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Review for final mgmt464 Remember to bring a Scantron to class on Thursday Bring pencils and eraser on Thursday Hand in papers today or Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for final mgmt464 Remember to bring a Scantron to class on Thursday Bring pencils and eraser on Thursday Hand in papers today or Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for final mgmt464 Remember to bring a Scantron to class on Thursday Bring pencils and eraser on Thursday Hand in papers today or Thursday

2 24 Additional Items Presented Around the Leadership Theories These are:

3 Strategic Planning Model Human, Technical, Conceptual “How to Swim with Sharks” “Filters against Folly” “Who You Are Now is Where You Were When” Lewin”s Change Model

4 Beyond Implementation in D-M Leading and Emotions Self-Evaluation - Key to understanding others and how to then lead them Invention, Technology, Innovation Internal/External Locus of Control Authority, Responsibility, Accountability MBWA

5 Systems Approaches Sources/Importance of Power to Leaders Substitutes to Power Setting Meaningful Goals Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship Force Field Analysis Machiavellianism

6 Knowing When to Hold ‘em and When to Fold ‘em Motivation Theories Career Anchors Self-Actualization (from Maslow’s motivation theory, of course)

7 The Leadership Theories Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership

8 Transformational Leadership Think about the text we used during the first half of the course The need to transform an organization, and the actions, method(s), and considerations to achieve a vision of a different future

9 The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart

10 Great Man Theory Leaders are born, not made When a need arises, a leader will emerge to take charge

11 Trait Theory Based on research of successful Leaders, many possess the same traits What traits did/do they possess? How do you use that knowledge? What is the main caution?

12 Behavioral Theory Prevalent in the 40’s through the 70’s Leadership can be learned

13 Those Behavioral Theories that we discussed Role Theory Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton) Participative Decision Making Lewin and Likert (task vs people)

14 Contingency Theory Contingent on certain factors such as the leader quality, education, experience,

15 Three Theories discussed: The Leader tendency (LPC - Fiedler) Cognition (Intelligence, Experience, Stress, other cognitive resources Strategic Contingency (centrality, skills, uniqueness of skill)

16 Situational Leadership All depends on the forces in the situation

17 Hersey & Blanchard (4 ldr styles matched with 4 follower levels) Vroom & Yetton (a normative model to determine best ledr style for a given situation) House (Path-Goal Theory)

18 Transactional Leadership Based on an exchange between people

19 Leader-Member Exchange (LMX): In/Out groups and the role development of each Social Exchange: Comparisons to see with who the exchange is better - relationships Equity Theory Social Comparison Thy: Up or downward Social Impact Thy: Likelihood you’ll be influenced (Strength, Immediacy, Number)

20 Necessities to be an Effective Manager or Leader Throughout the text, web research, and in- class discussions it should have become evident that in order to be successful today you will need certain skills. Some of the more important ones are:

21 Oral and written communications, including listening skills A sense of who you are, or aren’t A sense of how you may be different from those around you, and meshing the two Practice flexibility and humility Build self confidence (skill, knowledge, and practice; internal locus of control) Well versed on, and an understanding, of the world around you

22 Learn how to think on your feet Be Authentic Be Consistent Be Credible Be an (excellent) model for others Know when to hold ‘em/fold ‘em Have passion; watch how you display your emotions

23 Student Reviews. I need a volunteer to collect these and turn them in to Room 560 in the SBA

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