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outline Purpose Design Implementation Market Conclusion presentation Outline.

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2 outline Purpose Design Implementation Market Conclusion presentation Outline

3 purpose Provide both a hardware & software solution to improve computer security Evaluate trust computing (i.e. platform module) Produce a marketable product purpose

4 Computer vulnerabilities Goal: Authenticate all channels of communication to secure the machine problem

5 Memory Graphics Chipset Processor hardware design Attestation Encryption Authentication

6 Domain manager Trusted platform module (TPM) Sealed storage Key instructions: SENTER, SEXIT software design

7 Launch Sequence: SENTER- chipset & CPU Loads code (AC) into register SEXIT- clear memory software design (cont’d)

8 implementation Primary client: corporate Secure financial & propriety information Cost-effective security Relationship with Intel between IT and developers Secondary client: consumer Prevent compromised performance Real-measure of security (vs firewalls, service packs, etc) User-friendly

9 market Workstations Servers OEMs (Dell, Gateway, etc) Consumer computers

10 conclusions Enhances Intel processors, chipsets, and platforms Creates a hardware that protects data from software-based attacks Implements well-known security properties

11 references acknowledgements Intel, Professor King University of the Pacific

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