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1 Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot Neil DaswaniDan Boneh Public Key Solutions ‘99 April.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot Neil DaswaniDan Boneh Public Key Solutions ‘99 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Experimenting with Electronic Commerce on the PalmPilot Neil DaswaniDan Boneh Public Key Solutions ‘99 April 12 - 14

2 2 Overview zSecurity Applications on a PDA (advantages / disadvantages?) zHow about a payment system? (wide-deployment of PDAs?) zIs this feasible with existing PDA technology?

3 3 Outline zTrade-offs zE-Commerce on the PalmPilot zPDA-PayWord zPerformance zConclusions

4 4 Trade-offs zVs. SmartCards yno tamper resistance yno cryptographic accelerators ydirect line of communication with user ymore processing power ymore memory

5 5 Trade-offs zVs. Desktops yless memory yless processing power yportable

6 6 E-Commerce on the PalmPilot zSecurity Features (Lack of?) zCryptographic Primitives zAuthentication zMemory Mgmt. & Backups zPrototypical Application

7 7 Security Features (Lack of?) zDatabases -- No Access Control ynon-volatile ycreatorID y“secret” attribute (just a suggestion) zPassword Entry

8 8 * DES, SHA-1, RSA figures obtained with SSLeay * ECC-DSA figures obtained with Certicom Security Builder Toolkit Cryptographic Primitives

9 9 E-Commerce on the PalmPilot zAuthentication yPro: direct line of communication with owner yCon: entering passwords zMemory Management & Backups yEncrypted Storage (Instrument Manager) yPalmPilot Databases (deletion, double spending)

10 10 E-Commerce on the PalmPilot zSmall payments ($5 -> $50) zTarget Application: Pony Vending Machine

11 11 E-Commerce on the PalmPilot zWhere to start? yPayWord (Rivest, Shamir) zWhy PayWord? yamortize cost of signatures ycoins = hash tokens

12 12 PDA-PayWord zPalmPilot implementation of PayWord zMinimize cryptographic operations zMinimize storage requirements

13 13 PDA-PayWord Characteristics zVendor-Specific zPre-Pay (Debit-Based) zVendor = Bank zHash Chain Based

14 14 PDA-PayWord: Withdrawal Y0Y0 Y1Y1 YkYk {Y k, k, d, vid} S ECC- DSA (User) User’s Wallet Bank Pre-Paid? Yes HCC= {Y k, k, d, exp,vid} S RSA (Bank)

15 15 PDA-PayWord: Purchase Y0Y0 Y1Y1 Y k-i Y k-i, i, HCC User’s Wallet Y k-i Y k-i+1 YkYk Vendor

16 16 PDA-PayWord: Withdrawal Timings Note: d = 5

17 17 PDA-PayWord: Purchase Timings (First time $1.50 buy)

18 18 PDA-PayWord Variations zMultiple hash chains / Multiple denominations zStoring “sentinel” values zMultiple Vendors (Introduce Online Broker)

19 19 Conclusions / Summary zPDA = portable commerce device w/o tamper resistance zSuitable for small payments zCommerce protocols can be adapted zExample: PDA-PayWord yleverages best of ECC and RSA

20 20 Acknowledements zCerticom zAndrew Toy

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