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Expanding and Diversifying STEM Degree Recipients: What We Know From Students' Experiences Sylvia Hurtado, UCLA Higher Education Research Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding and Diversifying STEM Degree Recipients: What We Know From Students' Experiences Sylvia Hurtado, UCLA Higher Education Research Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding and Diversifying STEM Degree Recipients: What We Know From Students' Experiences Sylvia Hurtado, UCLA Higher Education Research Institute

2 Opportunity to advance and diversify scientific talent Integrating social science theories and conceptual models in practice Diversifying science means creating a better understanding of our students—contexts matter Key Points

3 Opportunity Pool: Rising Interest in Science Among Entering Freshmen

4 STEM Degree Completion Rates

5 Approaches to Our Study Hybrid Model to Study Students—A series of studies that are: Confirmatory—Replication of previous findings regarding interventions and integration of students in science Exploratory—In preparation for a more systematic study plan Emergent—Where very little theory or research exists

6 Using Theories and Models Theory Development to Replication New Findings Theory Modification of Theory Testing in New Contexts New findings modify theory for use in practice

7 Source: Carlone & Johnson (2007).Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44 (8).

8 Expanding Theory With Findings: Context Matters Source: Focus groups of students in programs reported in Diversifying Science, Research in Higher Education (2009) Competence Students talk about science differently in the classroom, in a professor’s project, or in a structured research program (peers, dedicated faculty) Recognition Institutional ethos – “We do science here” Peer culture Proximal contexts, faculty belief in students’ potential and determination to succeed Emergent Results Knowledge/content is to be mastered (memorized) versus knowledge can be discovered and “owned” Science is competitive, getting right answers vs. collaborative using both challenge and support More ways of demonstrating competence Failure in scientific work is OK Rethink and try again until one succeeds Validation from faculty and peers

9 Integration Model Tested on Science Students Student Background Pre-college Academic Achievement Financial Concerns Family as External Push or Pull Factor College Entry Social and Academic First Year Experiences Multi-Institutional Characteristics First Year Outcomes Campus Structures that Link the Social and Academic Systems (specific programs, memberships, courses, advising) Peer Racial/Dynamics: Quality of cross-racial friendships Racial Climate Competitive Climate Academic Development and Performance Psychological Sense of Integration: Success in Managing the Academic Environment Sense of belonging at the institution

10 Factors in Managing Academic Success in the 1st Year Source: Predicting Transition and Adjustment, Research in Higher Education (2007) * Indicates effect is stronger for URM STEM students Negative Effects Interfering family responsibilities Concern about financing college* Perceptions of a competitive environment * Perceptions of a hostile racial climate* Institutional selectivity Academic advising from a freshman peer * Positive Effects Self-rated ability to manage time Best guess they will communicate with faculty High proportion of degrees in science Worked with an academic advisor to select courses Academic advising from a junior/senior and major/preprof clubs* Change in ability to conduct research

11 Expanding Notions of Performance/Talent Performance – “social performance of relevant scientific practices” refocused on how to learn Behaviors: Use of vocabulary and tools/resources, presentation of papers, etc. Thinking skills, characteristics/traits (e.g. driven by inquiry) Tests/GPA (criterion referenced or relative to others) Accumulation of performance and recognition: Awards, admission to graduate/prof. schools

12 GPA and Thinking/Acting Like a Scientist Source: Introductory Course Work Study, 12 courses on five campuses GPA was related to students’ ability to cram for exams, previous preparation in high school, working in small groups, and tutoring another student GPA was not significantly related to changes in thinking and acting like a scientist in courses Students who were overwhelmed with course expectations not only had lower GPAs but were also less likely to think and act like a scientist Implications: Are we assessing and recognizing the broader skills necessary for scientific work ?

13 Fundamental Longitudinal Framework for Study Design Inputs Academic performance in HS Preparation Habits of mind for scientific work Degree aspirations Environments Program participation Use of specific services Curricular experiences Co-curricular experiences Outcomes Retention in the major Admission to graduate school Specific values/skills Scientific career achievements Degree Completion

14 Findings on Retention in STEM Source: Three different studies, one student dissertation, listed on project website URM students with a high level of science identity were 4 times more likely to persist than their counterparts who reported moderate level of identification, 8 times more likely than those with the weakest level of identification However, high science identification and hostile racial climate perceptions were among students less likely to persist Black students were 4 times more likely to participate in first year research if a structured program existed on a campus HBCU’s have a positive effect on STEM student persistence whereas selective institutions negatively affect persistence Women of color persisted in STEM if they joined student organizations, discussed course content outside of class, and participated in undergraduate research programs

15 STEM Majors: Plans After College Source: College Senior Survey, poster Only a quarter of URMs were going directly into graduate school, compared to a third of White/Asian students One in five were applying to graduate school this fall Half were looking for a job or found a job One in five were working in a job related to science, but only about 8% wanted scientific research as a long term career

16 Implications Assessment of Interventions Employ broad notions of science talent/identity Acknowledge social context factors for student success Building a Body of New Knowledge Many findings suggest principles embedded in practices—next step is to identify best practices Practice Learning contexts matter (proximal, institutional) Find ways to help student experience the empowering, collaborative, and error-driven nature of science

17 RESOURCES & Project Staff Papers and reports are available for download from project website Project email: RESEARCH STAFF Sylvia Hurtado, Co-PI Mitch Chang, Co-PI Postdoctoral Scholars Kevin Eagan Josephine Gasiewski Graduate Assistants Gina Garcia Juan Garibay Felisha Herrera Monica Lin Cynthia Mosqueda Christopher Newman Jessica Sharkness Minh Tran Project website:

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