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Fat Curves and Representation of Planar Figures L.M. Mestetskii Department of Information Technologies, Tver’ State University, Tver, Russia Computers.

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Presentation on theme: "Fat Curves and Representation of Planar Figures L.M. Mestetskii Department of Information Technologies, Tver’ State University, Tver, Russia Computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fat Curves and Representation of Planar Figures L.M. Mestetskii Department of Information Technologies, Tver’ State University, Tver, Russia Computers & Graphics 24 (2000) Computer graphics in Russia

2 Outline Abstract Fat curves Boundaries of fat curves Implicit representation of fat curves Direct rasterization of fat curves Engraving representation Approximation of an engraving by fat Bezier curves

3 Abstract Fat curve Fat curve = “curve having a width”  trace left by a moving circle of variable radius Engraving Engraving  union of a finite number of fat curves Goal  Bezier representation for fat curves  2D modeling through engraving  approximation of arbitrary bitmap binary images

4 Problem Transforming the engraving representation into a discrete one in order to render a figures on raster display devices (Inverse Problem) Obtaining an engraving representation of figures given by their discrete or boundary representation

5 Method Bezier performance of greasy lines Decomposition of fat curves on parts with simple envelopes Scan-converting of fat curves based on Sturm polynomials Representation of any binary image as fat curves on the basis of its continuous skeleton

6 Fat Curves Set of circles in the Euclidean plane R 2 C: [a, b] → R 2 × [0, ∞ ), t ∈ [a, b] C t = {(x, y): (x−u(t)) 2 +(y−v(t)) 2 ≦ (r(t)) 2, (x,y) ∈ R 2 } Fat curve  C = ∪ t ∈ [a,b] C t  axis: P(t)  width: r(t)  end circle: C a, C b (initial and final circles)  may be considered as the trace of moving the circle C t P(u,v) r (x,y)

7 Example of a Fat Curve Planar Bezier curve  a set of circles on the plane: H = {H 0,H 1,…,H m }  circle H i, radius R i, Center (U i, V i ), i = 0,…,m [Bernstein polynomials]

8 H0H0 H1H1 H2H2 H3H3 H4H4 H6H6 H5H5 Example of a Fat Curve  axis: P(t) = (u(t), v(t)), width: r(t)  axis P(t) is an ordinary Bezier curve of degree m with the control points formed by the centers of the circles from H  control circles: H 0, H 1,…, H 6  control polygon: H 21 circles of family C t (t = 0.05j, j = 0,…,21)

9 Boundaries of Fat Curves A family of circles Under certain conditions, the family of circles, which is a family of smooth curves, has an envelope curve The necessary conditions for a point (x,y) ∈ R 2 to the envelope of a family of curves given by the equation F(x, y, t) = 0

10 Find the Envelope Curve (x 1,y 1 ) (x 2,y 2 ) Condition : the first condition is always satisfied the second condition can be violated (no envelopes)

11 Find the Envelope Curve A parametric description of two envelopes Define (x 1,y 1 ) (x 2,y 2 )

12 Envelopes Consider in more detail the case when the condition is violated and envelopes do not exist Interval on which is found as a result of the decomposition of a fat curve

13 Envelopes Consider a fat curve for which envelopes exist An envelope of a family of circles can be exterior of interior (don’t belong to the boundary of the fat curve) Criterion for distinguishing interior envelops  direction of axis : (u’, v’)  direction of envelope : (x’, y’)  exterior (supporting orientation) : u’x’ + v’y’ > 0  interior (opposing orientation) : u’x’ +v’y’ < 0 interior envelope exterior envelope (x,y)r (u,v)

14 Envelopes An envelope can change its orientation from supporting to opposing and conversely  x’ = y’ = 0  cut a fat curve at point t ∈ [a, b] where x’=y’=0, we obtain fat curves with constantly oriented envelopes

15 Envelopes Two-side fat curve: both envelopes are exterior  when envelopes are self-intersecting or intersect each other, it must be decomposed into parts  to find monotonicity intervals: u’(t) = 0 or v’(t) = 0 One-side fat curve: one of the envelopes is interior u’=0 v’=0

16 Rules for Decomposing Fat Curves Three rules for decomposing fat curves  separate fat curves for which u’ 2 +v’ 2 >= r’ 2  separate one-side fat curves by finding singular points of envelopes, i.e., points where x’ 1 =y’ 1 =0 or x’ 2 =y’ 2 =0  Separate monotone fat curves by finding points for which u’=0 or v’=0 exterior envelope (x,y)r (u,v) u’=0 v’=0

17 Implicit Representation of Fat Curves Membership function of the set  point belongs to the fat curve if the following condition is satisfied for a certain

18 Direct Rasterization of Fat Curves The discrete tracing of contour of a domain given by its membership function consists in an inspection of the points with integer coordinates located along this contour

19 Engraving Representation of a Binary Image Obtain a continuous representation of a figure given by its discrete representation The solution of this problem involves 3 steps  approximate the given bitmap binary image by a polygonal figure (PF)  construct a skeletal representation of the PF  approximate the skeletal representation of the PF by fat curves

20 Polygonal Figure Each of the PF is a polygon of the minimum perimeter that separates the black and white pixels of the bitmap image Problem  constructing an engraving representation of the given bitmap image  construction of an engraving representation of the PF polygonal figure of the minimum perimeter

21 Skeletal Representation Consider the set of all circles in the plane  all their interior point are also interior of the PF  the boundary of each circle at least two boundary points of the PF  circles: inscribed empty circles  set of centers of such circles forms the skeleton of the PF  skeletal representation of a bitmap image: skeleton + inscribed empty circles

22 Sites & Bisector PF consists of vertices and segments: sites  every empty circle touches two or more sites The maximal connected set of the centers of the inscribed empty circle that touch these sites: bisector of a pair of sites  a segment of a line or a segment of a parabola

23 Sites & Bisector A skeleton is an almost complete engraving There possible combinations of the pairs of sites  segment-segment, point-segment, point-point Segment-segment

24 Sites & Bisector Point-segment find z, follows from that sinceand, hence,

25 Sites & Bisector Point-point The engraving constructed on the basis of the skeletal representation of a PF will be called the skeletal engraving

26 Approximation of an Engraving by Fat Bezier Curves Skeletal engravings provide a highly accurate description of bitmap binary images (too many fat curves ) Considered as a problem of the approximation of a skeletal engraving G by another engraving G’ The Hausdorff metric may be conveniently measure the distance between engravings Find an engraving G’ such that

27 Branch Skeleton structure  juncture vertices of degree 3 or higher  terminal vertices of degree 1  intermediate vertices of degree 2 A chain of edges that have common vertices of degree 2 will be called a branch The entire skeleton can be represented as the union of such branches

28 Approximation Consider a chain of n fat curves C 1,…,C n corresponding to the same branch of the skeleton  find a fat curve C in a certain class of fat curves that provides the best approximation for this sequence of circles e.g., in the class of cubic Bezier curves C ∈ B 3  in other word, we must solve the minimization problem

29 Fat Curve Fitting Problem Empty circles K 0,…K n located at the vertices of the branch Define

30 Fat Curve Fitting Problem The approximation fat curve C is sought in the form of a Bezier curve of degree m H 0,…,H m are the control circles of C(t) The problem is to find a set of control circles such that it minimizes the quadratic mean distance from the empty circles K 0,…,K n

31 Fat Curve Fitting Problem In the optimization problem, the objective function The optimal solution if found by solving a system of linear equations obtained from the following condition: If the fat Bezier curve with the control circles H 0,…,H m does not provide the desired accuracy  the chain of n fat curves C 0,…,C m is partitioned into two shorter chains, and the approximation problem is solved separately for each of these chains

32 Result

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