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STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT 2009 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Worcestershire Partnership Environment Group.

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1 STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT 2009 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Worcestershire Partnership Environment Group

2 2009 REPORT The State of the Environment Report has been refined and now includes 25 indicators across 8 themes. Although there remain some gaps in data availability, all indicators now have monitoring arrangements and methodologies in place For outstanding indicators, almost all cases have clear dates by which missing information will be available.

3 The State of the Environment Group’s principal purpose is to monitor the condition of the county’s natural and historic environment. However, it is increasingly recognised that joined- up actions are needed to actually act on this information and begin to address some of the problems highlighted. TACKLING THE PROBLEMS

4 Whilst many of those who report on the indicators are well-placed to lead on actions, most problems require broader support – this is where the Partnership can be most valuable. The State of the Environment Report will continue to be championed as part of the evidence-base to inform policy-makers, and will continue to influence WPEG’s priorities.


6 Now have baseline established for local sites: this shows that only 25% are currently under appropriate management. Full methodology has now been agreed to monitor the population numbers of key breeding birds over time. The species chosen are bullfinch, skylark and song thrush.

7 Improved street cleanliness will now be taken from national indicator NI195 monitored by the Worcestershire Partnership BVPI data no longer a national monitoring requirement, but WCC likely to continue to provide some form of indicator in due course. New Air Quality indicator monitors pollution at AQMAs. As this is the first year in SoE, will have direction of travel from next year.

8 CO2 emissions in the County continue to worsen. Data to report on extreme weather events should be available for next report, through using data captured from Wychavon District Council’s weather monitoring stations.

9 Historic Environment performance is fairly stable, but the indicators represent only a very small fraction of the County’s historic environment resource.

10 Now have baseline for condition of the landscape following development of methodology. This involves monitoring through analysis of aerial photographs/google earth. Concern over length of time between updates, but this is best we have at present. Contaminated Land indicator new for 2009, but showing the amount of land classed as ‘contaminated’ is falling in Worcestershire.

11 Waste performance in the County continues to be very good, with all targets being achieved.

12 Water Framework Directive has meant that the new monitoring data cannot be compared to the old, as new methodology is used. Worcestershire’s performance looks set to improve with action plans in place.

13 Worcestershire continues to excel in terms of EcoSchools. Data to inform the second indicator will be available this summer from responses to the Citizens’ Panel survey.

14 Overall, performance against all indicators looks set to show a slight improvement, but cannot provide comprehensive analysis until all information is complete.

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