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B) it can be used to solve indeterminate trusses

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1 B) it can be used to solve indeterminate trusses
READING QUIZ The main advantage of the method of section over the method of joints is that ___ . A) it is easier to use B) it can be used to solve indeterminate trusses C) it can directly determine the force in a particular member D) it has the ability to solve for zero-force members Answer: C Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

2 READING QUIZ In the method of sections, a “cut” in the truss is used to solve for up to __________ unknowns. A) one B) two C) three D) four Answer: C Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

3 CONCEPT QUIZ A section in a truss produces the following free body diagram. Select the equilibrium equation that will allow solving directly for FCD. A) Fx = 0 B) Fy = 0 C) MD = 0 D) MA = 0 A P B D P FDE FBC FCD Answer: D cut E C Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

4 CONCEPT QUIZ Applying the method of sections to a truss produces the FBD shown. Select the equilibrium equation that will allow solving directly for FDE. A) Fy = 0 B) MC = 0 C) ME = 0 D) Fx = 0 P FDE A E D FCE B C FCF Answer: B Q Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

5 ATTENTION QUIZ To solve directly for the force in member BG, which cut should be used ? A) Q B) R C) S D) T B C D P P Q A E H G F R T S P Answer: C Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

6 ATTENTION QUIZ Applying the method of sections to a truss produces the FBD shown. Assuming P and Q are known, select the equilibrium equation that will allow solving directly for FCE. A) Fy = 0 B) MC = 0 C) ME = 0 D) Fx = 0 P FDE A E D FCE B C FCF Answer: A Q Additional Quiz Questions for Section 6.4

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