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2008 Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama Daniel Tran Period 5 APUSH 5-18-11.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama Daniel Tran Period 5 APUSH 5-18-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama Daniel Tran Period 5 APUSH 5-18-11

2 Thesis The 2008 Presidential Election of Barack Obama has broken out of the normal chain of elections and has created many impacts in the Nation.

3 Background Info -Senator From Illinoise -Education at Columbia/Harvard -Teacher at University of Chicago Law School -Civil Rights Attorney -Helped within the community

4 Why join the election? -Felt a need to help the community after his work in Chicago as a organizer ( Campaign Speech) -President Bush’s 2 terms was completed. -Looking For “Change”- (Change Slogan was adopted)

5 Presidential Campaign Journey

6 “Top Dog” -Beat Hilary Clinton- (June 8 th, 2008) -First Black Candidate for any major party (Democratic) -Beat in electoral, state, and popular votes

7 Adventures and a Partner -In July, 2008 traveled around the world to have meetings (Jordan, Germany, UK, France, Iraq) -August 23, Joe Bidden Chosen as Vice President Candidate

8 Vs. McCain (Republican) Opponent John McCain Sarah Palin

9 And the winner is.. November 4 th, 2008 Barack Obama is announced the President of the United States. November 4 th, 2008 Barack Obama is announced the President of the United States. First Black President First Black President January 20 th, 2009 Obama took the oath of office

10 Information Methods & Statistics

11 Slogans “Hope”“Change” (First Black President) “Yes we can” (Caesar Chavez similar)

12 Online use Using websites like Facebook/Twitte r to interact with the younger audience.

13 Voting Numbers Voting Poll Numbers Voting Poll Numbers Popular Vote 52.87% to 45.60% Popular Vote 52.87% to 45.60% Electoral Vote 365 to 173 Electoral Vote 365 to 173

14 Political Positions IssuesPolicies

15 Economic Minimum wage from 5.15 to 7.25 Minimum wage from 5.15 to 7.25 Labor Free Choice Act (unions and unfair labor) Labor Free Choice Act (unions and unfair labor) Universal Health Care Universal Health Care Cut income tax of middle class Cut income tax of middle class “I want to win that next battle - for better schools, and better jobs, and health care for all.” “Let's be the generation that says right here, right now, that we will have universal health care in America by the end of the next president's first term.” (Nomination Speech)

16 Energy “We can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment of opportunity for innovation, and job creation, and an incentive for businesses that will serve as a model for the world.” (Nomination Speech) “We can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment of opportunity for innovation, and job creation, and an incentive for businesses that will serve as a model for the world.” (Nomination Speech) Opposed to McCain’s Nuclear Plant Plan Wanted to integrate hybrids/electrical vehicles

17 War in Iraq “America, it's time to start bringing our troops home. It's time to admit that no amount of American lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else's civil war” (Inaugural Speech)

18 Impacts Death of Osama Bin Laden – May 2011 Death of Osama Bin Laden – May 2011 First black president of the United States First black president of the United States Shift of Power from Republicans to Democrats Shift of Power from Republicans to Democrats Shift in the economy, slowing rising. Ups and Downs Shift in the economy, slowing rising. Ups and Downs Most Money raised by a presidential candidate 750 million in 21 months Most Money raised by a presidential candidate 750 million in 21 months

19 Pre- 21 st Century Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act- Equal Pay Act of 1963 Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act- Equal Pay Act of 1963 Abortion- Roe V. Wade Abortion- Roe V. Wade Al Smith Election- First Catholic for major election 3 rd Sitting senator to become president- Warren Harding/ John F. Kennedy

20 4 Questions Obama’s opinion on abortion was related to which court case in the past, and what did it state? Roe v. Wade- Abortion should be an option allowed in the United States (11) Obama’s opinion on abortion was related to which court case in the past, and what did it state? Roe v. Wade- Abortion should be an option allowed in the United States (11) Which slogan of Obama’s relates to Caesar Chavez and what was his slogan? – Yes we Can- Si Se Puede (19) Which slogan of Obama’s relates to Caesar Chavez and what was his slogan? – Yes we Can- Si Se Puede (19)

21 Questions Cont. Obama said that he would try to bring the troops out of Iraq but has brought more troops in within the past year, why might this be? – Because the situation within Iraq may be becoming too dangerous or they may be close to a win so Obama would try have an all out push. Obama said that he would try to bring the troops out of Iraq but has brought more troops in within the past year, why might this be? – Because the situation within Iraq may be becoming too dangerous or they may be close to a win so Obama would try have an all out push. With the issue on electrical/fuel efficient cars, why has there not been much progress?- There might be certain factors such as obtaining the new fuel or the cost of the fuel that might cause Obama to not have rushed out these new cars without examination. With the issue on electrical/fuel efficient cars, why has there not been much progress?- There might be certain factors such as obtaining the new fuel or the cost of the fuel that might cause Obama to not have rushed out these new cars without examination.

22 Bibliography Primary: victory-speech.html Secondary: 04/politics/election.president_1_historic-victory-president-barack- obama-vice-president-joe-biden?_s=PM:POLITICS 04/politics/election.president_1_historic-victory-president-barack- obama-vice-president-joe-biden?_s=PM:POLITICS Extra Sources: speech-Osama-bin-Laden-death-full.html htm htm Images= Google

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