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Music Jam Concert Integrated Project By: Robert Roy, Anthony Bryan, Josh Daigle, and Henley Comrie.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Jam Concert Integrated Project By: Robert Roy, Anthony Bryan, Josh Daigle, and Henley Comrie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Jam Concert Integrated Project By: Robert Roy, Anthony Bryan, Josh Daigle, and Henley Comrie

2 Building the Project Plan  Our project is to plan a large scale concert with a primary focus on providing quality entertainment for a large audience while at the same time turning a profit.  The group shares a mutual enthusiasm for music and the various cultures that are prevalent in different genres of music.  Each group member provides different assets to the project.

3 Goals and Objectives  Meet all project deadlines  Stay within budget  Contract two big name acts  Sell all tickets  Goals and objectives.Doc Goals and objectives.Doc

4 Where?  Northern New England.  Venues: the Cumberland county civic center in Portland, ME or the tweeter center in Mansfield, mass.  Not limited to these two.

5 Our Assets  Rob: Business management. Musician and has played in concert. Fort Kent, ME  Anthony: Business management. Musician and has been to a large scale concert. Daytona Beach, FL

6 Cont.  Josh: Public safety/ criminal justice. Also has been to a large scale concert. Fort Kent, ME.  Henley: E-commerce. Multi-genre interest in music. St. Elizabeth, Jamaica.

7 Decision Making  The group will oversee all aspects of the concert and will have the final say in decision making.  All vendors, security, facilities, and representatives from the venue will be considered middle management.  They will be expected to relay all pertinent information directly to the group.

8 Personnel Table Robert Roy Accounting Project Manager Finance Manager Josh Daigle Safety Security Manager Anthony Bryan Management Venue Manager Henley Comrie Management Performer Manager

9 Project Risk Assessment  Qualitative Risk Assessment.doc Qualitative Risk Assessment.doc  Quantitative Analysis.xls Quantitative Analysis.xls

10 Cost Estimates and Budget  Cost Estimates and Budget.xls Cost Estimates and Budget.xls

11 Activity Duration  Activity Duration and Beta Distribution.xls Activity Duration and Beta Distribution.xls

12 Managing Resources  We use Microsoft project to assign and level resources.  Concert Project.mpp Concert Project.mpp

13 Conclusion  Our main goal in this project was to successfully plan a large scale concert.  In order to do this we used various methods of risk and cost analysis.  We believe by using this plan we can achieve our goal.

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