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Exceptions. n Programmers have traditionally ignored the proper dedication of attention to error handling n Enclosing code inside countless nested-ifs.

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Presentation on theme: "Exceptions. n Programmers have traditionally ignored the proper dedication of attention to error handling n Enclosing code inside countless nested-ifs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exceptions

2 n Programmers have traditionally ignored the proper dedication of attention to error handling n Enclosing code inside countless nested-ifs is not an attractive approach n This approach is not perfect either. n It does minimize the attention you (the programmer) have to give to errors once the appropriate infrastructure has been established. n Once again it has subtleties which require the programmer to be careful. n Should be used sparingly on MAJOR errors.

3 EXCEPTIONal circumstances n Determining WHEN to use exceptions is difficult and subjective. n Most authors tend to agree that they are to be used in exceptional circumstances – memory allocation problems – input file incorrectly formatted – dividing by zero – removing from an empty stack n In the first example, a rational number class will be examined. The primary errors here may not be exceptional but will serve to indicate the principles.

4 Current approaches include Use the assert macro to display an error char* newstring = char[stringlen+1]; assert(newstring != NULL); -> Assertion failed: newstring != NULL; n Surrounding with an if if (newstring ==NULL) {...; exit(-1);}..... n For classes, you can install an error handler as shown on p. 313 of Horstmann. (considered later)

5 THREE basic parts of exceptions n TRY - a block of code in which exceptions can occur n THROW - a call to an exception handler n CATCH - a routine to handle the problem n Example: try{ // code causes error.... throw Error1; // int } catch(int code) {...// handle error } try{.. if(condition) throw... } catchhandler{ handle & stop or continue } EXIT

6 Simple example char inputint; cin >> inputint; try { if (!isalpha(inputint)) throw (int) inputint;...... // process normal char } catch(int errorval) { inputint = FILLCHAR; } // here ignore errorval // continues execution CLEARLY THIS WOULD BE HANDLED ANOTHER WAY BUT IT REPRESENTS A SIMPLE EXAMPLE

7 Multiple handlers are used in order and by type char inputint; cin >> inputint; try { if (!isalpha(inputint)) throw (int) inputint; else throw inputint; } catch(int errorval) { // catch must immed follow try cout << “Error int ” << errorval << endl;... } catch(char errorval) { cout << “Good char ” << errorval << endl; } 5 Error int 5 68 Good char D

8 Flow control: throw or f(x) which throw s try {...... throw or f(x) more statements in try } catch( ) { statements; exit or throw or neither } statements f(x) {...... throw..; other statements in f(x); } PROGRAM EXITS To an enclosing nested try..catch. I.e. forward the error to another handler. more statements in try & other statements in f(x); MAY NOT EXECUTE!

9 Better example class Ratnl { private: long n; long d; public: Ratnl(long,long); Ratnl(long); }; Ratnl::Ratnl(long a,long b) {if (a==0) throw(RatnlExcept(ZeroNum)); if (b==0) throw(RatnlExcept(ZeroDen)); n=a; d=b; } enum RatnlErr{ ZeroNum, ZeroDen;}; ZeroNum, ZeroDen;}; class RatnlExcept{ RatnlError err; RatnlError err; public: public: RatnlExcept(RatnlErr c) RatnlExcept(RatnlErr c) { err = c;} { err = c;} void Response() void Response() {switch (err) {switch (err) case ZeroNumer: case ZeroNumer: cout << “0 Numer\n”; cout << “0 Numer\n”; break; break; case ZeroDenom: case ZeroDenom: cout << “0 Denom\n” } cout << “0 Denom\n” }}; From WORX text The Beginner’s Guide to OOP Using C++ by Romanovskaya, et all

10 The main routine void main() {.... try { Rational r(3,4); Rational s(7,0); cout << “Construction done!”; } catch (RatnlExcept & r) { r.response(); } cout << “End of Program\n”; } OUTPUT: 0 Denom End or Program NOTE: The programmer decided to catch the error. Failure to catch is also a problem.

11 The throw statement n IMPLICIT THROW : You call a routine which throws an exception. If you have the call within a try block, the catch associated with the try containing the call may handle the error. ( The main routine overhead) – The called routine CAN catch the error. – If it does, it can also choose to throw the error to an enclosing catch handler. » p. 318 » rethrow same exception with no parameters throw; n EXPLICIT THROW: The try itself call throw. ( Simple example overhead)

12 The catch function Catch function must match parameters Catch functions are used from the innermost to outermost try blocks. n Note the try blocks are dynamically defined n Within a block, the order (matching) is the physical order. n The first parameter match found is the one used (first). n Catch can have (...) ellipses for parameters – This handler matches ANY call n Catch can have NO type: only handles no parameter.

13 #include void main() { int t=5; try { if (t==5) throw 3; cout << "No error\n"; } catch (int z) {cout << "Value caught was " << z << endl;} cout << "Program done\n"; } OUTPUT : Value caught was 3 Program done

14 #include void main(){ int t=5; try { try { if (t==5) throw 3; cout << "No error\n"; } catch (int z) {cout << "Value caught was " << z << endl;} } catch (int x) {cout << "Value caught OUTER was " << x << endl;} cout << "Program done\n"; } OUTPUT: Value caught was 3 Program done Catch function IS NOT CALLED !

15 void main(){ int t=5; try { try { if (t==5) throw 3; cout << "No error\n"; } catch (int z) {cout << "Value caught was " << z << endl; throw; // THROW IT TO OUTER HANDLER } catch (int x) {cout << "Value caught OUTER was " << x << endl;} cout << "Program done\n"; } OUTPUT: Value caught was 3 Value caught OUTER was 3 Program done

16 void main(){ int t=5; try { try { if (t==5) throw 3; cout << "No error\n"; } catch (int z) {cout << "Value caught was " << z << endl; throw; // THROW IT TO OUTER HANDLER } catch (...) {cout << "In Catchall" << endl; throw;} } catch (int x) {cout << "Value caught OUTER was " << x << endl;} catch (...) {cout << "In SECOND Catchall" << endl;} cout << "Program done\n"; } OUTPUT: Value caught was 3 Value caught OUTER was 3 Program done NEITHER (...) functions are used even with throw; Only one of the handlers is used at a level.

17 void main() { int t=5; try { try { if (t==5) throw 3; cout << "No error\n"; } catch (int z) {cout << "Value caught was " << z << endl; throw; } catch (...) {cout << "In Catchall" << endl; throw;} } catch (int x) {cout << "Value caught OUTER was " << x << endl; throw; // THROW IT TO OUTER HANDLER } catch (...) {cout << "In SECOND Catchall" << endl;} cout << "Program done\n"; } OUTPUT: Value caught was 3 Value caught OUTER was 3 Abnormal program termination The last throw could NOT be caught and resulted in termination!

18 catch(...) Always use catch(...) last try { ---------- } catch (...) { -------- } catch ( int x ) { -------- } n The last handler will never be used because the first handler will always catch the exception.

19 Control over who throw s Any exception throw n but not caught results in abnormal program termination! You want knowledge (minimally) and control (optimally) over who throw s. resulttype f(parameters) throw (throwlist); Ratnl f(long x, long y) throw (RatnlExcept); This determines what exceptions can be thrown by this function!... a throwlist Any other throw results in program termination. throw() as a throwlist intercepts the throw and does not allow it outside the function, but short-circuits straight to program termination, unless the function ITSELF has a catch for the throw.

20 Types of exceptions n If an exception occurs which is not listed in the throw list -> UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION – c++ has a function unexpected() which handles the error. – you can redefine it. » Yours-> void myunxp() ; {... ; terminate(); // called by system one} » call -> set_unexpected(myunxp); n If no matching handler is found -> UNHANDLED EXCEPTION – Normally calls terminate(); as shown above – redefine by » call -> set_terminate(myterminate); – your terminate() should call either »exit() or abort()

21 Constructors and Destructors n If the code is skipped in a try block, what about the destructors? n When an exception is thrown inside a try block, the destructor for each and every object created in the try block is called before the catch handler gets control. class Ratnl{... ~Ratnl() // destructor { cout << “Rat done!” << n << ‘/’ << d << ‘\n’;} }; void main() { try { Ratnl r(3,5); Ratnl s(2,0); }... } OUTPUT:... Rat done 3/5

22 Where should try begin/end? n Considering the constructor/destructor issue: n Consider the group of items which are involved in an operation n Declare objects in the try block when possible. n When the operation fails, destructors are automatically called. Some can, others can’t. fs istream;“datafile”); g(fs); // causes exception fs.close(); // not called“datafile”); try { Employee e; f(fs);} catch(...) { fs.close(); throw; } fs.close(); NOTE: in this example, fs COULD be placed inside

23 Catch routines with references to base/derived classes n Given a base class B and derived class D: n Assume that each class has a routine defined for you to use as a catch routine (part of the class). catch ( B& b) {..... } catch ( D& d) {..... } n Can the second ever be reached? NO. A B reference will use the first A D reference will be converted to a B reference

24 A Design Strategy n When designing your own class libraries provide the programmer an opportunity to supply a handler. n Here I use the term handler to indicate routine which throws not the routine which catches. n P.313 Stack shows how to – define a default handler – let the programmer set their own handler – let the programmer reset the handler to the original – user version can only access public info n The default handler can throw exceptions n The programmer substituted handler can avoid throwing the error.

25 Static Member Functions Static member functions in Stack: n Function is for the whole class n “this” is not available n only static data members and static functions can be accessed

26 Design Suggestions n Don’t catch it if you can’t handle it. n Don’t use exceptions for simple errors easily handled with direct code. n You want to continue if possible. Avoid throwing if you can continue from where you are. n Give users of libraries some control over handlers n Package items in the try section to be in objects which have properly defined destructors so that they are properly disposed in the event of exceptions thrown.

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