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Embedded Systems: Hardware

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1 Embedded Systems: Hardware
Combinational Logic (Peckol & notes) Testing (notes)

2 Main issues in performance of combinational logic:
The world is ANALOG, not digital; even in designing combination logic, we need to take analog effects into account Software doesn’t change but hardware does: --different manufacturers of the same component --different batches from the same manufacturer --environmental effects --aging --noise main areas of concern: --signal levels (“0”, “1”—min, typical, and max values; fan-in, fan-out) --timing—rise & fall times; propagation delay; hazards and race conditions --how to deal with effects of unwanted resistance, capacitance, induction

3 Race conditions and hazards (“glitches”)
Critical: state or output depends on order of arrival at decision point Noncritical: output value does not depend on order of arrival of inputs Hazard: (also called a decoding spike or a glitch): present in a circuit if the circuit has the possibility of giving an incorrect output 2 types of hazards: Static: glitch may occur because of race between 2 or more input signals when output expected to remain at steady level Static-0: may produce erroneous 1; static-1: the opposite Dynamic: output may erroneously change more than once as result of one single input transition

4 fig_02_14 Examples: static-0 hazard: Extra delay through inverter
Adding buffers to match delays Will not work because of Parameter variations occurring In real physical parts fig_02_14

5 fig_02_15 Additional examples for analysis: fig_02_15

6 fig_02_16_01 fig_02_16_01

7 fig_02_16_02 fig_02_16_02

8 fig_02_17 Example: dynamic hazard
One slow path and one fast path; other devices are assumed to have typical delays, all of the same value If B 0  1 there will be 3 state changes in the output before it settles fig_02_17

9 fig_02_18 fig_02_18

RESISTANCE, CAPACITANCE, COUPLING (“micro view”, passive components) Ampere: current flowing in a wire produces magnetic field Faraday, Lenz: wire moving in magnetic field has induced current Gauss et al.: capacitance Situations to examine: Coupling between two adjacent wires Mutual capacitance between adjacent circuits …etc. fig_02_19

Q: what does this say about: --length of wires? --feature sizes? --noise margins for low voltage? Modeling resistance (first-order model, includes inherent parasitic devices): for DC, L and C can be ignored; but in our circuits we will have time-varying signals We are assuming a lumped system (all resistance considered to be “lumped” at one node) For a distributed system we would look at R(x)dx, L(x)dx, C(x)dx fig_02_20

12 fig_02_22 Capacitance: C = e * A/d
Many instances of capacitors on chip: --Power/ground planes --parallel wires --adjacent pins --etc. Example: part of signal in top wire shows up as noise in adjacent wire: fig_02_22 fig_02_23

13 fig_02_24 First-order (lumped) model: Using Laplace transform gives
Z(s) = 1/Cs + Ls + R; inductor dominates at higher frequencies For C = 1 muf, 0,1 muf, 0.01 muf: fig_02_24 fig_02_25

14 fig_02_26 How do these effects change logic circuit?
Example: 2 inverters in series Resistor: connecting path Capacitor: device, wire, IC package, coupling to other devices VOUT (s) = [1/Cs] / [R + 1/Cs] * V(s)IN = [1/(RCs+1)] * V(s)IN = [1/(RCs+1)] * [VIN/s] for VIN a step function VOUT(t) = VIN(1-exp(-t/RC)) Rise (and fall) times are slowed Components can be damaged or Data rate can be reduced fig_02_26 fig_02_27: interconnect fig_02_28:interconnect, driver fig_02_29: rise time

15 fig_02_30 Example: tristate driver
Enable different data sources to use system bus If driver disables, pullup resistor controls bus VOUT(t) = VIN(1-exp(-t/RC)) Rise time is increased and Receiving device can enter metastable region where there is oscillation in its output fig_02_30 fig_02_31 fig_02_32

16 fig_02_33 Example: why you should never leave
Gate inputs floating (using a 3-input AND gate for a 2-input application): fig_02_33 1: VOUT(s) = C1/(C1+C2)*VIN(s); If voltage too low, output is always 0 Cap = C1 + C2 This doubles time constant, reduces rise/fall time; can give metastable behavior on switching 3. State of unused pin defined by pullup resistor, this will work 3 methods: 1 2 3 fig_02_35 fig_02_33 fig_02_34

17 fig_02_36 Second-order: add parallel inductor
This adds a damping factor: Natural frequency wn = 1/ (LC)1/2 ; damping d = (R/2) * (L/C)1/2 d < 1: underdamped—can have oscillation, noise; d = 1: damped okay; d > 1: overdamped—can have metastability fig_02_37 fig_02_36

18 fig_02_39 Testing combinational circuits
Fault-unsatisfactory condition or state; can be constant, intermittent, or transient; can be static or dynamic Error: static; inherent in system; most can be caught Failure: undesired dynamic event occurring at a specific time—typically random—often occurs from breakage or age; cannot all be designed away Physical faults: one-fault model Logical faults: Structural—from interconnections Functional: within a component

19 fig_02_39 Structural faults: Stuck-at model: (a single fault model)
s-a-1; s-a-0; may be because circuit is open or there is a short

20 fig_02_39 Testing combinational circuits: s-a-0 fault fig_02_39

21 fig_02_40 Modeling s-a-0 fault: fig_02_40

22 fig_02_41 S-a-1 fault fig_02_41

23 fig_02_42 Modeling s-a-1 fault: fig_02_42

24 fig_02_43 Open circuit fault; appears as a s-a-0 fault fig_02_43

25 fig_02_44 Bridging fault: bad connections, broken flakes, errant wire pieces fig_02_44

26 fig_02_45 Examples of bridging faults fig_02_45

27 fig_02_46 Bridging faults can be feedback or non-feedback faults
Between input or output and power rail: use stuck-at model Between signal traces or logic pins: inputs: model as common signal to both inputs internal: who wins? fig_02_46

28 fig_02_47 Modeling a “competitive” fault: result of fault depends on logic family being used fig_02_47

29 fig_02_48 Feedback bridging faults: Number of inversions is important
Circuit A Circuit B In A there are an odd number of inversions on the path; this can cause oscillation; can sometimes be modeled as competing signals In B there are an even number of inversions; this can often be modeled as a stuck-at fault fig_02_48

30 fig_02_49 Functional faults: Example: hazards, race conditions
Two possible methods: A: consider devices to be delay-free, add spike generator B: add delay elements on paths Method A Method B As frequencies increase, eliminating hazards through good design iseven more important fig_02_49 fig_02_50

31 System, Black Box, White Box Tests
Testing: General Requirements DFT Multilevel Testing-- System, Black Box, White Box Tests

32 Testing--General Requirements
thorough ongoing DEVELOPED WITH DESIGN (DFT--design for test) note: this implies that several LEVELS of testing will be carried out efficient

33 Good, Bad, and Successful Tests
good test: has a high probability of finding an error ("bad test": not likely to find anything new) successful test: finds a new error

34 Most Effective Testing Is Independent
by an "independent” third party Question: what does this imply about your team testing strategy for the quarter project?

35 How Thoroughly Can We Test?
example: VLSI chip 200 inputs 2000 flipflops (one-bit memory cells) # exhaustive tests? What is the overall time to test if we can do 1 test / msec? 1 test / msec? 1 test /nsec?

36 Design for Testability (DFT)
Design for Testability (DFT)--what makes component "testable"? operability: few bugs, incremental test observability: you can see the results of the test controllability: you can control state + input to test decomposability: you can decompose into smaller problems and test each separately simplicity: you choose the “simplest solution that will work” stability: same test will give same results each time understandability: you understand component, inputs, and outputs

37 verification--functions correctly implemented
Testing strategies testing strategies: verification--functions correctly implemented validation--we are implementing the correct functions (according to requirements)

38 Spiral design/testing strategy
A general design/testing strategy can be described as a "spiral”: requirements  design  code system test module,integ. tests unit test (system) (black (white box) box) when is testing complete? One model: "logarithmic Poisson model” f(t)=(1/p)ln(I0pt+1) f(t) = cumulative expected failures at time t I0 = failures per time unit at beginning of testing p = reduction rate in failure intensity Design/Module Tests Implement/Unit Tests Design/Integration Tests START END Requirements, Specs/System Tests

39 white box--"internals” (also called "glass box")
Types of testing Types of testing: white box--"internals” (also called "glass box") black box—modules and their "interfaces” (also called "behavioral") system--”functionality” (can be based on specs, use cases) (application-specific)

40 steps in good test strategy: quantified requirements
Good testing strategy steps in good test strategy: quantified requirements test objectives explicit user requirements clear use "rapid cycle testing" build self-testing software filter errors by technical reviews review test cases and strategy formally also continually improve testing process

41 Black box testing guidelines
General guidelines: test BOUNDARIES test output also choose "orthogonal” cases if possible

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