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EEP Watershed Planning Overview August 12, 2009
Ecosystem Enhancement Program Nationally recognized, innovative, non-regulatory program formed in July 2003 through an agreement sponsored by: NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources NC Department of Transportation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District
Ecosystem Enhancement Program Mission: To restore, enhance, preserve, and protect the functions associated with wetlands, streams, and streamside buffers including, but not limited to those necessary for the restoration, maintenance, and protection of water quality and riparian habitats throughout North Carolina.
Subwatershed 14-Digit HU 8-Digit CU River Basin EEP Watershed Planning Scale
Local Watershed Planning Selection Criteria For LWP Area Contain anticipated quantity / types of mitigation projects Consider willingness of local RPs (and other stakeholders) to work with EEP Consider scale and potential to evaluate water quality or habitat improvements
Local Watershed Planning Purpose identify major causes/sources of impacts to water quality, habitat and hydrology and develop strategies for addressing these watershed stressors. Goal ensure that projects are selected and located to achieve maximum long-term improvement to local watershed functions.
Local Watershed Planning: Phase I Preliminary Watershed Characterization Preliminary characterization of watershed conditions & functional needs based on best available data/GIS Products: Collection and evaluation of existing data Identification of critical data gaps Convene Local Advisory Team Develop Outreach Strategy Preliminary Findings & Recommendations report
Local Watershed Planning Subwatershed Delineation
Function Stressor Functional IndicatorMeasure and Data Source HydrologyBuffer removal, storm- water Stream Bank Erosion Potential Mean Bank Erosion Hazard Index score (field) Channeliz ed Streams Extent of Stream Channelization % of low gradient streams channelized (GIS analysis) HabitatRiparian area cleared Woody Debris/instream habitat NCDWQ stream habitat protocol (field survey) Sedimenta tion Microhabitat Diversity and Abundance Mean microhabitat score, NCDWQ stream habitat protocol (field survey) Water Quality Ag. and road runoff Specific Conductance Mean specific conductance (field measurement) Riparian area cleared Riparian Forest Area Extent % of stream length with forested riparian zone ≥30 ft1 wide (GIS analysis)
Local Watershed Planning, Phase II Detailed Assessment Detailed assessment of watershed down to reach scale Products: Develop GIS datasets Field data collected and analyzed Watershed Assessment Report
Local Watershed Planning Field Data Biological Sampling InsectsInsects FishFish Algae Algae Water Quality Sampling Flow, DO, pH, Temperature, conductivityFlow, DO, pH, Temperature, conductivity NutrientsNutrients ToxicityToxicity Physical Measurements Riparian AssessmentRiparian Assessment Channel MorphologyChannel Morphology Channel StabilityChannel Stability HydrologyHydrology
Local Watershed Planning Stakeholder Process Identify local liaison/partner Identify local liaison/partner Convene Local Advisory Team Convene Local Advisory Team Community outreach / education Community outreach / education
Local Watershed Planning, Phase III Developing The Watershed Plan StressorManagement Strategy Livestock grazing, access to stream Stream restoration, riparian buffers, livestock exclusion, BMPs Lack of adequate forested bufferStream restoration, riparian buffers Impervious cover Stormwater BMPs, stormwater ordinance, low impact development Upland erosion Agriculture & forestry BMPs, erosion and sedimentation control ordinance, subdivision ordinance modifications, steep slope ordinance, public education Nutrients Illicit discharge program, ag BMPs, riparian buffers, watershed education program, stormwater BMPs,
Local Watershed Planning Matching Management Strategies to Implementation
Local Watershed Planning, Phase IV Implementation Use momentum to move from plan development to implementation
Ecosystem Enhancement Program Watershed Project Implementation Focus on projects that have the greatest likelihood for improving watershed conditions Consolidate compensatory mitigation resources in targeted areas to achieve maximum watershed benefit
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