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Unit 13 Immune Response Nonspecific Specific 1. Nonspecific defense mechanisms Sneeze, nose hair, saliva.

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2 Unit 13 Immune Response Nonspecific Specific

3 1. Nonspecific defense mechanisms Sneeze, nose hair, saliva

4 2. ANTIGEN / ANTIBODY ANTIGEN- FOREIGN INVADER, PATHOGEN IF CAUSES DISEASE Antibody- protein defense to bind to a specific antigen

5 The INFLAMMATORY PROCESS a type of defense 4 Signs REDNESS( erythema) SWELLING (edema) HEAT PAIN Role of HISTAMINES As capillaries rupture they release histamines to dilate the vessel in order to flush out pathogens PUS Pus forms if WBC kill pathogens faster than the body can get rid of them. The dead pathogens form pus= infection

6 Immune Response Nonspecific Skin Specific- job of lymph system 2 types of Specific 1. Cell mediated T 2. Antibody mediated B

7 3.Cell mediated WBC, Lymphocytes, T Cells Memory cells remain for years, to combat antigens more quickly if they appear again, gives us long term immunity

8 4. Types of Immunity Antibody mediated

9 5. Role of Thymus In upper chest Prepares one type of LYMPHOCYTE Large in fetus and child

10 6. Active and Passive Immunity ACTIVE Longer lasting Develops after you have had an illness Immunizations ( like your Hepatitis B) Passive Shorter live You take an antibiotic (it helps you this time but not in the future) Breastfeeding gives the infant some immunity

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