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Aim: Why did the mining boom bring growth to the West?

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1 Aim: Why did the mining boom bring growth to the West?
We will learn that………. a mining boom brought growth to the West.

2 Tier II Tier III discovered Lode Big business Mine Boom Towns Produced

3 Lode Comstock Lode ore deposit
Place where valuable minerals, gold, or silver are found

4 Lode To save

5 Mine Mine produced over $500 million dollars in 20 years.
a place where minerals, gold or silver may be obtained, either by excavation or by washing the soil. A cave or deep hole in the ground where gold or silver is found

6 Mine a form of the possessive case of I used as a predicate adjective:
The car is mine.

7 Miners People who work in a mine

8 Produced Mine produced over $500 million dollars in 20 years.
Yielded/Made Mine made over $500 million dollars in 20 years.

9 Poor Because of poor working conditions and poor pay many mine workers formed unions in the West. Inadequate Bad/very little money

10 Poor having little or no money, goods, or other means of support:
a poor family living on welfare.

11 Big Business Big Business bought land claims from miners.
large business, commercial, and financial firms taken collectively, esp. when considered as a group having shared attitudes and goals and exercising control over economic policy, politics, etc. any large business

12 Boom Towns Towns that developed quickly around mines.

13 Let’s write a story Use words from your Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III word list to write a story Each group member will pick a word from the word list and write a sentence using that word to form a story

14 Comstock Lode In 1859 Henry Comstock discovered a huge deposit of Gold and Silver in Nevada. Thousand of California miners moved to Nevada. Mine produced over $500 million dollars in 20 years.


16 Big Business Mining became big business in the West.
Miners could not afford equipment to work the mines. Big Business bought land claims from miners.

17 Big Business Mining becomes very dangerous
Miners used unsafe equipment. Miners worked in dark tunnels and breathed hot, stuffy air. Miners suffered from lung disease caused by dusty air. Miners were killed by explosions or cave-ins. Miners were killed by fire.

18 Mining was one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.
Because of poor working conditions and poor pay many mine workers formed unions in the West. Union - an organization of workers; a labor union.

19 Who was Henry Comstock? What made mining unsafe? Why do you think people from other countries came to America to work on Mines? miner who found a rich and deep deposit of gold and silver in Nevada in 1859 unsafe equipment, poor conditions inside the mine. dusty air, cave-ins, fire needed jobs; thought they could get rich by mining; to escape poor conditions in their countries

20 Settlers People from all over the world came to work in the western mines. Eastern U.S. Central & South America Asia

21 New Towns Boomtowns Boomtowns – Communities that grew rapidly when a mine opened.

22 What happened to boomtowns when mines closed
What happened to boomtowns when mines closed? They disappeared just as quickly as they started when the mine closed .

23 Boomtowns While men worked the mines, women washed, cooked, made clothes, and chopped wood. Women also raised families, established schools, and wrote for newspapers.

24 What is a Boomtown? How did women help support the boomtown economy? Why do you think boomtowns often disappeared after the local mine closed? created by the mining industry to support the workers washing, cooking, making clothes, chopping wood, raising families, teaching, and newspaper writing the whole economy centered around the mine, so when the mine left, the economy faltered.

25 Written Assignment In two sentences summarize how the mining boom brought growth to the West.

26 Homework 1A

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