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Electrical and Computer Engineering GeoVault: Secure Location Tracking Final Project Review Nathan Franz Emily Nelson Thomas Petr Shanka Wijesundara.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical and Computer Engineering GeoVault: Secure Location Tracking Final Project Review Nathan Franz Emily Nelson Thomas Petr Shanka Wijesundara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical and Computer Engineering GeoVault: Secure Location Tracking Final Project Review Nathan Franz Emily Nelson Thomas Petr Shanka Wijesundara

2 2 Electrical and Computer Engineering System Overview

3 3 Electrical and Computer Engineering System Overview Location data is transmitted from either cell phone or computer to the GeoVault Server. The server is where the resolution and access settings are stored and can be applied to the updated location. The location is transmitted from the server to the distributed database and then to the specific node by secret sharing. The data can also be transmitted from the server to a third party via OAuth. Emails are sent from the server to the user via emial. The users device directly interfaces with the google map API to display their location on a map.

4 4 Electrical and Computer Engineering Feedback From CDR Network was complicated –Lots of secret sharing Trying to cover military and civilian has too many conflicts Demo should include threats Limitations in existing system

5 5 Electrical and Computer Engineering Timing of Secret Sharing Not as fast as other encryption methods – Chosen because of its threshold scheme. ThresholdTime (us) 3135 4212 5308 6423 7549 8693 9858 101054

6 6 Electrical and Computer Engineering Political Boundaries Used U.S. Census Data Region selected by most overlapping area of accuracy circle Able to see down to – Country – State – County (Massachusetts only for now) – Town (Massachusetts only for now)

7 7 Electrical and Computer Engineering OAuth Tokens are used to grant a third party website temporary access to GeoVault. They regulate – What the third party has access to – How long they have access GeoVaultTwitter OAuth Location Data

8 8 Electrical and Computer Engineering Motivation for Attacks ImpersonationSnoopingDenial of Service CSRF Fool others to think a user is in different location Fool that users followers Obtaining information to blackmail/gain competitive advantage Tracking trends for marketing purposes Spouses spying on each other Denying service to GeoVault to encourage user to go to a similar website Trick user to update their location Update their website unknowingly, increase network traffic and thus advertising prices will go up

9 9 Electrical and Computer Engineering Attacks & Countermeasures SnoopingImpersonationCSRFMan in the Middle Denial of Service Encryption Distributed Database Secret Sharing Idle Timeouts Difficult to statistically determine position Idle Timeout Delays Unrealistic Travel Check Session Id number check HTTPS CAPTCHA’s Failed login attempt delay

10 10 Electrical and Computer Engineering Demo

11 11 Electrical and Computer Engineering Division of Labor Emily (CSE)Frontend Implementation, Threat Modeling, Documentation Tom (CSE)Multiparty Computation, Django, Backend implementation, Project Manager, OAuth Nate (EE)HTML5, CAPTCHAs, Idle Time outs, Failed Login Delay, Update Delay, OAuth Shanka (EE)Django, Backend Implementation, Political Boundaries, CSRF

12 12 Electrical and Computer Engineering Thank you!

13 13 Electrical and Computer Engineering Snooping Database Encryption Idle Timeouts Distributed Database Secret Sharing Passwords

14 14 Electrical and Computer Engineering Impersonation Idle Time Outs Unrealistic Travel check Passwords

15 15 Electrical and Computer Engineering DDOS CAPTCHA’s Failed Login Attempt Delay Update Delay

16 16 Electrical and Computer Engineering Cross Site Request Forgery Protection Session ID Verification GeoVault Malicious Website

17 17 Electrical and Computer Engineering Man in the Middle Attack HTTPS

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