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Group No. 4 Members- AKASH AGARWAL (Y08UC010) MAYANK INDORIA (Y08UC080)

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Presentation on theme: "Group No. 4 Members- AKASH AGARWAL (Y08UC010) MAYANK INDORIA (Y08UC080)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group No. 4 Members- AKASH AGARWAL (Y08UC010) MAYANK INDORIA (Y08UC080)

2 Zip Codes Recognition AIM: To be able to recognise and postal code from the letters or postcard to ease the post office to sort the letters without remembering the postal codes. INPUT: An image of a letter or a postcard with a postal code.

3 APPROACHES: There are five primary algorithms that the software requires for identifying a postal code: 1. Localization – responsible for finding and isolating the code on the picture. 2. Sizing –adjusts the dimensions to the required size. 3. Normalization – adjusts the brightness and contrast of the image. 4. Character segmentation – finds the individual characters on the image. 5. Optical character recognition.

4 CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED : There are a number of possible difficulties that the software must be able to cope with. These include: Blurry images, particularly motion blur. Poor lighting and low contrast due to overexposure, reflection or shadows. Requirement of large dataset, covering various font styles, and symbols. Since the numbers can be hand written we face a real challenge in extracting them. Implementing OCR in the context to this project will be new to us.

5 Time division for the project We thought of the following deadline: Till 10 November: We will be finished with the extraction of the portion where postal code is written. Till 20 November: We will be finished with the OCR part of the extraction. Till 22 November: We will be ready for the presentation. Till 25 November: We will be ready with the project report.

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