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2 Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) Greek Ethical Theory What is good for man? Aristotle - Eudaimonia.

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2 2 Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

3 Greek Ethical Theory What is good for man? Aristotle - Eudaimonia

4 Excellence “A life of excellence, of aspiring to, and attaining, excellence in what we are or are meant to be “by our nature.’”

5 Virtue Virtue of Thought Virtue of Character or Ethos What is virtue?

6 Compare Utilitarianism and Kantian concepts of morality

7 Mean “Seeking the mean in all things” Midpoint of 2 Extremes deficiency & excess

8 Practical Application What are the virtues that pertain to being an excellent military officer? An excellent human being?

9 Exercise Count off by 4

10 Final Question What is it we are concerned to preserve and care for in battle?

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