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The Chinese View of the Cosmos San-pao Li, Ph.D. Department of Asian and Asian American Studies California State University, Long Beach California, U.S.A.

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Presentation on theme: "The Chinese View of the Cosmos San-pao Li, Ph.D. Department of Asian and Asian American Studies California State University, Long Beach California, U.S.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Chinese View of the Cosmos San-pao Li, Ph.D. Department of Asian and Asian American Studies California State University, Long Beach California, U.S.A. February 12, 2004

2 2 Preface A macrohistorical and holistic approach A macrohistorical and holistic approach New inspirations from an age-old theorum New inspirations from an age-old theorum

3 The Anthropocosmic Unity: Heaven, Earth, and Man ê Heaven-----Religion ê Earth -------Cosmology ê Man---------Ethics

4 The Anthropocosmic Unity: Heaven, Earth, and Man

5 5 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

6 6 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

7 Cosmology The branch of learning that treats the universe as an ordered system. The branch of learning that treats the universe as an ordered system. Kosmos (order/harmony) Kosmos (order/harmony) + logos (word/discouse) + logos (word/discouse) =cosmology =cosmology

8 Cosmology Cosmos Cosmos The universe is considered as a harmonious and orderly system. The universe is considered as a harmonious and orderly system.

9 Cosmology * Values (what the world ought to be) * Value system/pattern (a set of values organized into a distinctive pattern) * World view/Weltanschauung (people’s conception of what the world is)

10 Cosmology The value structure of a people which provides the basis for their existence. The value structure of a people which provides the basis for their existence.

11 Cosmology The resulting cosmology will accordingly reflect the sociological, philosophical or scientific predilections of the individual and his group. The resulting cosmology will accordingly reflect the sociological, philosophical or scientific predilections of the individual and his group.

12 12 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

13 Folk Mythology ê Pan Gu (see picture) ê The Story of the Stone ê 36,501 - 36,500 = 1

14 14 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

15 The Book of Changes * Things are constantly in flux or in the process of change. * There is no isolated occurrence in this cosmos but only concurrence.

16 The Book of Changes ( A repository of abstract concepts ( A spiritual medium, a moral manual, and a handbook of the religious Daoist ( A cosmological treatise of awesome obscurity ( A Confucian classic ( Yijing -- the book of CHANGES ( Yin-Yang ( The Eight Diagrams

17 The Book of Changes / Things are groups of relations / The multifarious phenomena are reduced to unity and harmony / Translation of all natural phenomena into a mathematical language

18 18 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

19 Dialectical Pattern of the Cosmic Forces

20 Yin (-) and Yang (+) / Eternally interacting with each other / Form the very basis of Chinese cosmology / YIN = all the negative qualities / YANG = all the positive qualities

21 Yin (-) and Yang (+) ` In this “cosmic duet” neither the one nor the other ever permanently triumphs. ` They are mutually dependant and supplementary.

22 The Eight Diagrams / See graphic / coincidentia opppositorum (reconciliation of the opposites)

23 23 An Outline Cosmos/Cosmology Cosmos/Cosmology Folk mythology Folk mythology The Book of Changes The Book of Changes The yin-yang theory The yin-yang theory The five dynamic forces The five dynamic forces

24 Dialectical Pattern of the Cosmic Forces ê Harmonized opposites--Book of Changes ê Mutually creative yet destructive G wood, fire, earth, metal, water G wood, earth, water, fire, metal ê The Yin and the Yang ê Confirmation by modern physics

25 Dialectical Pattern of the Cosmic Forces Wood EarthFire Metal Water

26 Earth---Cosmology ê Cosmology---Weltanschauung ê Pan Gu--the only cosmogonic myth ê Yin-Yang and the Five Cosmic Forces ê Things of the same genus activate each other ê microcosm-macrocosm

27 The Anthropocosmic Unity: Heaven, Earth, and Man

28 28 Earth---Cosmology Existential continuum (ontology) Existential continuum (ontology) Organismic whole (microcosm- macrocosm) Organismic whole (microcosm- macrocosm) Dialectical pattern of cosmic forces (epistemology) Dialectical pattern of cosmic forces (epistemology)

29 Existential Continuum ê Harmony of the opposites ê The absence of cosmogonical myths ê Absence of interest in the “First Cause” ê Unity of the spiritual and the material, the subjective and the objective, the secular and the sacred ê An existential continuum

30 Organismic Whole ê Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China ê ê “Heaven and I are one” ê ê The law of conservation ê ê The fear of Nature

31 Dialectical Pattern of the Cosmic Forces ê Harmonized opposites--Book of Changes ê Mutually creative yet destructive G wood, fire, earth, metal, water G wood, earth, water, fire, metal ê The Yin and the Yang ê Confirmation by modern physics

32 32 Earth---Cosmology ` There are always three dimensions involved in any given pattern of matter -- the cosmic triangle ` There is no isolated occurrence, only concurrence. ` Everything is a matter of coincidence.

33 33 Thank you!  Your comments and questions  are welcome!

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