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Introduction to IP Eurotrans - NUDATRA Enrique M. González Romero CIEMAT 7/06/2006 IP-EUROTRANS Internal Training Course ITC2: “Nuclear data for transmutation:

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to IP Eurotrans - NUDATRA Enrique M. González Romero CIEMAT 7/06/2006 IP-EUROTRANS Internal Training Course ITC2: “Nuclear data for transmutation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to IP Eurotrans - NUDATRA Enrique M. González Romero CIEMAT 7/06/2006 IP-EUROTRANS Internal Training Course ITC2: “Nuclear data for transmutation: status, needs and methods” Santiago deCompostela, Spain

2 Nuclear waste Partitioning and Transmutation (P&T) Heterogeneity of Spent nuclear fuel Components U + Activation wastes: Large volume and mass but low activity and heat. FF: 5% of the mass but most of the radioactivity and heat at discharge. Highly radioactive but of short live (30 years). In particular Cs y Sr main heat source for the Geological repository at short term. LLFF: 99 Tc, 129 I, 93 Zr,... long half-life (> 10 5 y) + soluble in repository (radiotoxicity concern) Transuranic actinides: Pu + MA (Np, Am, Cm,...): 1.5% in mass but most of radiotoxicity and heat after 100 y. for more than 10 5 y. Fissionable (proliferation and criticality concern) but can produce energy (Pu) ! P&T: Differentiated management for such heterogeneous components

3 Partitioning LWR (+FR) Spent Fuel PUREX U irrad Pu irrad M.A. + F.F. Am Resid. Sec. Cm Np Cs / Sr LLFF Otros FF Transmutation Inter. Storage Final Storage n + 239 Pu (24000 y)  134 Cs (2 y)+ 104 Ru (stable) + 2 n + 200 MeV (energy) n + 241 Am (432 y)  242 Am (16 h) [capture] 242 Am (16 h)  242 Cm (163 d) [  - decay] 242 Cm (163 d)  238 Pu (88 y) [  decay] n + 238 Pu (88 y)  142 Ce (stable)+ 95 Zr (64 d) + 2 n + 200 MeV (energy) Transmutation Advanced Partitioning FR or Surface Storage Reactor prod. Electricity n + 99 Tc (210000 y)  100 Tc (16 s) + . 100 Tc (16 s)  100 Ru (stable) [  -] n + 129 I (15.700.000 y)  130 I (12 h) + . 130 I (12 h)  130 Xe (stable) [  -]

4 Fast Spectrum Transmutation Scheme

5 Framework and Strategy of P&T

6 Efficient  High (fast) neutron flux  Nuclear (Fast) Reactor transmutation  High burnup  Flexible  High Pu+MA and low U content  Subcritical but very high safety standards ADS The most efficient transmutation would be a reactor of significant power (nx100 or 1000 MW), of fast neutron spectrum, with a fuel with very low Uranium content and high concentration of Pu and MA. A reactor with these characteristics shows an important lack of intrinsic safety: Low delay neutron fraction Small Doppler effect Bad void coefficient In addition the reactor needs a large operation flexibility, to be able to handle: Very high burn-up levels in each irradiation cycle Large reactivity evolution within one irradiation cycle Very difficult for critical reactors and strong limitation on their transuranium elements load. Two types of solutions: A large number of fast reactors with small regions dedicated to transmutation (countries with large park of nuclear power plants) A small number of subcritical accelerator driven systems, ADS, dedicated to transmutation. Transmutation device requirements

7 ADS = Accelerator Driven Subcritical System Flexible enough to accept fuel with high content on Pu and M.A. Low U content or pure Inert matrix to optimize the transmutation performance An ADS is a subcritical nuclear system (K eff = 0.95-0.98) whose power is sustained by a external high intensity neutron source. Usualy the neutrons are produced by spallation in heavy nuclides (Pb) by high energy neutrons (~1 GeV)


9 Los aceleradores de mayor intensidad en energías próximas a 1000 MeV Acelerador del LANSCE de 800 MeV en Los Alamos National Laboratory, EEUU.

10 P&T will reduce the transuranic actinide inventory, allowing:  Reducing the radiotoxicity inventory and the volume of the High Level Wastes, HLW, of future reactors and fuel cycles, to improve their sustainability  Increasing the capacity of the Geological Repository for the waste already produced, and to be produced, by the present reactors  Facilitating the technical requirements and public acceptance of the Geological Repository On the other hand P&T might: · Increase the exposure risk of new fuel cycle plants (fabric., reproces., ADS) operators · Increase the proliferation risk in the nuclear fuel cycle · Increase the cost of nuclear energy production R&D to optimize advantages limiting new risks and costs to acceptable limits!. Reducing the radiotoxicity (1/100) Reducing the time to reach any radiotoxicity level (1/100 – 1/1000) No proliferation risk in the repository Reducing HLW volume at repository Simplifying repository requirements Utilizing the Pu+MA energy


12 R&D for P&T: 5 th Framework Program of UE Nuclear Data and Basic physics: nTOF-ND-ADS HINDAS MUSE Materials: TECLA SPIRE MEGAPIE ASCHLIM Fuel: Thorium Cycle CONFIRM FUTURE Reprocessing: PYROREP PARTNEW CALIXPART Preliminary Design: PDS-XADS Network: ADOPT

13 ADS Design Concepts of PDS-XADS 80MWth Pb-Bi cooled XADS Ansaldo 80MWth Gas-cooled XADS Framatome ANP 50MWth Pb-Bi cooled MYRRHA SCK·CEN

14 Development Scheme: FP5 to FP6 1999 2004 2005 2025 FP6 XT-ADS

15 Integrated Project on European Transmutation: EUROTRANS Steps towards a Demonstrator

16 Overall Objectives of EUROTRANS  EUROTRANS aims to the demonstration of the technical feasibility of transmutation using an ADS (3 rd building block):  Advanced design of an eXperimental facility demonstrating the technical feasibility of Transmutation in an Accelerator Driven System (XT-ADS), and conceptual design of the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT), DM1 DESIGN  Provide validated experimental input from relevant coupling experiments of accelerator / spallation target / sub-critical blanket, DM2 ECATS  Development and demonstration of the associated technologies, especially fuels DM3 AFTRA, heavy liquid metal technologies DM4 DEMETRA, and nuclear data DM5 NUDATRA,  To prove its overall technical feasibility, and  To carry out an economic assessment of the whole system.

17 Integrated Project EUROTRANS: EUROpean Research Programme for the TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven System (ADS)  Partners: EUROTRANS integrates critical masses of resources and activities, including education and training (E&T) efforts, of 45 participants from 14 countries, being industry (10 participants), national research centres (18), and 17 universities within ENEN.  Overall budget: 23M€ EC contribution  Duration: 4 years  Start date: April 2005

18 Structure of EUROTRANS DM2 ECATS Coupling Experiments G. Granget, CEA DM4 DEMETRA HLM Technologies C. Fazio, FZK DM1 DESIGN ETD Design H. A. Abderrahim, SCK- CEN DM5 NUDATRA Nuclear Data E. Gonzalez, CIEMAT DM3 AFTRA Fuels F. Delage, CEA IP Co-ordinator J.U. Knebel, FZK DM0 Management Project Office EC V. Bhatnagar 6.1M€ 5.5M€ 3.3M€ 5.3M€1.1M€

19 Domain 1 DESIGN Development of a detailed design of XT-ADS and a conceptual design of the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation EFIT with heavy liquid metal cooling

20 DM1 DESIGN: Objectives  To carry out a detailed design of an experimental ADS called XT-ADS that construction can be started within the next 8 years.  The XT-ADS should be as much as possible serving as a technological test bench of the main components of an industrial scale transmutation facility called EFIT  To carry out a conceptual design of the industrial scale ADS Pb cooled EFIT and a gas cooled back up option of EFIT  To develop, construct and test the key components of the LINAC technology that will be serving for XT-ADS as well as for EFIT. The driving parameter in this work is the improvement of the beam reliability  To design the windowless spallation target module of the XT-ADS in terms of thermo-mechanical, thermal-hydraulic and vacuum  To reassess the global safety approach for ADS in presence of MA fuel and apply it to the XT-ADS for assessment of DBC and DEC transients for preparing the SAR for the XT-ADS  To assess the investment and operational costs of the XT-ADS and their scaling to EFIT and identify the needed R&D efforts

21 Domain DM1: DESIGN Development of a reference DESIGN for the European Transmutation Demonstrator (ETD) with heavy liquid metal cooling  WP1.1 Reference Design Specifications  WP1.2 Development and Assessment of Generic ETD and XT- ADS Designs  WP1.3 High Power Proton Accelerator (HPPA) Development  WP1.4 Spallation Target Proof of Feasibility  WP1.5 Safety Assessment  WP1.6 Cost Estimates and Planning Issues for the Reference Design for the Generic ETD and XT-ADS EUROTRANS: Design Domain

22 XT-ADSEFIT Design levelAdvanced designConceptual design CoolantPb-BiPure Lead Primary SystemIntegrated Power50 to 100 MWth≥ 300 MWth Core Inlet Temp300°C (350°C)400°C Core Outlet Temp400°C (430°C)480°C Target Unit interfaceWindowlessWindowless (backup: window) Target Unit geometryOff-centerCentered FuelMOX (accept for a MA Fuel)(Pu, Am)O 2 + MgO (or Mo) Av. Fuel Power density700 W/cm³450 to 650 W/cm³ Fuel pin spacerGrid Fuel Assembly typeWrapperWrapper / Wrapperless Fuel Assembly cross section HexagonalSquare (based on BREST and PWR) or hexagonal (FBR) Preliminary Design Characteristics of the XT- ADS and EFIT Designs (1/2)

23 Fuel loadingTop / Bottom TBDTop Fuel monitoringT and FF (per FA)T and FF (per regions) External fuel handlingRH orientedTBD Primary coolant circulation in normal operation Forced with mechanical pumps Primary coolant circulation for DHR Natural + Pony motor Secondary coolantLow pressure boiling waterSuperheated water cycle Reactor buildingBelow gradeBelow grade (partially) Seismic designMol Site seismic spectrumAntiseismic supports (horizontally) Structural MaterialT91 and A316LTBD AcceleratorLINAC (power: 2 ~ 5 MW)LINAC (power: TBD) Beam Ingress (1) Top Preliminary Design Characteristics of the XT- ADS and EFIT Designs (2/2)

24 EFIT First « Remontage » proposed by ANSALDO

25 Domain 2 ECATS Experimental activities on the Coupling of an Accelerator, a spallation Target and a Sub-critical blanket

26 Special Situation: DM2 ECATS  The objective is to assist the design of XT-ADS and EFIT, provide validated experimental input from relevant experiments at sufficient power (20-100 kW) on the coupling of an accelerator, a spallation target and a sub-critical blanket. The work programme will be specified after the completion of a Feasibility Study.  Expected outcome of the Feasibility Study:  Description of required input for the design of XT-ADS and EFIT,  Description of salient features of relevant coupling experiments,  Summary of recommendations,  Structured proposal of work programme.  To perform ECATS requires collaboration with USA (RACE), Russian Federation (SAD) and Belarussia (YALINA). Experimental activities on the Coupling of an Accelerator, a spallation Target and a Sub-critical blanket

27 Input Data Base Validation Required for the ADS Feasibility Study of DM2 ECATS  Qualification of sub-criticality monitoring,  Validation of generic dynamic behaviour of an ADS in a wide range of sub-critical levels, sub-criticality safety margins and thermal feedback effects,  Validation of the core power / beam current relationship,  Start-up and shut-down procedures, instrumentation validation and specific dedicated experimentation,  Interpretation and validation of experimental data, benchmarking and code validation activities etc.,  Safety and licensing issues of different component parts as well as that of the integrated system as a whole.

28 Experiments within DM2 ECATS  SAD Experiments (Russian Federation):  Representative coupling of proton accelerator, spallation target and fast subcritical core (k~0,95) at low power,  Wide range of experiments, including shielding issues,  Design of the facility to be consolidated soon,  With appropriate funding, experiments could start in 2009.  YALINA Facility (Belarus):  Subcritical thermal neutron blanket with external source.  RACE Experiments (USA) / GUINEVERE (Belgium)

29 Domain 3 AFTRA Advanced Fuels for TRAnsmutation Systems

30 Objectives:  Design, development and qualification in representative conditions of a U-free fuel concept for the EFIT, compatible with the reference design studied in DM1 DESIGN.  Ranking of different fuel concepts according to their main out-of- pile properties, their in-pile behaviour and their predicted behaviour in normal and transient operating conditions, and their safety performance in accidental conditions.  Recommendations about fuel design and fuel performance of the most promising fuel candidate(s).  Fuel selection:  Reference fuel (selected from FP5 / FUTURE): Oxide composite : (Pu, MA, Zr)O2 ; (Pu, MA)O2+MgO or Mo  Backup solution (selected from FP5 / CONFIRM) Nitride inert matrix fuel : (Pu, MA, Zr)N DM3 AFTRA: Nuclear Fuel Development  WP3.1 TRU-fuel Pre-design and Performance Assessment  WP3.2 TRU-fuel Safety Assessment  WP3.3 Irradiation Tests and Fuel Qualification  WP3.4 Out-of-pile Property Measurements

31 Status of WP3.1: TRU-fuel pre-design and performance assessment  Difficulties to select the best fuel candidate!  Very limited knowledge:  Experimental work remains difficult (poor availability of the facilities + overbooking)  PIE results are rare (especially on Mo)  Choice is premature  The ADS fuel reprocessability has never been studied  EUROPART does not address the ADS fuel reprocessing !  MgO-fuel, ranked higher in FUTURE, is recently suspected to be not stable enough under irradiation/temperature (volatilization risk)  Mo-fuel is proposed as the new reference for EUROTRANS  But large uncertainties on the behaviour of Mo under irradiation  Transmutation capability significantly reduced  Enrichment in 92 Mo required  Irradiations foreseen  FUTURIX-FTA in Phénix (irradiation of U-free fuels repr. of EFIT fuels)  HELIOS in HFR (irradiation of Am-bearing IMF/instrumented pins)  BODEX in HFR (irradiation of inert matrix doped with 10B) DM3 AFTRA: Status

32 Domain 4 DEMETRA DEvelopment and assessment of structural materials and heavy liquid MEtal technologies for TRAnsmutation systems

33  Improvement and assessment of the Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM) technologies and thermal-hydraulics for application in ADS, and in particular to EFIT and XT-ADS, where the HLM is both the spallation material and the primary coolant.  Characterisation of the reference structural materials in representative conditions (with and without irradiation environment) in order to provide the data base needed for design purposes, e.g. fuel cladding, in-vessel components, primary vessel, instrumentation, spallation target with or without beam window.  Challenges: Irradiation experiments in HLM Large scale thermal-hydraulics tests (still to be defined) Long-term corrosion tests and mechanical tests in HLM Free surface characterisation Summary of the MEGAPIE experiment DM4 DEMETRA: Objectives

34 DM4 DEMETRA: Test Facilities  In FP5, a complementary combination of test facilities was set up in Europe.  EUROTRANS is fully using these test facilities. STELLA Loop CEA CIRCE Loop ENEA TALL Loop KTH CIRCO Loop CIEMAT CorrWett Loop PSI VICE Loop SCK-CEN CHEOPE Loop ENEA

35  WP4.1 Specification and Fabricability of the Reference Materials and its Operation Conditions  WP4.2 Reference Materials Characterisation in HLM and technology development  WP4.3 Reference Materials Irradiation Studies  WP4.4 Advanced Thermal-hydraulics and Measurement Techniques  WP4.5 Large-scale Integral Tests  WP4.6 MEGAPIE Related Studies: PTA DM4 DEMETRA: Activities

36 Domain 5 NUDATRA NUclear DAta for TRAnsmutation

37 The isotopic composition of the equilibrium fuel, and correspondingly of the losses finally going to the storage, is defined by:  The isotopic composition of the LWR wastes feed into the transmutation reactor  the isotopes decay constants,  the neutron flux intensity (reactor power) and,  the effective cross sections of the activation reactions Activation reaction Cross section  Neutron flux Spectrum (n,  ), (n,  )* of actinides with elastic, inelastic,(n,2n),… (n,2n) +… half-live > 100dfuel matrix, Struct. Materials, coolant Nuclear data for Transmutation from the fuel cycle point of view

38 Transmutation takes place in a reactor: Critical or Subcritical (ADS) Critical Reactors or ADS devoted to transmutation present new features : In all cases New fuels: High content on minor actinide and high mass Pu isotopes Well adapted to Advanced reprocessing. Very high Burn-up per irradiation cycle. Most Frequently Fast neutron flux spectrum. Final objective: Long term radiotoxicity reduction Subcritical configurations + Spallation sources New Technologies: Coolant: Molten Lead or Pb/Bi, Fuel matrix: Inert matrix, Th matrix,..

39 New isotopic composition of transmutation fuels

40 Contributions to capture of present and transmutation fuels

41 Contributions to fission of present and transmutation fuels

42 Integrated reaction capture and fission reaction rate versus energy in a FAST neutron energy spectrum

43 Nuclear data uncertaities final consecuences Criteria for the Sensitivity Analysis: Focusing the nuclear data on its final P&T application The FP5 guidelines for measurement priorities: direct contributions to the reaction rates, availability of the samples, and differences observed between different nuclear data bases. This simple sensitivity analysis has proven its merits within the nTOF-ADS program by indicating the isotope, reaction and required accuracy and served to reduce unnecessary efforts. However a full systematic sensitivity analysis is missing and has been requested both in the meetings of the BASTRA cluster and in the WPPT of the NEA/OCDE. Only this systematic sensitivity analysis can provide precise scientific arguments to properly define the impact of the data uncertainty and the priority of needs for new measurements. This sensitivity analysis have to evaluate the impact of the uncertainties of the nuclear data on: the performance (power and operability), safety (dynamic parameters, shielding, radioprotection,...) and cost (power, shielding,...) of - the transmutation device (ADS and critical reactors) and - the final inventory of the repository depending on the nuclear cycle options.

44 Parameters for the sensitivity analysis Any detailed engineering design of a transmutation device or of fuel cycle will have to manage the consequences of the nuclear and other technical data uncertainties. However whereas some corrections (like the power level of an ADS) are easy to handle (beam intensity adjustment), others affect the viability or final result of the concept or may have large economical impact. The sensitivity analysis has to be concentrated on the effect of the nuclear data uncertainties on these second type of parameters. Some important parameters: Keff : a) At construction -> overdesign of fuel and control system (rather than n-multiplication) b) Evolution with burn-up must be predictable Dynamic parameters:  eff, neutron lifetime, Doppler effect, Reactivity coefficients,... Critical transmuters, ADS in abnormal conditions, Evolution with burn-up, Reactivity control. Shielding requirements: Related with the small part of the very energetic spallation neutrons. Material damage: In particular in the window, gas releasing reactions. The fuel cycle: Equilibrium composition of multiply-recycled fuels in closed fuel cycles. The composition and amount of the different spent fuels and of the final disposal: Activation of the fuel, coolant, structures, accelerator,... + the fission & spallation products. The spallation source performance: Production and transport of high energy neutrons,  *.

45 CEA (France), CIEMAT (Spain), CNRS (France), CSIC (Spain), FZJ (Germany), FZK (Germany), GSI (Germany), INFN (Italy), INRNE (Bulgaria), NRG (Netherlands), PSI (Switzerland), SCK-CEN (Belgium), JRC-Geel (EC), Universities: AGH (Poland),TUW (Austria), KTH (Sweden), ULG (Belgium), UNED (Spain), USDC (Spain), USE (Spain), UU (Sweden), ZSR (Germany).  Improvement and assessment of the simulation tools and associated uncertainties for ADS transmuter core, its shielding and associated fuel cycle.  The activity is essentially focussed on the evaluated nuclear data libraries and reaction models for materials in transmutation fuels, coolants, spallation targets, internal structures, and reactor and accelerator shielding, relevant for the design and optimisation of the Generic ETD and XT-ADS. DM5 NUclear DAta for TRAnsmutation: Objectives NUDATRA Workpackages  WP5.1 Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of Nuclear Data and Simulation Tools  WP5.2 Low and Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data Measurements  WP5.3 Nuclear Data Libraries Evaluation and Low-intermediate Energy Models  WP5.4 High Energy Experiments and Modelling

46 NUDATRA Activities Concentrate on 4 Topics  Pb-Bi cross sections: inelastic, (n,xn), Po production (B.R.)  MA: Capture in 243 Am + Fission on 244 Cm  High energy codes improvement and measurements: Absolute Spallation product x-section, Gas and Light Charged Particles production  Sensitivity analysis of ETD fuel cycle  These topics are addressed from the different aspects required to be used on the ETDs analysis and design: Measurements, Evaluation, Integration on standard tools, Validation and Sensitivity analysis.

47 Uncertainties propagation and Sensitivity analysis Basis for a quantitative assessment of the nuclear data precision requirements For the transmutation reactor : Some although still few and generic analysis of ADS parameters sensitivity analysis available. A specific study will be performed within the EUROTRANS DM1 Design activities for the XT-ADS and the Generic-ETD. For the the fuel cycle and the repository parameters : Very few analysis available. Specific methodologies required Differential sensitivity coefficient determination Combination of random sampling of deviations Topics Transmutation performance Fuel characteristics at reprocessing, fabrication and repository Isotopic composition of the transmutation plant fuel at equilibrium (in multi-recycling scenarios) Data for Actinides, FF and Activation products are concerned Cross sections, Branching ratios, FF yields, Decay properties MC and Deterministic codes: EVOLCODE or KAPROS/KARBUS

48 Low and intermediate energy nuclear data measurements: Pb and Bi cross section and branching ratios High resolution excitation functions for the inelastic scattering cross sections of Pb and Bi Critical to model correctly the ADS core neutron spectra 206, 207, 208 Pb and 209 Bi, thr-20 MeV by (n,n’  ) at Gelina Gamma-ray production cross sections are measured and total and level inelastic cross sections will be deduced Bi capture branching ratio Production of 210g Bi is the mechanism leading to 210 Po production. 210m Bi decay  to 206 Tl. 210 Po is one of the main ADS target and coolant activation concerns 209 Bi(n,  ) 210m,g Bi capture B.R. and energy dependence The time-of-flight technique will be used at Gelina Two HPGe detectors will be used to distinguish between capture events leading to the ground state and the meta-stable state Compensation for  angular dependence Gelina @ Geel ( UE)

49 Low and intermediate energy nuclear data measurements: Pb and Bi cross section and branching ratios Measurements of Pb (n,xn’ ) cross section at 100 MeV Non existing data required for Pb based ADS high energy neutron shielding calculations and spallation n multiplication Pb (n,xn’) at Uppsala The Scandal facility will be used at the neutron beam facility of The Svedberg Laboratory Measurements of Pb and Bi (n,xn) cross sections Effects on the neutron multiplication and the source importance of ADS cooled with Pb/Bi or using Pb/Bi spallation target 206 Pb, 209 Bi (n,xn  ) Online HPGe detectors at Gelina, Uppsala? nTOF? Basic feasibility of the method demonstrated in FP5 Gelina @ Geel ( UE-Belgium) Cyclotron @ Uppsala (Sweden)

50 Low and intermediate energy nuclear data measurements: MA Capture and Fission cross sections Neutron capture cross section of MA. Better data required for Transmutation of MA. 243 Am is the path to 244,245,246,247 Cm production 243 Am (n,  ) at nTOF-Ph2 (CERN) From 0.1 eV -1 MeV Time of flight + 4  TAC. The methodology and setup tested in 2004 at the FP5 nTOF-ADS project. New special target Neutron 244 Cm fission cross section Extremely difficult direct measurement (Short half-life 18.1y and high spontaneous fission) 244 Cm Elimination in ADS and fission model 244 Cm(n,f) from 243 Am( 3 He,pf) Measurements of the transfer reactions 243 Am( 3 He,pf) at Orsay + Evaluations and models for the formation of the composite nucleus nTOF @ CERN TAC  calorimeter

51 Nuclear data libraries evaluation and low-intermediate energy models Measurements must be evaluated to become useful for simulations Improvement of low and intermediate energy reaction models Nuclear model code TALYS Methods to generate covariance data Evaluation of new MA data (results available from nTOF) Optical model, pre-equilibrium, compound nucleus and fission model parameters will be fine-tuned Priority to Americium isotopes in the fast neutron range The resonance regions will also be analyzed Re-evaluation of data libraries for Pb and Bi Using the data from the WP5.2 to complement the existing and FP5 data (nTOF, IRMM…)

52 High energy experiments and modeling The energy range (200-1000 MeV) specific of the ADS spallation target Completing the experimental database of the HINDAS FP5 project (Very big progress on H.E. models but still some weak points) High energy experiments for Radioactivity, chemical modification and damage assessment Total fission cross-section as a function of E between 200 MeV and 1 GeV for Pb and W Production of long lived Intermediate mass fragments as 7 Be and 10 Be from Bi, W, Ni targets: 100-1000 MeV Helium production in W or Ta and Fe or Ni, between E=100-800 MeV (NESSI/PISA experiment at FZJ) GSI @ Darmstadt (Germany)

53 High energy experiments and modeling The energy range (200-1000 MeV) specific of the ADS spallation target High energy Nuclear model improvement Extension of INCL4 to low energies and composite Light Charged Particle (LCP) production Improvement of ABLA: Fission, Composite LCP Intermediate Mass Fragments Quality assessment, validation and impact of the new models in ETD simulations Implementation in High Energy transport codes (MCNPX, …) Calculations of radiotoxicity, radioactivity due to residue production in the MEGAPIE Calculations of DPA, chemical composition modifications, and activities in ETD with the new codes

54 Improvement of Transmutation plants simulation programs and Validation of Data, Models and programs The final goal for applications is to improve precision on simulations Simulation programs that will be developed : MCB, EVOLCODE and maybe KAPROS/KARBUS. Validation Nuclear data and models for the spallation target : Residual nuclei production in SINQ targets. Measurements of absolute activities of residues (eg.: 194 Hg, 207 Bi) in spallation target models (Dubna, PSI). Minor actinide and Pb nuclear data validation in integral experiments Fission cross section from MASURCA (Cadarache) experiments 240,241,242 Pu, 237 Np and 241,243 Am Other Minor actinide and Pb nuclear data validation based on results from ISTC projects Facilities: BFS, SAD, Yalina Experiments completed and in preparation

55 Gelina @ Geel (UE- Belgium) GSI @ Darmstadt (Germany) Cyclotron @ Uppsala (Sweden) nTOF @ CERN (Switzerland) and its TAS  -calorimeter Neutron capture (n,  ) resonances in one actinide

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