Develops and monitors assigned budgets  Prepares statistical and evaluative reports  Monitors state and federal mandates for assigned programs  Analyzes and interprets disaggregated student achievement data results for assigned programs  Facilitates Senior Projects  Oversees Migrant Education  Curriculum Articulation Meetings English/Language Arts English/Language Development Mathematics World Language Science  Coordination of Site Title I Intervention Teachers/ Instructional Coaches  Compliance Reviews  English Language Program Review Coordination  Translations/ Interpretation services  Community Liaisons  AP/Pre AP  AP Audit  AP Pathways  College & Career Night  4-12 AVID  Intervention Programs CAHSEE ELA/Math  Curriculum Articulation Meetings Health Physical Ed  Curriculum Advisory Committee FLHG/RIAC  Maintain Educational Services websites  Search and write grants to promote District goals and meet fiscal needs

17 Lodi Unified School District PRIMARY FUNCTION: The program administrator is an instructional leader with primary responsibility for assisting in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of K-12 educational programs at designated schools and specified district-wide programs and services. The program administrator is an experienced educator who is knowledgeable about state and federal legislation and regulations affecting curricular programs and resources available to assist in closing the achievement gap for all students. The program administrator works collaboratively with site and District personnel to achieve district-wide initiatives. The Board of Education designates this position as Management. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Under the immediate direction of the Administrative Director, Curriculum and Instruction, supervises assigned certificated and classified staff. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties and responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following:  Provides leadership in establishing long and short-term plans and activities. E  Compiles information and makes recommendations regarding the curricular needs, objectives, and programs for assigned schools. E  Visits schools regularly to observe programs in operation and assist site administrators in planning, implementing, and assessing the improvement of teaching and learning; provides resources on how to create the most effective learning environment for each student based on his/her unique learning needs E  Provides support to school personnel in the planning, organization, and coordination of curriculum and related instructional programs to promote curriculum articulation among Pre-K-12/Adult schools. E  Provides leadership and works collaboratively with site and District personnel in the selection and adoption of state textbooks and supplementary materials in various subject areas. E  Prepares and maintains a variety of narrative, statistical, and evaluative reports, records, and files related to assigned programs and personnel. E LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 13

18 Lodi Unified School District Program Administrator, cont’d  Provides leadership in the articulation, implementation, and monitoring of proficiency requirements, state standards, compliance regulations, state and federal mandates, and local assessment procedures for assigned programs. E  Facilitates the District’s continuous improvement model for instruction, curricular planning, and assessments for assigned programs. E  Monitors, analyzes, and interprets disaggregated student achievement data results and reports. E  Assists in the facilitation, coordination, and delivery of professional development activities for certificated and classified personnel. E  Communicates with other administrators, staff, and outside organizations to coordinate activities and programs, resolve issues and conflicts, and exchange information. E  Assists with the development, allocation, and monitoring of the budgets for assigned programs. E  Trains, supervises and evaluates assigned certificated and classified staff. E  Attends and conducts a variety of meetings, events and District committees, representing the Curriculum and Instruction Department. E  Performs other related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of: State and federal funding sources for educational programs Applicable educational laws, codes, regulations, policies, and procedures Principles and practices of effective instruction, training, supervision, and evaluation English language learner programs and respective federal and state guidelines and mandates Curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation State and District curriculum standards and programs Ability to: Organize and facilitate committees, in-services, and professional development activities Communicate effectively orally and in writing Establish and maintain effective working relationships with others LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 14

19 Lodi Unified School District Operate a computer and assigned office equipment Train, supervise, and evaluate assigned staff Meet timelines and work independently with little direction Analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action Drive a car EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s Degree, Administrative Services Credential, and a combination of at least five years successful K-12 teaching and increasingly responsible supervisory experience. Masters Degree desirable. SALARY SCHEDULE: Management RANGE: 35 WORKDAYS: 222 DEVELOPED: 2/09 LODI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 15

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