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A (short) review of the talks and posters presented Randall Smith JHU & NASA/GSFC.

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Presentation on theme: "A (short) review of the talks and posters presented Randall Smith JHU & NASA/GSFC."— Presentation transcript:

1 A (short) review of the talks and posters presented Randall Smith JHU & NASA/GSFC

2 Spectroscopy puts most of the “physics” into X-ray astrophysics – Claude Canizares

3 1895 ApJ, 1, 1: A. A. Michelson on how to measure spectral lines emitted in solar prominences

4 “Synthesize, don’t Summarize” Methods & Models Accretion (WA, Fe K) Stars – flares & FIPs, O ( -type ) my! Expect the Unexpected Future of X-ray Spectroscopy

5 What didn’t we talk about? (much) SNRs (except Dewey) – and we clearly need to re-observe Cas A in 6-7 years Clusters (except Peterson, Behar) – although absence of cooling flows a blockbuster; also found v turb <30 km/s with a 300 km/s spectrometer!

6 What didn’t we talk about? (much) SNRs (except Dewey) – and we clearly need to re-observe Cas A in 6-7 years Clusters (except Peterson, Behar) – although absence of cooling flows a blockbuster; also found v turb <30 km/s with a 300 km/s spectrometer! We need non-dispersive X-ray spectra!

7 Methods & Models Some things are easy. [Thank goodness!] –Identifying ion parent of (most) lines Fe L shell lines easy to id; strengths harder RRC features mostly easy to id as well. –Doppler shifts (if known well; need lab data!) But getting  v to 3.7 km/s in EX Hya impressive –Diagnostic line ratios of (strong) lines But watch out for LOS differences in models!

8 Methods & Models Others are hard –Fitting high-resolution broad band spectra –Measuring a faint continuum –Determining an Emission or Absorption Measure Distribution (EMD, AMD) –Creating a model simple enough to calculate but powerful enough to encapsulate data

9 Methods & Models Are we ready for a satellite which produces nothing but high-resolution X-ray spectra? All>50 ksec HETGSGTO16454 (33%) GO338124 (37%) LETGGTO4021 (53%) GO11452 (46%) ACISGTO114769 (6%) GO3818469 (12%)

10 Methods & Models: Analyzing high-resolution spectra RGS, HETG, and LETG spectra all have more resolution elements than this projector! Methods: Which converge? to the right value? –“Photon Clean,” including bootstrap –Line-Based Analysis –absline –Gaussian fits after continuum determination –Adding components until  2 stops dropping –Continuum finding: find line-free regions, assumed power-law, spline fit, other method? What constitutes a “good” fit?

11 Methods & Models: Analyzing high-resolution spectra RGS, HETG, and LETG spectra all have more resolution elements than this projector! Methods: Which converge? to the right value? –“Photon Clean,” including bootstrap –Line-Based Analysis –absline –Gaussian fits after continuum determination –Adding components until  2 stops dropping –Continuum finding: find line-free regions, assumed power- law, spline fit, other method? What is a “good” fit?

12 Methods & Models: Analyzing high-resolution spectra Is the biggest problem: –atomic data? (20-30% correlated errors) –calibration? (3-15% correlated errors) –insufficient counts (what metric?) –methodology? (unknown...)

13 Methods & Models Accessing data getting easier: –BiRD for XMM RGS data –XATLAS for HETG stellar data –Profit for GUI spectral viewing with ATOMDB or XSTAR line ids! (+ CIELO for RGS/Sy1.5+, HotGAS for HETGS)

14 Accretion: Introduction Ubiquitous process –SMBH –Galactic BH –X-ray (NS) binaries –WD (CVs: baby Seyferts that become SSS when the corona collapses...) Dynamic! (Winds, WA, etc) M, M acc, M wind, R outer, R inner, Spin –Inclination, Magnetic geometry..

15 Accretion: Questions, Asked or Answered RRCs prove photoionization is the dominant process in some parts of accretion flows. Broad Fe K  lines in some AGN are real –But can we really measure the BH spin? Soft X-ray excess coincides with optical NLR WA: Clumpy or a continuous distribution? –Can we tell? Are models holding us back, or calibration, or the data? –Some X-ray components match UV ones (e.g NGC 7469), and they respond to changes in the source flux.

16 Accretion: Questions, Asked or Answered Hot Absorbers at High Velocities –Do they exist? Are we missing a giant component of mass outflow? –Regardless, X-ray observations show this component dominates UV flows ( > 90%) for nearby AGN. NELG spectra not so flat (  ~ 1.7-1.8, not 1.4), no disk reflection seen (NGC 2110, 3C445)

17 Stars: Flares & FIPs O (-type) My! Static loop models have DEM  T 1.0-1.5 Observations show DEM  T 4.0 –Which agrees with dynamic loop models –Flares in X-ray may be in optical or not –Abundances can change during flare. CTTS seem to show accretion as well Weak Fe K  seen in HR 9024 flare; reflection model agrees with loop geometry.

18 Stars: Flares & FIPs (I)FIP is –Solved –Mysterious –Unexplained

19 Stars: Flares & FIPs (I)FIP is –Solved –Mysterious –Unexplained –Confusing all those not working in stars...

20 Hot Stars: Controversy in the offing? O star lines are broad & symmetric(ish) –Resonant scattering? –Opacity? –Or from shocked protons & CX, while the electrons remain cold

21 Expect the Unexpected Measuring dust or molecular composition –Ferrous vs ferric iron? With X-rays from the Crab nebula? Yes! –Main limitation in seeing XAFS is data, both observational & experimental. Did Alpha Cen A disappear? Nope, just got cooler–side benefit of the LETGS X-rays can catch SS433’s jet hitting a bump The hot gas seen at z~0 is really in the Galactic halo.

22 Future of X-ray Spectroscopy Velocity broadened lines detected with suggestion of both cold and collisional plasmas in the LLAGN M81; need resolution, EA! Detect redshifted iron lines from surface of NS, determine EOS; need... Track material falling into AGN via Fe K; need...

23 Future of X-ray Spectroscopy Velocity broadened lines detected with suggestion of both cold and collisional plasmas in the LLAGN M81; need resolution, EA! Detect redshifted iron lines from surface of NS, determine EOS; need... Track material falling into AGN via Fe K; need... Con-X (and CAT) can give resolution, EA

24 The Unified AGN Spectrum: NGC 3783!

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