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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am 1.

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Presentation on theme: "禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am 1

2 請將您的手機關閉, 謝謝 ! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 2

3 讚 美 讚美 ! 衝破黑暗權勢 讚美 ! 開啟祝福之門 Praises, break the darkness power Praises, open the door of blessings

4 讚 美 讚美 ! 釋放屬天能力 讚美 ! 聖潔神的寶座 Praises, release the power of Heaven Praises, throne of the holy Lord

5 神本為大當受極大讚美 Lord, You’re so great You’re worthy to be praises (4x)

6 新的祝福降下来 新的恩膏涌出来 新的诗歌我要唱出来 New blessings are falling down New anointing flowing out Let the new song come out from my heart 6

7 神的荣耀已同在 神的话语不更改 神的应许我要活出来 God’s glory is with me God’s word will never change God’s promise keeps me day by day 7

8 新的祝福 循环开始 敬拜赞美 充满活力 圣灵大能 同在经历 火热的心 再次燃烧起来 A new cycle of blessing is here Our praises are full of His power By the Spirit, enter His presence Oh fire of God, burn anew in me 8

9 天堂启示 天父将显明 美好关系 从今天建立 心思意念 心意更新 Revelations come from the Father All relations are now restored God’s new mindset is changi ng us 9

10 哈利路亚 神的供应 要满溢出来 神的应许 Hallelujah God’s provision is overflowing It’s God’s promise 10

11 我的主 我敬拜你 我的主 我赞美你 我的主 我要与你同行 My Lord , I worship You My Lord, I give You praise My Lord, I daily walk with You 11

12 靠着神 我们向前行 靠着神 我们一定行 靠着神 我们凡事都能行 Hallelujah God’s provision is overflowing It’s God’s promise 12

13 13 高過一切高山深海 你愛的江河流向我今我敞開我的心門讓醫治者來釋放我 Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me And I will open up my heart And let the Healer set me free

14 14 在真理中我真喜樂 每一天我高舉雙手我要不停歌唱因你愛臨到我 I’m happy to be in the truth And I will daily lift my hands For I will always sing Of when Your love came down

15 15我要歌唱你愛到永遠我要歌唱你愛到永遠我要歌唱你愛到永遠我要歌唱你愛到永遠 I could sing of Your love forever

16 16 Oh I feel like dancing It’s foolishness I know But when the world has seen the light They will dance with joy Like we’re dancing now 我好想要跳舞別人看為很希奇但當世界看見這光他們必歡喜跳舞像我們一樣

17 17 我感覺主恩膏充滿我們中間神的聖靈正在運行帶下醫治的恩典 I can feel a great anointing in this place Yes the Holy Spirit’s moving Bringing healing through God’s grace

18 18 我看見主聖靈正澆灌眾教會興起衪所擇選榮耀子民 I can see the Holy Spirit at work right here To awaken all the people of God

19 19 今天是主所命定的日子自由的時刻已來到罪的鎖鍊衪完全都斷開來歡呼讚美衪聖名 This is the day today the Lord has made The time of freedom has arrived The bonds of sin He comes to break away Let’s shout aloud and praise His Name, Hey

20 20 新酒澆灌帶下新鮮恩膏說不盡的喜樂充滿我新油流下帶出大能恩膏來宣揚我主榮耀彰顯 New wine falling bringing fresh anointing Filling us with over whelming joy Oil that’s flowing with a great anointing To declare the power of the Lord

21 21 每當我來到你寶座前我心我靈向你俯伏敬拜再次將主權交託全能神懇求你心意向我顯明我願觸動你心弦全心討你喜悅

22 22 我要舉起雙手降服於你貼近你的胸懷我願觸動你心弦全心討你喜悅我主我的神 求奪我心意 完全屬於你

23 因著十架愛 Love From The Cross 主祢的身體為我捨 祢的寶血為我流出 誠然擔當我的憂患 定義背負我的痛苦

24 因著十架愛 Love From The Cross 因祢受鞭傷我得醫治 因祢受刑罰我得平安 主啊!我回轉到祢面前 我要經歷醫治和平安

25 醫治和平安 因著十架愛 眾罪得赦免 因著十架愛 因著十架愛 因著十架愛 今我得潔淨 因著十架愛

26 26 耶穌誠然擔當 我們的憂患 耶穌為我們的過犯受害為我們的罪孽壓傷 Jesus You took the cross carried my sorrows carried my sorrows Paid for my life with Yours Jesus pierced for my sin and all my shame and crushed for my failures and pain

27 27 因你受的刑罰 我們得平安 因你受的鞭傷 我們得醫治 完全得醫治 You have suffered for me to give me peace By the stripes upon You I receive healing I receive healing You made me whole

28 28 感謝耶穌 我的救主 我得平安 我得醫治 我的耶穌 愛我的主 你的恩典 深觸我心 Thank You Jesus My loving Savior You shed Your blood to give me life O my Jesus, You love me so O how precious You are to me

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