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New Food From Old Aztec threshing Amaranth – Florentine Codex – 16th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "New Food From Old Aztec threshing Amaranth – Florentine Codex – 16th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Food From Old Aztec threshing Amaranth – Florentine Codex – 16th Century

2 Amaranthus hypocondriacus Amaranthaceae

3 Amaranth harvest in Sierra Madre, Mexico

4 Amaranth seed balls for sale in market, Sierra Madre

5 Aztec God Huitzilopochtli

6 Amaranth culture in US today

7 More Amaranth Species A. cruentus A. caudatus

8 Triticale On left – wheat, triticale, rye

9 The Trouble with Tribbles

10 Hemp – Cannabis sativa

11 Hemp Fabric

12 Chinese guide to making hemp fabric - 1872

13 Hemp traditionally used in sailing

14 Hemp Paper

15 Hemp Declaration of Independence

16 Abaca or Manila hemp – Musa textilis

17 Manila hemp

18 Manila hemp rope

19 Modern Uses of Cannabis Hemp

20 Hemp Cultivation

21 Modern Hemp Paper

22 Hemp clothes and fabric

23 Hemp Cordage

24 Hemp Seed – Food and Oil

25 Hemp Cosmetics

26 Star fruit – Averrhoa carambola

27 Pinyon Pine – Pinus edulis

28 Stone Pine – Pinus pinea

29 Pine nuts or pignoli – from Pinus edulis

30 Kiwi Fruit – Actinidia chinensis

31 Kiwi fruit cultivation

32 Taro – Colocasia esculenta

33 Taro harvest - Hawaii

34 Taro corms

35 Tamarind – Tamarindus indica

36 Tamarind Fruits

37 Tamarind based sauces

38 Tamarinido Drinks

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