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2. Groups Basic Definitions Covering Operations Symmetric Groups

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1 2. Groups Basic Definitions Covering Operations Symmetric Groups
The Rearrangement Theorem Isomorphism & Homomorphism Subgroups Cosets Classes Class Multiplication Invariant Subgroups Factor Groups Direct Product Groups

2 2.1. Basic Definitions Definition: Group
Let G be a set &  a multiplication. { G ,  } is a group if  a, b, c  G 1. a  b  G ( Closure ) 2. a  ( b  c ) = ( a  b )  c ( Associativity ) 3.  e  G  e  a = a  e = a ( Identity ) 4.  a-1  G  a-1  a = a  a-1 = e ( Inverse ) Common abbreviations: { G ,  } → G a  b → a b Definition: Abelian Group { G ,  } is Abelian if a  b = b  a  a, b  G ( Commutative) Common notations:  → + , e → 0, a-1 → –a

3 Definition: Order of G Order of G = g = Number of elements in G G is a finite (infinite) group if g is finite (infinite) Examples: G = { e, a } with a2 = e is a group of order 2 ( a-1 = a ) { R, + } is an infinite Abelian group with e = 0 & a-1 = –a { R \ {0},  } is an infinite Abelian group with e = 1 & a-1 = 1/a Definition: Order of a  G an = e  Order of a = n Definition: Cyclic Group Cn Cn = { a, a2, …, an = e } is a cyclic group of order n

4 Multiplication Table A (abstract) group can be defined by its multiplication table. a b d a2 ab ad ba b2 bd da db d2 Example: 4-group (Abelian) V = { e, a, b, c = ab } V e a b c e a b c MT of Abelian groups are symmetry Dihedral group D2 = { e, C2x, C2y, C2z } has the same MT

5 2.2. Covering Operations Def: Covering operations of a geometric figure = symmetry operations that leave the figure unchanged. Example: Equilateral Triangle The rotational symmetries form the group Example: Equilateral Triangle The covering operations form the group  = reflections

6 C3v e C3 C32 1 2 3 Active rotation:



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