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Glacial Landscapes. Erosional Land- scapes  Areal scour vs.  Selective linear erosion.

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Presentation on theme: "Glacial Landscapes. Erosional Land- scapes  Areal scour vs.  Selective linear erosion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glacial Landscapes

2 Erosional Land- scapes  Areal scour vs.  Selective linear erosion

3 Cirques



6 Arêtes and Horns  Jointing and mass wasting (two cirques)  Coalescence of three or more cirques


8 Troughs  “U” shaped –Like a stream, but slower! –X-section area = f(Q) –Elevation = f(Q) at common surface

9 Trough Erosion  Scour @ bed  Mass wasting @ sides (transport)

10 Paternoster Lakes  Local overdeepenings –Rel. erodibility? –Extension/ compression?  Some evidence of cyclicity

11 Grinnell Creek

12 Landforms of Areal Scour  Typically streamlined –Erosional or depositional? –Glacial or glaciofluvial?  Discrete or continuous distribution? [after Rose, 1987]

13 Outwash Streams and Sediment

14 Subglacial Channels  Eroded into bedrock (e.g., Antarctica) –Pressure –Tools

15  Note: –Escarpment –Notches –Channels

16 Eskers  Subglacial streams –Deposits –Pressure- driven (may trend uphill!) Copyright © Daryl Dagesse 2002

17 Moraines Lateral (Stripped) Terminal (single, massive, sharp-crested) (multiple, subtle, hummocky)

18 Pleistocene Moraines

19 Moraines (map)  Below ELA  Lastglacial (older?)  Effects on streams: –Moraine- dammed –Glacier- dammed –Outwash

20 Till Plains/Outwash “Glacier foreland”

21 Clark Fork of the Yellowstone

22 Paradise Valley

23 Kame Terrace  Interaction between valley wall and glacier wall.  Example: Blackfoot River valley – till/kame Terminal moraine Kame terrace

24 Ice sheet “ground moraine” Kame and kettle topography

25 Outburst Floods (Jökulhlaup)  Sudden drainage of a glacial lake -Breaching of moraines or floating of ice dams. -Calving of icebergs -Typically cyclic -Massive geomorphic work but potentially devastating [Clague, 1997]

26 Missoula/Spokane floods

27 Pluvial Lakes  Closed basins –Bonneville –Lahontan –Owens+

28 Glaciation and Earth Systems  Oscillating glacial/non-glacial climates  Changing ice/wind/water/coasts… (yr x 10 3 )

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