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What assessment is... and what assessment is not..

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Presentation on theme: "What assessment is... and what assessment is not.."— Presentation transcript:

1 What assessment is... and what assessment is not.

2 Assessment is defined as: “... a method of evaluating personality in which an individual, living in a group under partly controlled physical and social conditions, meets and solves a variety of lifelike problems, including stress problems, and is observed and rated.”

3 Also – “The interpretive integration of application tasks (procedures) to collect objective-relevant information for educational decision making and communication about the impact of the teaching-learning process.”

4 Measurement + Evaluation Assessment

5  Purpose of Assessment ◦ Certify student learning ◦ Feedback ◦ Planning for instruction  Diagnostics  Summative & Formative evaluation ◦ Prediction ◦ Motivation ◦ Research

6  Uses for Assessment: ◦ Selecting, appraising, and clarifying instructional objectives ◦ Developing and reporting student achievement ◦ Planning & improving learning experiences ◦ Evaluating accountability ◦ Counseling ◦ Selecting students for special programs

7 Eight Trends in Assessment  Standards-based education (SBE) ◦ Requirement(s):  Clear identification of learning goals/objectives  Performance standards for each goal  High standards for performance  Applicable to all students  Public reporting

8  Accountability  Legal Activism  Concerns for Fairness  Item Response Theory  Performance Assessment  State, National, & International Testing  Computerization ◦ Processing test data ◦ Reporting test scores ◦ Test administration

9  What is the purpose of assessment?  Positive & negative aspects of assessment to be considered.  What direction do you see assessment going?  What major issues need to be addressed regarding assessment over the next 5?  Other issues, comments, concerns.

10 Assessment drives instruction. How does measurement, testing, and evaluation fit into this statement?


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