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BIOS E-127 – Evolution of microbes. An example story BIOS E-127 – 08.09.15 (Nature 394:69-72)

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Presentation on theme: "BIOS E-127 – Evolution of microbes. An example story BIOS E-127 – 08.09.15 (Nature 394:69-72)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOS E-127 – Evolution of microbes

2 An example story BIOS E-127 – 08.09.15 (Nature 394:69-72)

3 Experimental design

4 Diversity observed in still medium after 7 days

5 Diversity & cell counts over time in each environment StillShaken

6 Maintenance of high diversity requires continued heterogeneity shaken still shaken still

7 Fitness of each is ‘frequency-dependent’

8 Caveat…

9 And a world was created in 7 days…

10 Evolution before Darwin Aristotle: Scala Naturae Linnaeus: Systema Naturae (1735) –“Undertaken in hope of discovering the pattern of God’s creation”

11 Evolution before Darwin Lamarck: Philosophie Zoologique (1809)

12 Darwin & Wallace Darwin spent 5 years on HMS Beagle (1831-1836) On September 28 th, 1838 (29 years old), made connection between Malthus and organisms In June 1858 received manuscript from Wallace “On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely form the Original Type” Rushed to present his work at the same time, then wrote a 490 page abstract… (1859)

13 Darwin and natural selection Two major tenets: –“[A]ll species, living and extinct have descended without interruption from one (or a few) original forms of life” (Futuyma, p.21) –“[I]f variations useful to any organic being ever occur, assuredly individuals thus characterised will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong principle of inheritance, these will tend to produce offspring similarly characterised. This principle of preservation, or the survival of the fittest, I have called natural selection.” (Darwin, 1859)

14 After Darwin Big problem: Solution: Fisher, Haldane, Wright, Mayr, Huxley, Stebbins, Simpson, Dobzhansky…

15 Next Monday: Fundamentals of natural selection, phylogeny and molecular evolution

16 Wednesday, 9/17 Kevin Verstrepen (Bauer Fellow, FAS Center for Systems Biology) “Tandem Repeats - Bridging the Gap Between Genetics and Epigenetics." Wednesday, September 17th 2008 Warren Alpert 563, 4 pm Thursday, 9/18 Wendell Lim (UCSF) "Biological Innovation: The Evolution and Engineering of Novel Signaling Behaviors" Systems Biology Seminar Series Cannon Room (Bldg. C), 4 pm Friday, 9/19 John Wakeley (OEB) Population genetics… Microbial Sciences Initiative - Breakfast chalk talks 8:30-9:30 am in the Harvard University Center for the Environment Directions, etc.: The Program for Evolutionary DynamicsThe Program for Evolutionary Dynamics presents a distinguished lecture by: Bruce Walker (HMS & MGH) "The AIDS epidemic: Immune selection pressure, viral evolution, and prospects for a vaccine." Harvard University Science CenterHarvard University Science Center - lecture hall C, 2:30 pm poster: for more information: Jordan M. Bice - email: Upcoming talks in microbial evolution…

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