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Estimating Site work. Major Components Erosion & Sediment Control Fencing Clearing and grubbing Excavation Backfill Grading Trucking.

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Presentation on theme: "Estimating Site work. Major Components Erosion & Sediment Control Fencing Clearing and grubbing Excavation Backfill Grading Trucking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimating Site work

2 Major Components Erosion & Sediment Control Fencing Clearing and grubbing Excavation Backfill Grading Trucking

3 Erosion & Sediment Control Silt fencing – Around site perimeter on downhill side – Must be dug into ground 6 inches Stabilized Construction Entrance – 2” - 3” clean stone w/ fabric below Sediment traps/basins – 3” – 6” clean stone – Check dams

4 Fencing Does site need to be enclosed? – What are hazards? – Risk of theft – Type of fencing

5 Clearing and grubbing Must clear site – Clearing is cutting down trees Tree size Clearing method – chips, saw trees – Grubbing is removing stumps Method – dozer, excavator Where do stumps and tops go?

6 Excavation Need to know soil type and excavation type – Soil type will affect productivity – Excavation type will determine equipment Dozer Scraper Excavator Shovel – Trenches may require 2 -3 pieces of equipment Excavate, place material, backfill

7 Backfill Compaction – Type of equipment required Fill required – Gravel – Native material – Top soil

8 Grading Rough grading Final grading Stabilization – Seed and mulch – Rip rap banks – Grass mats

9 Trucking – How much soil needs to be removed from the site or moved to another location on site Does it need to be trucked? How far – what is round trip distance? On road or off road?

10 Excavation Quantities – Need to find volume of soil to be cut, filled Average end area – By contour – By cross section – What does fill material need to be? – Trucks required Based on size round trip Want to keep excavators busy

11 Math Question: A Backhoe weighing 8 tons is on top of a flatbed trailer and heading east on Interstate 70 near Hays, Kansas. The extended shovel arm is made of hardened refined steel and the approaching overpass is made of commercial-grade concrete, reinforced with 1 1/2 inch steel rebar spaced at 6 inch intervals in a criss-cross pattern layered at 1 foot vertical spacing. Solve: When the shovel arm hits the overpass, how fast do you have to be going to slice the bridge in half?? (Assume no effect for headwind and no braking by the driver...) Extra Credit: Solve for the time and distance required for the entire rig to come to a complete stop after hitting the overpass at the speed calculated above? Yes, you can neglect friction.




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