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Coordinating Center Overview November 16, 2010 SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Diabetes Prevention Program Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinating Center Overview November 16, 2010 SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Diabetes Prevention Program Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinating Center Overview November 16, 2010 SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Diabetes Prevention Program Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1

2 What is the purpose of the Coordinating Center? The primary purpose of the Coordinating Center is to provide a linkage between the Demonstration Projects and the Initiatives ensuring the success of the latter by:  Assuring the integrity and validity of the effort so that the results are meritorious  Documenting the outcomes of the effort in accordance with widely accept standards of evidence  Disseminating the results to audiences in easily understood terms that promote the effort’s continued support and adoption by others SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Diabetes Prevention Program Initiative: Year 1 Meeting 1

3 What is the Center’s structure and functions? The Coordinating Center has 5 core components:  Administrative Core  Data Core  Resource Core  Information Technology Core  Dissemination Core


5 Administrative Core: Structure  Steering Committee: Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention representatives, Coordinating Center representatives, DP and HH Program representatives, and technical representatives  Core Staff: Director, Associate Director, Program Specialist, Center Administrator, and Fiscal Coordinator  Spero M. Manson, PhD, directs the Administrative Core and chairs the Steering Committee

6 Administrative Core: Functions  Supports, coordinates and monitors activities across Core components  Oversees implementation of key strategic decisions  Coordinates and facilitates Initiatives and Steering Committee meetings

7 Data Core: Structure Core Staff  Director Biostatistician  Statistical Consultants  Biostatistician  Cost Analyst  Data Coordinator  Programmers  Data Managers  HIPAA Coordinator

8 Data Core: Functions  Develops and distributes project materials related to data collection, notably a manual of operations and supporting documents  Develops a web-based data entry system  Addresses issues related to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), the 1996 Act regulating the transfer and collection of Protected Health Information (PHI)  Processes, conducts quality control, compiles, and manages the data  Analyzes data in accordance with IHS DDTP and Congressional requirements  Develops report templates and generates reports to the appropriate parties in a timely fashion  Assists in preparing all dissemination products

9 Resource Core: Structure Core Staff  Program Specialist  Specialist, Clinical Advisor  Consultant

10 Resource Core: Functions  Gathers input on a regular basis to assess the specific technical assistance needs of program staff  Designs technical assistance and training sessions for regularly scheduled Initiatives meetings  Designs Webinar training sessions  Provides ongoing technical assistance to individual program staff as needed  Brokers access to specialized technical assistance consultants

11 Information Technology Core: Structure Core Staff  Technology Coordinator  IT Manager

12 Information Technology Core: Functions  Responsible for computer software selection and support  Establishes standards to facilitate compatibility across all programs, the IHS DDTP, the Coordinating Center, and technical experts  Emphasizes minimizing the frequency of software conversions in both text- processing, database management, and statistical programming  Works closely with Data Core to develop a centralized data management system that minimizes grantee responsibility for managing data and maximizes efficiencies in data transfer

13 Dissemination Core: Structure Core Staff  Program Specialist  Specialist, Clinical Advisor  Consultant  Web Developer

14 Dissemination Core: Function  Provides a comprehensive strategy for communication and information sharing  Among and between Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention, Coordinating Center, and program staff  Email  Website (password protected)  Stakeholders  Newsletter  Program and participant success stories  Reports  Scientific publications  Facilitates and coordinates planning national dissemination mechanism, format, and content

15 How will we relate to one another?  Collaboratively, as partners working toward common goals  Regularly by all means available, with greatest reliance on email, web- based methods, and teleconferencing  In a timely and responsive manner  Coordinating Center provides programmatic, as well as activities and outcomes documentation oversight, support, and direction  Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention ensures grant compliance  IHS Grants Management Office provides fiscal oversight


17 Information Resources  Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health websites:  Blumenstein B, James KE, Lind BK, Mitchell HE. Functions and organization of coordinating centers for multicenter studies. Cont Clin Trials 1995;16:2S-29S.  Noe T, Fleming C, Manson SM. Healthy Nations: Reducing substance abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native community. J Psychoactive Drugs 2003;35(1):15- 25.  Manson SM, Garroutte EM, Goins RT, Nez Henderson P. Access, relevance and control in the research process: Lessons from Indian Country. J Aging Health 2004;16: 58S-77S.  Norton IM, Manson SM. Research in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: Navigating the cultural universe of values and process. J Consult Clin Psych 1996;64(5), 856-860.

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