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Nucleon Scattering d dd dd dd dd dd d | I,I 3  | 1, 1  | 1,  1  | 1 0  If the strong interaction is I 3 -invariant These.

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleon Scattering d dd dd dd dd dd d | I,I 3  | 1, 1  | 1,  1  | 1 0  If the strong interaction is I 3 -invariant These."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleon Scattering d dd dd dd dd dd d | I,I 3  | 1, 1  | 1,  1  | 1 0  If the strong interaction is I 3 -invariant These reactions must occur with equal strengths…equal probabilities… equal CROSS SECTIONS involve identical matrix elements

2 p + p  d +   p + n  d +    n + n  d +   Now consider these (possible and observed) collisions | 1, 1 > | 1,-1 > < 1, 1 | < 1, 0 | < 1,-1 | : : (|1,0  + |1,1  ) 1 : : 1  pp  d  + :  pn  d  0 :  nn  d   : = 2 : 1 : 2 1/  2 Then the ratio of cross sections:

3 p pn np pn n p pp p Consider the scattering reactions: The strong force does not discriminate between nucleon or pion charge. What can we expect for the cross section of these three reactions?

4 If we enforce conservation of isospin we can only connect initial and final states of the same total I, I 3 | I,I 3 > | 3/2, 3/2 > | 3/2, -3/2 > But = M + M this interaction involves two matrix elements p pn np pn n   + p    + p means combining: 1 ½ -1 -½ -1 ½ | 1 -1 > | 1/2, 1/2 > = |3/2, -1/2 >  |1/2, -1/2 > )

5   + p    + p   + p    + n   + p    + p a. b. c. elastic scattering but only one of the above can also participate in a charge exchange process 1,1 1,-1 ½,½ 1, 0½,  ½ This IS observed! So all strong interactions not SIMPLY charge independent. I 3 ISOSPIN independence is more general. ? ?

6   + p    + p   + p    + n   + p    + p a. b. c. elastic scattering charge exchange process These three interactions involve the ISOSPIN spaces:   p   p   n 1313 2323  2323 1313  Recall: 2 = M fi 2 M½M½ M 3/2 same by I 3 -indep. Let’s denote: 1,1 1,-1 ½,½ 1, 0½,  ½

7   + p    + p   + p    + n   + p    + p a. b. c. elastic scattering charge exchange process   p   p   n 1313 2323  2323 1313  M½M½ M 3/2 a. b. c.  a  M 3/2 2  b  | M 3/2 + M 1/2 | 2 1313 2323  c  | M 3/2  M 1/2 | 2 2323 2323

8   + p    + p   + p    + n   + p    + p a. b. c.  a  M 3/2 2  b  | M 3/2 + M 1/2 | 2 1313 2323  c  | M 3/2  M 1/2 | 2 2323 2323  a :  b :  c = : : M 3/2 |M 3/2 +2 M 1/2 | 2 2 1919 |M 3/2  M 1/2 | 2 2929 for the combined cross section of both processes Now if M 3/2 = M 1/2 then   + p =   - p total but also   - p  0 n = 0

9 2 H target S1 S2 S3 S4  beam Total Cross Section  T (10 -27 cm 2 )   + p   + p  p    p  p  0 p 40 100 200 400 Lab Energy of Pion Beam (MeV) 40 60 100 200 400 Photon Beam Energy (MeV) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Measured the depletion of pion beam repeated with the tank full, empty repeated with  + and  - beam for KE   195 MeV (the resonance of the 3/2-spin  )

10  a :  b :  c = : : M 3/2 |M 3/2 +2 M 1/2 | 2 2 1919 |M 3/2  M 1/2 | 2 2929  a :  b +  c = : M 3/2 2  a :  b :  c = 9 : 1 : 2

11 Symmetry implies any transformation  still satisfies the same Schrödinger equation, same Hamiltonian: (U)(U)(U)(U)  U † U  U † H U = H means we must demand: [ H, U] = 0 Which means that the operator U must be associated with a CONSERVED quantity! Though U are UNITARY, not necessarily HERMITIAN, but remember: where the G is Hermitian! sinceyou’ve already shown [ H, U] = 0 [ H, G] = 0 The GENERATOR of any SYMMETRY OPERATION is an OPERATOR of a CONSERVED OBSERVABLE (quantum number!)

12 Mesons isospin mass charge Particle I 3 MeV/c 2 states Q nucleon 938.280 p +1 939.573 n 0 pion 139.569  + +1 134.964  0 0 139.569    1 delta 1232.  ++ +2  + +1  0 0    1 rho 770.  + +1  0 0    1 eta 548.8  0 0 +1/2  1/2 +1 0  1 0 +1 0  1 +3/2 +1/2  1/2  3/2 Spin-0 Baryons Spin-1/2 Spin-3/2 omega 783.0  0 0 0

13 Q = I 3 + ½Y “hypercharge” or BARYON NUMBER because =1 for baryons 0 for mesons

14 1947 Rochester and Butler cloud chamber cosmic ray event of a neutral object decaying into two pions K 0    +  

15 1947 Rochester and Butler cloud chamber cosmic ray event of a neutral object decaying into two pions K 0    +   1949 C. F. Powell photographic emulsion event K +        m = 497.72 MeV m = 493.67 MeV

16 p      p +   m  =1115.6 MeV m p =938.27 MeV 1950 Carl Anderson (Cal Tech)

17 1952 Brookhaven Cosmotron 1st modern accelerator artificially creating these particles for study 1954 6.2-GeV p synchrotron Lawrence,Berkeley 1960 28-GeV p synchrotron CERN, Geneva 33-GeV p synchrotron Brookhaven Lab 1962 6-GeV e synchrotron Cambridge 1963 12.5-GeV p synchrotron Argonne Lab 1964 6.5-GeV p synchrotron DESY,Germany 1966 21-GeV e Linac SLAC (Standford)

18 Spin-0 Pseudoscalar Mesons nucleon 938.280 p +1 939.573 n 0 pion 139.569  + +1 134.964  0 0 139.569    1 rho 770.  + +1  0 0    1 eta 548.8  0 0 +1/2  1/2 +1 0  1 0 +1 0  1 Spin-1/2 Baryons omega 783.0  0 0 0 isospin mass charge Particle I 3 MeV/c 2 states Q lambda 1115.6  0 Sigma 1385.  + +1  0 0    1 +1 0  1 Cascade 1533.  + +1    1 +1/2  1/2 0 kaon 493.67 K + +1 497.72 K 0 0 +1/2  1/2 kaon 497.72 K 0 0 493.67 K   1 +1/2  1/2

19 Delta 1232.  ++ +2  + +1  0 0    1 +3/2 +1/2  1/2  3/2 Spin-3/2 Baryons isospin mass charge Particle I 3 MeV/c 2 states Q Sigma-star 1385.   + +1   0 0     1 +1 0  1 Cascade-star 1533.  * + +1  *   1 +1/2  1/2









28 These new heavier particle states were produced as copiously as  s in nuclear collisions (and in fact decay into  s) all evidence of STRONG INTERACTIONS these new states decayed slowly like the weak decays p  n + e  +    + which decay via neutrinos (accepted as the “signature” of a weak decay) but unlike STRONG production/decay phenomena like nuclear resonances (all with  final decay products, like the  ) which decay “instantly”, i.e., as readily as they are produced ELECTROMAGNETIC production/decay phenomena atomic (electron) resonances (all with  decay) or

29 What else wasabout them? Observed   + p +  K + +      K  +      K  +  NEVER Observed   + p +   + +      K  + n   +  all still conserve mass, charge, isospin “Associated production” Also NEVER observe:   + p +    +   but DO see:   + p +   + +  

30 K+KKKK+KKK +1  1  Q = I 3 + ½Y Y  B+S 1952-53 (Pais, Gell-man) “Strangeness”

31 Spin-0 Pseudoscalar Mesons nucleon 938.280 p +1 939.573 n 0 pion 139.569  + +1 134.964  0 0 139.569    1 rho 770.  + +1  0 0    1 eta 548.8  0 0 +1/2  1/2 +1 0  1 0 +1 0  1 Spin-1/2 Baryons omega 783.0  0 0 0 isospin mass charge Strangeness Particle I 3 MeV/c 2 states Q S lambda 1115.6  0 Sigma 1385.  + +1  0 0    1 +1 0  1 Cascade 1533.  + +1    1 +1/2  1/2 0 kaon 493.67 K + +1 497.72 K 0 0 +1/2  1/2 kaon 497.72 K 0 0 493.67 K   1 +1/2  1/2 000000 000000 0 0 0000 +1  1 1111 111111 2222 11

32 SU(2)Combining SPIN or ISOSPIN ½ objects gives new states described by the DIRECT PRODUCT REPRESENTATION built from two 2-dim irreducible representations: one 2(½)+1 and another 2(½)+1 yielding a 4-dim space. isospin space +½ ½½  =   =  which we noted reduces to 2  2 = 1  3 the isospin 0 singlet state (   1212 ispin=1 triplet

33 SU(2)- Spin added a new variable to the parameter space defining all state functions - it introduced a degeneracy to the states already identified; each eigenstate became associated with a 2 +1 multiplet of additional states - the new eigenvalues were integers, restricted to a range (- to + ) and separated in integral steps - only one of its 3 operators, J 3, was diagonal, giving distinct eigenvalues. The remaining operators, J 1 and J 2, actually mixed states. - however, a pair of ladder operators could constructed: J + = J 1 + iJ 2 and J  = J 1 - iJ 2 which stepped between eigenstates of a given multiplet. nn -1/2+1/201

34 The SU(3) Generators are G i = ½ i just like the G i = ½  i are for SU(2) The ½ distinguishes UNITARY from ORTHOGONAL operators.  i appear in the SU(2) subspaces in block diagonal form. 3 ’s diagonal entries are just the eigenvalues of the isospin projection. 8 is ALSO diagonal! It’s eigenvalues must represent a NEW QUANTUM number! Notice, like hypercharge (a linear combination of conserved quantities), 8 is a linear combinations of 2 diagonal matrices: 2 SU(2) subspaces.

35 In exactly the same way you found the complete multiplets representing angular momentum/spin, we can define T ±  G 1 ± iG 2 U ±  G 6 ± iG 7 V ±  G 4 ± iG 5 The remaining matrices MIX states. T ±, T 3 are isospin operators By slightly redefining our variables we can associate the eigenvalues of 8 with HYPERCHARGE.

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