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Resource Oriented Systems Building the Infrastructure to Support SMH.

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1 Resource Oriented Systems Building the Infrastructure to Support SMH

2 “For those concerned with school improvement, resource-oriented mechanisms are a critical facet of efforts to transform and restructure daily operations.” --Adelman & Taylor, 2007

3 Resource Oriented Mechanisms Identify school and community programs and services that are in place to support students, families, and staff Lead to strategies for cross-school, community-wide, and district-wide cooperation and integration to enhance intervention effectiveness and garner economies of scale. Are a permanent part of the infrastructure

4 Resources at the School Level Create a Learning Supports Resource Team that provides on-site leadership for efforts to address barriers to learning comprehensively and ensures the maintenance and improvement of a multifaceted and integrated approach.

5 Functions of the LSRT map and analyze activities and resources to improve their use in preventing and ameliorating problems, build effective referral, case management, and quality assurance systems, enhance procedures for management of programs and information and for communication among school staff and with the home, and explore ways to redeploy and enhance resources – such as clarifying which activities are nonproductive and suggesting better uses for resources, as well as reaching out to connect with additional resources in the school district and community

6 Who Sits on the LSRT? Teachers Administrators Parents and Youth Guidance counselors School psychologists Nurses Social workers Attendance and dropout counselors Health educators Special education staff After school program staff Bilingual and Title I program coordinators, health educators Safe and drug free school staff Community mental health and social services staff Early childhood staff

7 High Schools Middle Schools Elem. Schools

8 First Step to Success…. MAPPING

9 Key Information The resources available to the school (who? what? when?) How someone gains access to available resources How resources are coordinated What other resources the school needs and what steps should be taken to acquire them

10 Areas of Concern for Mapping Classroom Learning Supports Crisis Response & Prevention Support for Transitions Home Involvement with Schooling Student & Family Assistance Community Outreach Systems Change

11 You can only know what you don’t know when you know what you know!

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